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Thread: xX Silabolin' s HIT Castle Xx

  1. #441
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    But they can put a needle in my vein. Seems to me that they enjoy that part. Ofcourse i put on a brave smile and tell them i dont feel pain, but..i really dont like it. Especially not when the needlewoman is ugly and fat.
    Lol. I'm same way man... I can push needle deep into many of my muscles with no issue, but tapping into the blood still makes me look away. At least the old, ugly ones are less likely to leave you bruised up and bloody from my experience.

  2. #442
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    Im back guys. In the gym!. Had some hard weeks after pct. Dunno why. Took bloodteest monday. Guess my hpta is fried.
    Anyway, started my christmas cycle last week. (Its more like a bridge but i kind of started) Im running cjc1295 1 g ew and TB500 5 g ew.
    It didnt pay off last week so i started a sarmsycle on sunday. Im running Rad140 10 mg ed and Ostarine 25 mg ed. And Cardarine 10 mg ed.
    Changed my diett to cholestrolfriendly again. Upped the protein and bcaa. And man i had a good thighsworkout today. 20 kgs up in the squatrack, looked leaner definatly and more size. Nice pump. Feeling good also.
    Im not sure what pulls the trigger, but i was not windy doing squats and that tells me the cardarine is doing its job.
    For the cjc, time of writing, i like mk677 more but i felt i needed a mk677 pause. Havent studied the cjc kickin time. Possible u gotta wait some weeks before u feel it.
    Rad take cares of the energy levels and positive thinking. So far it has strengthened my believes that Ostarine/LGD could be run without a testbase, as long as u do Rad140.

    I will continue this for 3 weeks i guess. Then its time for sustanon. 2 weeks. Then the blast will start, some nasty shit there u know....
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	165679

    For bloods i asked for hct, triglycerides, hdl/ldl, ferritin, hb, alat, asat, creatinin, e2, prolactin and total test. I dont worry. I feel ok, the bloods will come out rigth. Except for total test i guess. But i have already got the name of a doc who gives trt in my city so i will not wait 6 months hoping for my test to return.
    And yeah, checked my heartbeat at rest last nigth. 55. Never been so low before. Should indicate that the cardiovaskular system is ok. But last weeks its been around 65. Now 55....but i prefer it lowers. It worse if it raises.
    Cause googled sayd too low heartbeat may indicate illness. But.....everything is wrong if you listen to google. Then i have AIDS, SARS, enlarged heart, cancer, ebola, herpes B and spanish flu.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 10-05-2016 at 08:22 AM.

  3. #443
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Im back guys. In the gym!. Had some hard weeks after pct. Dunno why. Took bloodteest monday. Guess my hpta is fried.
    Anyway, started my christmas cycle last week. (Its more like a bridge but i kind of started) Im running cjc1295 1 g ew and TB500 5 g ew.
    So you finished a cycle, PCT'd for a couple weeks and now you're back on again.
    Seriously, what was the point? You'd have saved yourself a lot of aggravation by just briding on a 'TRT' dose.

    Two weeks of sus, then blasting some nasty shit... yeah, you really need to bring this back to basics.

    Firstly, I still dont understand why anyone would use Sustanon. It is simply a useless product.
    If you want to inject EOD, just buy prop, much easier to adjust and dose if you have a single ester.

  4. #444
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    So you finished a cycle, PCT'd for a couple weeks and now you're back on again.
    Seriously, what was the point? You'd have saved yourself a lot of aggravation by just briding on a 'TRT' dose.

    Two weeks of sus, then blasting some nasty shit... yeah, you really need to bring this back to basics.

    Firstly, I still dont understand why anyone would use Sustanon. It is simply a useless product.
    If you want to inject EOD, just buy prop, much easier to adjust and dose if you have a single ester.
    Sustanon useless? Running propionate is a hell more expensive. E, d and c are so slow. I like the sexuall feeling within days you get from sustanon. And my sus source is pharma, used it before. No bull. Ok Rich Piana says e, c and p is better, but test is test and it really does not matter that much what u use. Saiyng sus is useless is pretty lame..

    Timeline is 1 august summercycle stop. Pct pretty much all august and september. With mk677. Felt great.
    Blast 15 november.
    I dont understand what u mean by "need to bring this back to basic". Guess ur trying to be ironic or something.

