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Thread: NEED ADVICE PLEASE letro and nolva

  1. #1

    NEED ADVICE PLEASE letro and nolva

    I had some slight irritation in my nipples, puffiness, and mild hardening of tissue in my chest. I just did my last pin about a week ago of my 9week test e 500mg/ week cycle. I'm starting my pct in a week. I am currently using .25mg of letro ed. Have only been on letro for 2days, was on adex .25 e3d for week 2 to 6 of cycle then started having gyno issue weeks 7 thru 9 was at .5mg adex eod. can I do nolvadex and letro for pct or should i stop taking the letro?

  2. #2
    I would use clomid and nolva for PCT.
    I would use ralox at 60mg per day to rid yourself of gyno.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I used letro when I had similar symptoms at one point, Cleared it up and I went back to anastrozole with no problems since.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    You should stop taking the letro ASAP.

    If you don't stop taking it there is a very good chance you will crash your e2 and feel terrible.

    The first few weeks of pct are difficult enough, no need to make things worse.

    Imo go back to your normal dex dose until PCT.

    Run your nolva and clomid as usual and if your gyno issue persists then continue taking nolva until this go back to normal.

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