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Thread: What should I do for my second cycle!? Dont wanna over due it!?

  1. #1

    What should I do for my second cycle!? Dont wanna over due it!?

    Hi guys, first let me say that I am more than half way done with my PCT! I was stacking Tren/Test/Masten for an 80 day cycle! NOW I will admit it was my FIRST Cycle I had ever done, and I was ignorant to say the least to anything about the stuff, but decided to pull the trigger and try the juice so I did! THEN I did my research after So yes I know I FUKED UP!!! Anyways The cycle went fairly smoothly, I Gained alot of muscle, and some weight. I still weigh the same now PCT as I did while I was cycling, but lost some size. Guessing its a bit of fat. Strength was lost a bit to, but mainly reps rather than power. Towards the end of the cycle, My sex drive took a shit, and the sides were hitting me hard. Anyways I was thinking of starting a different cycle this time around!? Should I do just a Test only cycle!? Give my body a break!? Would it be wise to do the Tren/Test/Masten cycle again!? Another thing I was reading up on was Deca?! Would a Deca/Test cycle be wise to venture into!? Thanks as always guys, and Id appreciate any help/critique or info you could provide!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Do some bloodwork in 2 months.

    Dont think about 2nd cycle, as you should only do it in 4 months minimum. Concentrate on recovery.

  3. #3
    Roger that! Is 80 days on, and then 80 Days off not good enough for recovery?! I am guessing it varies from person to person...

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by getatme8484
    Roger that! Is 80 days on, and then 80 Days off not good enough for recovery?! I am guessing it varies from person to person...
    Time on plus PCT equals time off.

    So for you...
    I am guessing...
    80 days on plus 14 days between cycle and PCT plus 28 days PCT equals 122 days.
    Therefore, 122 days after PCT you can start a new cycle ONLY IF blood work shows you recovered.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014
    You would benefit from extending you PCT to 6 weeks when using a 19nor i.e. tren.

  6. #6
    so 42 days of peptides.... and 122 days After I finish my PCT!? Just wanted to make sure I read everything correctly...

  7. #7
    You were on AAS for 80 days.
    You took off 14 days after your cycle before you started PCT.
    You were on PCT for 28 days.
    The your entire cycle length was a total of 122 days.

    Therefore you shouldn't start a new cycle until 122 days after you finished PCT.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by getatme8484
    so 42 days of peptides.... and 122 days After I finish my PCT!? Just wanted to make sure I read everything correctly...
    You didn't take peptides.
    You took steroids first and then you took SERMS for PCT.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere
    You would benefit from extending you PCT to 6 weeks when using a 19nor i.e. tren.
    Since 19nors are especially difficult to recover from...
    You should have taken a longer PCT.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Since 19nors are especially difficult to recover from...
    You should have taken a longer PCT.
    Honestly Deadlift the more studies I read on SERMs and threads on PCT I think it makes sense for most advanced cycles to incorporate a 6 week PCT.

    That is 4 weeks of clomid and 6 of nolva.

  11. #11
    Ok good to know, I got 40 days worth of serms, so thats aprox 6 weeks, 2 days shy, both of clomid and nov.... Thanks all for the info!! REALLY Appreciate it you guys are always a lot of help!!!

  12. #12
    While we are on the subject, Like I said my weight has stayed the same 186 pound range prob a few more right when i quit, but my size has gone down a little, is that nitrogen retention disappearing? My question is once i am finished with the PCT Will i lose more weight and size as well!??? When I started I was about 172 with a gut... now I am about 186 more leaned....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by getatme8484 View Post
    Hi guys, first let me say that I am more than half way done with my PCT! I was stacking Tren/Test/Masten for an 80 day cycle! NOW I will admit it was my FIRST Cycle I had ever done, and I was ignorant to say the least to anything about the stuff, but decided to pull the trigger and try the juice so I did! THEN I did my research after So yes I know I FUKED UP!!! Anyways The cycle went fairly smoothly, I Gained alot of muscle, and some weight. I still weigh the same now PCT as I did while I was cycling, but lost some size. Guessing its a bit of fat. Strength was lost a bit to, but mainly reps rather than power. Towards the end of the cycle, My sex drive took a shit, and the sides were hitting me hard. Anyways I was thinking of starting a different cycle this time around!? Should I do just a Test only cycle!? Give my body a break!? Would it be wise to do the Tren/Test/Masten cycle again!? Another thing I was reading up on was Deca?! Would a Deca/Test cycle be wise to venture into!? Thanks as always guys, and Id appreciate any help/critique or info you could provide!!
    Man you can even run test,master,npp and 50 mg proviron a day

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Time on plus PCT equals time off.