    I havent felt the urge for trt yet because i have never felt real down if i wait 4-5 months after cycle. Wanna try to wait as long as possible.
    And then i need a prescription. I will not trust the dealers when it comes to trt.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 10-05-2016 at 08:43 AM.

  5. #445
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    Sustanon is a useless compound, in my opinion.

    In order to utilise it effectively you need to play into the fact it has Prop in it. Which means injecting EOD. Anything less and you might as well have gone for Enanthate/Cyp.

    If you're going to cycle, a good rule of thumb is [Cycle + PCT = Time OFF]. You're already on Sarms the week after PCT, and throwing in a cycle soon. Pointless.
    Bring it back to basics. You're over complicating things by using a host of compounds. Keep it simple, stupid.

    There are too many moving parts in your cycles. You need Test as a base, and maybe 1 or 2 other compounds.
    With all of that going on, how on earth do you know which part is working, and which part isnt.

  6. #446
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Sustanon is a useless compound, in my opinion.

    In order to utilise it effectively you need to play into the fact it has Prop in it. Which means injecting EOD. Anything less and you might as well have gone for Enanthate/Cyp.

    If you're going to cycle, a good rule of thumb is [Cycle + PCT = Time OFF]. You're already on Sarms the week after PCT, and throwing in a cycle soon. Pointless.
    Bring it back to basics. You're over complicating things by using a host of compounds. Keep it simple, stupid.

    There are too many moving parts in your cycles. You need Test as a base, and maybe 1 or 2 other compounds.
    With all of that going on, how on earth do you know which part is working, and which part isnt.
    Lol, who is stupid? Man, you and most guys in here are stupid. Because you keep it simple. A simple cycle is simple for the body to adapt to. Rich Pianas bigger by the day cycle and his explanation of the theories behind it, is my guidlines this time. And to be honest, i think RPs teories are much more logic than yours.

    Testbase will be sus 250-750, orals 3 weeks dbol and 3 weeks anadrol. First 2 weeks tren a, then two weeks with masteron, then two weeks with tren again.
    The sus and the orals are pyramidized, tren and mast stick to 300 mg.

    I do agree that injecting sus once a week is not optimal cause of the prop and phenylprop. But its only for 2 weeks and that 3 week it wil be 500 mg. But cant do more, then it will not be a SBC any more.

    Cycle + pct = time off?. Yes, but there is also something called sarms bridging. And blasting and cruising. Cycle + pct = time off is for guys that dont know enough about bloodwork and not willing to eat oat and spinach all day.
    And i need the sarmsweeks to get my fat ass below 15%. Maybe something you should consider aswell?

    Last, i dont give a rats ass what compound makes me a monster. As long as i become monstreous and cause numerous headturns everywhere i go at the christmas parties, i really dont care what caused it.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 10-05-2016 at 09:27 AM.

  7. #447
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    A simple cycle is simple for the body to adapt to. Rich Pianas bigger by the day cycle and his explanation of the theories behind it, is my guidlines this time. And to be honest, i think RPs teories are much more logic than yours.
    Right. You, Bostin Lloyd, and Dick Piana can all go have a massive oily gangbang together for all I care. You're all as stupid and dangerous as each other. Rich Pianas stupid cycle made no sense, even a beginner can pick it apart. His logic is completely flawed. He has absolutely no idea how any of those compounds work, or how to use them. Hes just alternating things for the sake of it, making it look complicated in order to sell it to his idiotic fans. Guess what, you bought it. Have you ever met RP? It takes all of 5 seconds to realise that he doesnt have a single original thought in that mind of his.

    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Last, i dont give a rats ass what compound makes me a monster. As long as i become monstreous and cause numerous headturns everywhere i go at the christmas parties, i really dont care what caused it.
    This is precisely why you should not be advising anyone, anything, on these forums.

    Good day, sir!

  8. #448
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    For those that completely missed Rich Piana's 3 month cycle, its here.

    And yes, I am aware that it runs on way past 3 months. Dick Pianas logic, not mine.

    Link: Rich Piana's 3-Month “Get BIG as FUCKâ€Â Steroid Cycle - Roidvisor - Your reliable guide in Steroids


  9. #449
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Right. You, Bostin Lloyd, and Dick Piana can all go have a massive oily gangbang together for all I care.
    Good day, sir!
    lol...You are a british moody dude krugerr, but ya english bastards do have some humor.

