Hello everyone, I have a day so Im going to try to catch up. Went to a Christian worship concert in NYC last night and got home late so I took the day.
So about two weeks ago I blew out my ear (Im pretty sure) with my ear buds. I down loaded a new podcast, I guess with different formats (or something like that) it was louder and my volume was where I normally keep it (high). I jammed out, killed a great leg session, on the way home my ears were ringing but that sometimes happens for a few hours. That night at 2am I woke up with ringing so loud that I was scared something was in my ear, I jumped on the computer and hit google hard. I came up with tinnitus and the ear doctor confirmed it the next day so now I have a constant ringing in my ear. He put me on predisone but all that did was make me break out on my chest and shoulders. The worst thing is that when I first wake up it kicks in and I cant go back to sleep, theres no catching up on sleep or sleeping in any more
Training is going well, I need to re-work my schedule , Im just not hitting arms well enough. But I did bench Wednesday, first time in 8 months, felt good and I hit a slow 365 but got it, I was very happy, felt good to push some weight. Im going to stay at 315 though until Im back to 12, same thing I just did with squatting 365 for 15. My squat got messed up because I was trying so hard for 405 for 20 that I completely lost my form and couldn't not even get a good set in. I would fall forward, my feet wouldn't be right I was completely screwed up so I started fresh with 3 weeks no squatting and working my way back up. I got to say with my shoulder, once it felt better I started pressing with light dumbbells to build the stabilizing strength back up. I just did this for 2+ months until I was pressing 110's comfortably then I tried to bench. I think it was key not to bench until my dumbbell strength was close to normal. Glad everyone is doing well, Bod thoughts and prayers are with you in your hard times.
Keep killing it guys, winter is here, time make some gains!!