    So for you...
    I am guessing...
    80 days on plus 14 days between cycle and PCT plus 28 days PCT equals 122 days.
    Therefore, 122 days after PCT you can start a new cycle ONLY IF blood work shows you recovered.
    Thats how the same way i run my breaks.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere
    Honestly Deadlift the more studies I read on SERMs and threads on PCT I think it makes sense for most advanced cycles to incorporate a 6 week PCT. That is 4 weeks of clomid and 6 of nolva.
    I wouldn't doubt it one bit.
    Thanks for the advice.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by getatme8484 View Post
    Ok good to know, I got 40 days worth of serms, so thats aprox 6 weeks, 2 days shy, both of clomid and nov.... Thanks all for the info!! REALLY Appreciate it you guys are always a lot of help!!!
    Personally I'd only use clomid for 4 weeks and nolva for 6.

    Without nerding this up too much, clomid begins to effect lh secretion very quickly. Where's it takes clomid longer to increase lh secretion.

    Also, long term use of clomid, at higher doses, leads to lhrh insensitivity which lowers lh secretion. Nolva increases lhrh sensitivity.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    Personally I'd only use clomid for 4 weeks and nolva for 6.

    Without nerding this up too much, clomid begins to effect lh secretion very quickly. Where's it takes clomid longer to increase lh secretion.

    Also, long term use of clomid, at higher doses, leads to lhrh insensitivity which lowers lh secretion. Nolva increases lhrh sensitivity.

    Would you mind expanding on this? I actually have zero experience with anabolics or PCT, but I am on Clomid for my secondary/tertiary hypogonadism.

    My doctor put me on 50mg/day of Clomid. Initial results were decent: total testosterone jumped from 305 to 520 and free testosterone went from 70 to 170. However, a few months later, my free t had dropped to 150. Doctor told me to experiment with the dosage, so I cut it in half. After a month of 25mg/day, my total t had dropped to 420 and my free t was down to 100. I've since jumped back up to 50mg/day but don't feel anything like I did in the beginning.

    What I found interesting were the LH results:
    1) Baseline, pre-Clomid: 2.5 (Free T: 70)
    2) Clomid, 50mg/day: 3.5 (Free T: 170)
    3) Clomid, 25mg/day: 4.7 (Free T: 105)

    I'm trying get to the meaning of these discrepancies, as my doctor seems uninterested. What could account for higher LH but lower testosterone numbers at the lower dosages? If the high dose of clomid was paradoxically lowering LH secretion, that lines up with the LHRH sensitivity issue you mentioned. But I don't know how to square that with the T readings.

    Thanks for reading and let me know if this is better served in a separate thread.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by FlemSnopes View Post
    Would you mind expanding on this? I actually have zero experience with anabolics or PCT, but I am on Clomid for my secondary/tertiary hypogonadism.

    My doctor put me on 50mg/day of Clomid. Initial results were decent: total testosterone jumped from 305 to 520 and free testosterone went from 70 to 170. However, a few months later, my free t had dropped to 150. Doctor told me to experiment with the dosage, so I cut it in half. After a month of 25mg/day, my total t had dropped to 420 and my free t was down to 100. I've since jumped back up to 50mg/day but don't feel anything like I did in the beginning.

    What I found interesting were the LH results:
    1) Baseline, pre-Clomid: 2.5 (Free T: 70)
    2) Clomid, 50mg/day: 3.5 (Free T: 170)
    3) Clomid, 25mg/day: 4.7 (Free T: 105)

    I'm trying get to the meaning of these discrepancies, as my doctor seems uninterested. What could account for higher LH but lower testosterone numbers at the lower dosages? If the high dose of clomid was paradoxically lowering LH secretion, that lines up with the LHRH sensitivity issue you mentioned. But I don't know how to square that with the T readings.

    Thanks for reading and let me know if this is better served in a separate thread.
    Those are some odd results.

    I'm not sure what would cause those types of fluctuations in LH/FT.

    Maybe you should make a thread in the HRT forum.

    The guys in there have a lot more knowledge than I do about hormone therapy.

  19. #19
    You over did it on your first cycle, so just go with test E or C at 500mg/week. But, only after you've fully recovered.

    Keep it simple!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by getatme8484 View Post
    While we are on the subject, Like I said my weight has stayed the same 186 pound range prob a few more right when i quit, but my size has gone down a little, is that nitrogen retention disappearing? My question is once i am finished with the PCT Will i lose more weight and size as well!??? When I started I was about 172 with a gut... now I am about 186 more leaned....
    You will. PCT is just a painkiller. When its out of your system ur on your own. It does nothing real to your system but more sides. Most likely your natty testproduction is not fully recovered and you will feel lowtest symptomes like muscleloss and tiredness.
    PCT is just a nonsupressive cycle which protects your gains a bit while on it. Its like injecting test which is not supressiv.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 10-07-2016 at 12:01 AM.

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