    Not wize of me to give members advice?. You have been sleeping in the classroom last weeks krug. Most of the red ones, including NACH and marcus are thumbs upping me nowadays.

  10. #450
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    lol...You are a british moody dude krugerr, but ya english bastards do have some humor.

    Not wize of me to give members advice?. You have been sleeping in the classroom last weeks krug. Most of the red ones, including NACH and marcus are thumbs upping me nowadays.
    It is quite possibly the language barrier - There is a difference, they are laughing at you, not with you.

    I sincerely mean it, if you honestly believe that RP's cycle is logical, you should not be advising a single person on these forums.

  11. #451
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post

    It is quite possibly the language barrier - There is a difference, they are laughing at you, not with you.

    I sincerely mean it, if you honestly believe that RP's cycle is logical, you should not be advising a single person on these forums.
    I said his theories are logical. His cycle is too extreme for most aas users.

    No man. Im in the inner circle. I and marcus even have a gym workout date at Grand Canaria in june next summer and we are gonna tape it. Olympic Beach Gym. Playa del Ingles. Why dont you get in shape and join us. I will be well oiled but i guess marcus cant to that anymore but he is big enough.

  12. #452
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    I said his theories are logical. His cycle is too extreme for most aas users.

    /Krugerr Out

  13. #453
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post

    /Krugerr Out
    Hello. Guys. Anyone wanna argue?. Bored at work. Quiet nigth as fuck.
    Looked in the mirror after the shower. Im leaning out. Cardarine i guess.
    Training back and shoulders at home today.
    Should be feeling something now. Drugs in the system are cardarine, ostarine, rad140, tb500 and cjc1295.
    Hope i get a pump so i can upload a status pic. Tic toc.

  14. #454
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Hello. Guys. Anyone wanna argue?. Bored at work. Quiet nigth as fuck.
    How were your bw results?

  15. #455
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post

    How were your bw results?
    Hasnt arrived yet. Monday. Maybe today.
    Heartbeat at rest is 60 and sometimes below.
    Do u pay attention to heartbeat btw?

  16. #456
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Hasnt arrived yet. Monday. Maybe today.
    Heartbeat at rest is 60 and sometimes below.
    Do u pay attention to heartbeat btw?
    Not judging but I think it was a bad idea to begin those peps/SARMs before your bw results.

    60 bpm is terrific for some someone your age who doesn't do much cardio.

    I take my rhb about once a month and it floats from around 45-60 depending on how often I run. My schedule is hectic so I haven't run in almost 6 weeks. As of last week rhp was 58-60.

    The difficult thing is I can never remember to check hb after I wake up and when life gets busy I drink a lot of coffee:/

  17. #457
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post

    Not judging but I think it was a bad idea to begin those peps/SARMs before your bw results.

    60 bpm is terrific for some someone your age who doesn't do much cardio.

    I take my rhb about once a month and it floats from around 45-60 depending on how often I run. My schedule is hectic so I haven't run in almost 6 weeks. As of last week rhp was 58-60.

    The difficult thing is I can never remember to check hb after I wake up and when life gets busy I drink a lot of coffee:/
    Why bad idea? Dont wanna wait 6 months for my hpta. Trt is not the end of the my u called it lol. Actually i think prescription trt is a good thing.
    My age?...damn u make it sound like im an old man. Remember im the same age as the average age of the best olympians, son

    ppars lower my hb. Started cardarine. But dont restart the cardarinediscussion please.
    Last thing i red was that the rats who got cancer already had cancer.

  18. #458
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Why bad idea? Dont wanna wait 6 months for my hpta. Trt is not the end of the my u called it lol. Actually i think prescription trt is a good thing.
    My age?...damn u make it sound like im an old man. Remember im the same age as the average age of the best olympians, son

    ppars lower my hb. Started cardarine. But dont restart the cardarinediscussion please.
    Last thing i red was that the rats who got cancer already had cancer.
    I was thinking more like 6 days, not 6 months.

    Geez you're like my girl, you take everything too literally. The average rhb for someone your age is 67-70.

    The rats already had cancer, come on. I didn't take you for a conspiracy theorist lol. Do you use one layer of tinfoil or two when you make your tinfoil hat?

  19. #459
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    I was thinking more like 6 days, not 6 months.

    Geez you're like my girl, you take everything too literally. The average rhb for someone your age is 67-70.

    The rats already had cancer, come on. I didn't take you for a conspiracy theorist lol. Do you use one layer of tinfoil or two when you make your tinfoil hat?
    Tinfoil hat? layer? didnt understand but i guess it was some kind of humor and ironi.

    Anyway. About the rhb. Do you think its a good measurements?. Ive red an articlle saying that if your hearbeat at rest is ok, its 80% chances that all of your heart, veins, arteries, and the cardiovascular system is ok. Do you believe in that?

  20. #460
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    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	165694

    Trained back at home today. Feeling im leaning out. I will try to reach 14% before the blast.

  21. #461
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Anyway. About the rhb. Do you think its a good measurements?. Ive red an articlle saying that if your hearbeat at rest is ok, its 80% chances that all of your heart, veins, arteries, and the cardiovascular system is ok. Do you believe in that?
    Yes, once again taking into consideration your age and the amount of cardio you do 60 bpm is excellent.

    I think that generally speaking the lower your hr the better your health. This is mostly due to the fact that a low hr usually indicates that you exercise and eat healthy.

    I would be hard pressed to this when dictating cardiovascular health far a large population.

    If your interested in knowing more about your cardiovascular health there are bw assays that will give you a much clearer picture of what's going on inside.

  22. #462
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    Your heart rate is fine Sil,
    mine is max 60 and 38 at the lowest (during sleep).
    By Max 60 I don't mean my maximum pulse is 60, but my resting heart rate is when using mild stimulants.

    Heart rate can be useful for checking if one is over trained or sick,
    then it rises. But everything from stress to a cup of coffe will influence it.

    What I don't understand though, is why using so many different SARMs at once?
    If you do that, wouldn't they work from so many angles and be in such a high amount that you'll be totally suppressed anyways?
    I understand you want to stack compounds for synergy between them,
    but with so many SARMs it seems like you would be better of doing real steroids.
    And if you know that Rad is the SARM that works as the "base" so to speak,
    why not just use that for a while, then slowly add 1 other compound at a time, so you can see what they are really doing (or not doing)?

    And while I don't agree that Sustanon is worthless (especially for someone with a fried HPTA), test e isn't such a slow compound as you'd think.
    Just a thought.

  23. #463
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    Your heart rate is fine Sil,
    mine is max 60 and 38 at the lowest (during sleep).
    By Max 60 I don't mean my maximum pulse is 60, but my resting heart rate is when using mild stimulants.

    Heart rate can be useful for checking if one is over trained or sick,
    then it rises. But everything from stress to a cup of coffe will influence it.

    What I don't understand though, is why using so many different SARMs at once?
    If you do that, wouldn't they work from so many angles and be in such a high amount that you'll be totally suppressed anyways?
    I understand you want to stack compounds for synergy between them,
    but with so many SARMs it seems like you would be better of doing real steroids.
    And if you know that Rad is the SARM that works as the "base" so to speak,
    why not just use that for a while, then slowly add 1 other compound at a time, so you can see what they are really doing (or not doing)?

    And while I don't agree that Sustanon is worthless (especially for someone with a fried HPTA), test e isn't such a slow compound as you'd think.
    Just a thought.
    Thanks for input brother.
    Im not using many sarms, just two, Ostarine and Rad. Basictly cause they are leftovers and i feel my body is ready to grow again. Supressed yes but Rad is suposed to take care of that. And im adding sus in 3 weeks.

    No, must wait with the steroids because i wanna try a SBC, as Marcus talked about, this time. Like stacking orals and tren a with the test. My goal is to be monstrous at the christmas parties. A long burst cycle is kind of dangerous, dont u think?
    And i need some weeks with the sarms and peptides to lean out before i add the sustanon. Guess im 17% now. Gotta nail the 15% limit.
    Yeah i could have just used Rad140 but i have used these drugs alot before and know how they work. Besides, the sarms are only 3 weeks before i add sustanon.

    Yes, test e is maybe better, but i have a 100% pharma wellproven sus-source and im happy with that.

  24. #464
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Thanks for input brother.
    Im not using many sarms, just two, Ostarine and Rad. Basictly cause they are leftovers and i feel my body is ready to grow again. Supressed yes but Rad is suposed to take care of that. And im adding sus in 3 weeks.

    No, must wait with the steroids because i wanna try a SBC, as Marcus talked about, this time. Like stacking orals and tren a with the test. My goal is to be monstrous at the christmas parties. A long burst cycle is kind of dangerous, dont u think?
    And i need some weeks with the sarms and peptides to lean out before i add the sustanon. Guess im 17% now. Gotta nail the 15% limit.
    Yeah i could have just used Rad140 but i have used these drugs alot before and know how they work. Besides, the sarms are only 3 weeks before i add sustanon.

    Yes, test e is maybe better, but i have a 100% pharma wellproven sus-source and im happy with that.
    Ive been told to come and read this post by many people and ive got to say Sil, you have no idea what your doing and dont know how to design a SBC or even know what one is, you haven't primed, your using SARMs pre and simple just abusing drugs. You should of waited before doing any of those horrendous SARMs to get your BW back and you dont understand what a SBC is or how to design one, just wanted to let everyone know especially the guys who contacted me to let them know that I haven't given my seal of approval of anything you do because your simple dont know what your doing.

    Its fine if you follow Rich P advise that's fair enough I know you worship him so that's fine and great you get results but when you mention HIT and SBC you dont know what your doing and that's obvious by what your logging here.

    Best of luck with it but for those guys who told me to comment here it is ^^^

  25. #465
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Its fine if you follow Rich P advise that's fair enough I know you worship him so that's fine and great you get results but when you mention HIT and SBC you dont know what your doing and that's obvious by what your logging here.
    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Not wize of me to give members advice?. You have been sleeping in the classroom last weeks krug. Most of the red ones, including NACH and marcus are thumbs upping me nowadays.
    Guess your theory about being "thumbed up" goes out the window then.

  26. #466
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Guess your theory about being "thumbed up" goes out the window then.
    lol yes...forgot about the rats. They are everywhere. : "Marcus, big dumb Silabolin is going to do a SBC and he mentioned you and he uses your articles and think he can design it but he just mess things up and putting a bad reputation to the frase SBC and i really think you should know this."
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 10-07-2016 at 05:59 AM.

  27. #467
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Supressed yes but Rad is suposed to take care of that.
    Would love to hear how that garbage is going to unsupress you.

    Not even Riach Piana approves SARMs

  28. #468
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post

    Would love to hear how that garbage is going to unsupress you.

    Not even Riach Piana approves SARMs
    Not unsupress me but make me feel like im unsupressed, even on ostarine. Ive done that before. It works. And it is anabolic aswell. But im adding sus in three weeks so it will be ok no matter what.
    And marcus, my bloods will come out rigth. I know my body. Relax mate. If one value is fukked i just stop. There is no e-esters in the sarms you know so it would be ok the next day.
    But gotta go. Sleep. Nigthwork.

  29. #469
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    If your bloodwork is ok (even though it's tainted by drugs like SARMs in your system), I don't think a moderate blast of ex;
    500-750mg Sustanon (if it's Pharma grade id chose it over test e that's UGL too)
    And some trenbolone,
    Wouldn't hurt you any more than what you're doing.
    Do a proper blast and then either do a proper PCT or cruise on a low dose of test (since you don't care about permanent TRT anyway)

    And even though the SARMs are oral and unesterified,
    That doesn't mean you'll be okay the next day after stopping them.
    Going by how one feels can be a treacherous road, some issues just sneak up on you.

  30. #470
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Not unsupress me but make me feel like im unsupressed, even on ostarine. Ive done that before. It works. And it is anabolic aswell. But im adding sus in three weeks so it will be ok no matter what.
    Got a much better alternative to that RAD, it also doesnt unsupress you, also works, and its for sure anabolic.... its called testosterone, look it up!

  31. #471
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Tinfoil hat? layer? didnt understand but i guess it was some kind of humor and ironi.

    Anyway. About the rhb. Do you think its a good measurements?. Ive red an articlle saying that if your hearbeat at rest is ok, its 80% chances that all of your heart, veins, arteries, and the cardiovascular system is ok. Do you believe in that?

    tin·foil hat - used in allusion to the belief that wearing a hat made from tinfoil will protect one against government surveillance or mind control by extraterrestrial beings.
    Last edited by almostgone; 10-07-2016 at 09:41 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  32. #472
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    Nothing wrong with wearing a tin foil hat though, those Y rays shrink the inside of your penis so that even if it looks normal, it's actually hollow and frail and you'll break it that much easier. I learned that the hard way when they beamed me up. Gas masks works quite well also, I can't know for sure, but ask Marcus, he might know.

    There's a language barrier here to be sure.
    English isn't my mothers tongue, but my higher education was with 90% English written books, but not everyone have had that luxury.

    I'm so happy right now though, just got 5grams of test.prop I thought was lost.
    Now I've decided to keep my medium dose blast on mostly test.prop with variations/pulses of DHT compounds, along with some slin.
    So I'll keep it quite simple.
    Why am I saying this here? Don't know, just felt like it.

  33. #473
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Got a much better alternative to that RAD, it also doesnt unsupress you, also works, and its for sure anabolic.... its called testosterone, look it up!
    Digg into Marcus definition (rats, please dont cry to mommy everytime i mention his name to back up my points) of a SBC bro..Hint; look at the first letter.

  34. #474
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Digg into Marcus definition (rats, please dont cry to mommy everytime i mention his name to back up my points) of a SBC bro..Hint; look at the first letter.
    SBCs only work on TRT/cruise (not really something I want to discuss, probably not Marcus either)

  35. #475
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post

    SBCs only work on TRT/cruise (not really something I want to discuss, probably not Marcus either)
    I will put its name to the test

  36. #476
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    Nothing wrong with wearing a tin foil hat though, those Y rays shrink the inside of your penis so that even if it looks normal, it's actually hollow and frail and you'll break it that much easier. I learned that the hard way when they beamed me up. Gas masks works quite well also, I can't know for sure, but ask Marcus, he might know.

    There's a language barrier here to be sure.
    English isn't my mothers tongue, but my higher education was with 90% English written books, but not everyone have had that luxury.

    I'm so happy right now though, just got 5grams of test.prop I thought was lost.
    Now I've decided to keep my medium dose blast on mostly test.prop with variations/pulses of DHT compounds, along with some slin.
    So I'll keep it quite simple.
    Why am I saying this here? Don't know, just felt like it.
    Ur crusing n blasting rigth?...what do u do for hct?

  37. #477
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    Surrounded by wolves
    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    There's a language barrier here to be sure.
    English isn't my mothers tongue, but my higher education was with 90% English written books, but not everyone have had that luxury.
    I don't have any "interactive" English experience prior to joining this forum. Just lot of reading around. I'm an high school drop off, and did very poorly at English back then.

    Is my English that bad? Sometimes I have the impression I don't really get understood.

  38. #478
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    I don't have any "interactive" English experience prior to joining this forum. Just lot of reading around. I'm an high school drop off, and did very poorly at English back then.

    Is my English that bad? Sometimes I have the impression I don't really get understood.
    very similar situation, English is my 4th language, Im more so am self thought.

    I find its not you or some people are at fault when feeling not understood as a result of having English not as their native language, just some people reading dont want to be bothered/hassled to read deep enough, think using some of their brain, digest and reply in a proper manner, its mostly of the ignorance or lack of the language skills or for another part its the social anxiety that creeps in even at such level as replying online.
    That's how I came to understand the web-public as years go by.

    So dont ding yourself for not getting responses or full proper on the topic in-depth replies, not all are born with the same capacity and ability brains as others.

    PS: your English is real good

  39. #479
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    I don't have any "interactive" English experience prior to joining this forum. Just lot of reading around. I'm an high school drop off, and did very poorly at English back then.

    Is my English that bad? Sometimes I have the impression I don't really get understood.
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    very similar situation, English is my 4th language, Im more so am self thought.

    I find its not you or some people are at fault when feeling not understood as a result of having English not as their native language, just some people reading dont want to be bothered/hassled to read deep enough, think using some of their brain, digest and reply in a proper manner, its mostly of the ignorance or lack of the language skills or for another part its the social anxiety that creeps in even at such level as replying online.
    That's how I came to understand the web-public as years go by.

    So dont ding yourself for not getting responses or full proper on the topic in-depth replies, not all are born with the same capacity and ability brains as others.

    PS: your English is real good
    Ahhh fack off both of you bragging about english skills lol

    My english sucks, its so bad some are thinking im cranky, and not nice

  40. #480
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Ahhh fack off both of you bragging about english skills lol

    My english sucks, its so bad some are thinking im cranky, and not nice
    ah cmon, we all know youre real nice mellow person Mr.BB , your English is fluent, people who cant see it needs some schooling

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