Hi fellas,GGR. Had two days off, it was my mums birthday yesterday so i went to see her after work. I donated earlier the night then went shopping. Back to it the mora, with either be shoulders and traps or back.
Been busy, life stuff lol.
Hi fellas,GGR. Had two days off, it was my mums birthday yesterday so i went to see her after work. I donated earlier the night then went shopping. Back to it the mora, with either be shoulders and traps or back.
Been busy, life stuff lol.
Ive gotta do somethin today despite my blown shoulder. I tell you this shit sux
At the gym warming up on elliptical gonna do triceps and back..I know it's weird but I don't like doing biceps and back seems like I can't get the right intensity with working biceps twice..gonna take it easy on my back my scapula has been bothering me bad..thinking
Incline extensions 1 warm up 1 wrking double drop set
Push downs 2 workings sets double drop
1 arm push downs 3 sets
then a light back session with lots of stretching try to let the bar hang and stretch on upright rows hopefully help it out
Down 14 pounds been carb cycling and hiit training at 226 or so getting my carbs overall and getting my prime on in anticipation of a big blast in Jan ..Iam gonna eat on thanksgiving though and Iam not even gonna journal it..lol have a good night all!'
Morning fellas,GGR. it is pissing down from the high heavens work will be a nightmare, putting new sewer lines in the past few wks and will be for wks to come. So the rain is the last thing i need, anyway fellas i will report back the night.
Thanks, Nach. I'll defo hit it tomorrow. Work is getting under my skin right now. Lots of money in the budget for.projects and everyone wants everything the day before immediately. Actually had to take extra BP meds and a Xanax before going for my shot yesterday. They wanted me to come back to work for a few hours after I got my shot but the engineer I'm working with right now called me while I was at Dr. office and said he told them it would have to wait, I needed some rest. So, I crashed extra hard and still am fairly mellow.
Squats and calves Thurs evening and may try to squeeze in a chest session before my massage Friday.
Holidays are coming up and I'm in one of my moods. Don't really like holidays at all.
Last edited by almostgone; 11-17-2016 at 01:40 AM.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Send us some of the rain, Clarky. It's been smoky here for the last week or.two. Fairly large fire up in mountains of NC and part of SC.
I do NOT like fires. There's no off button on the damn things and the only sure way.to put them out is to blow the frigging things up, which causes problems of a different nature.
Last edited by almostgone; 11-17-2016 at 10:29 AM.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Hi fellas, did back earlier it went good.
Seated row 1 working +rp DD
T bar 1 working TD
Seated row machine 1 working +rp 1 drop
Straight arm pd 1 working 1 drop
Db row 1 working +rp a side
Hypers 2 sets
Im getting good to decent pumps off just eating. Does that mean my testosterone is at least not bottomed out?
Hey guys. Kicked ass on Monday and it's been downhill from there. Ready to ban myself due to my laziness.
Clarky, great workout, AG hope things are better, Nach & Cuz, hope the shoulders are improving.
Tomorrow's another day.
Shoulders in 30 min (should make a video)schedule tight had class now work..warmed up now
3 sets smith machine presses 1 warmup 20
1 working set dd set
Side lateral raises supersetted with front raises
Then cable side raises 3 sets till shoulders feel like exploding
Have a great night everyone gotta continue the attack
Drinking a shake then off of the shop to get in some squats (for cardio) and calves.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Mornong fellas, GGR. back is nice and sore this morning. Going in for shoulders and traps later, love fridays lol finish work at 3.30 on a friday and i'm not working the mora.
Report back later fellas.
Well, before i started trt cuz a few year back i had nothing at all in the gym. That's if i made it to the gym, life was total hell for me i mean hell so just going on myself i would say your not very low but you know your body and how you feel.
Only way is bloods mate, hope all is well.
Tried to keep fast paced for cardio, but also push the muscles a little bit as well.
Bodyweight squats- 1 x 20
Dry bar squats- 1x 20
Plate/side- 1 x 20
2 plates/side - 1 x 20
2 plates and a quarter/side- 1 x 10.
Superset the calf exercises:
Seated calf raises w/ a double bounce- 14+ -5+ - 3+.
Standing calf raises- 13-7, drop weight, 10-8 w/ a double bounce after the drop in weight.
42 minutes. 41° F in my shop but was sweating like a madman.
Massage Friday afternoon.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
Need to schedule a massage too
What is happening to my body... weight is up 10 pounds in the last month.
Arms got 1/2'', legs 1''.
Skin folds are unchanged...
Happy Friday hitters. Time to hit the caffeine and get to work
I would like to know what stretches you're speaking of? Maybe something on YouTube?
Hit back last night. First solid back wo since the pinched nerve. It's almost back to normal. Still a bit of loss in strength on my right. Left side rows were solid and kept good form. Right side was not as pretty but I got the job done. Hope everyone is having an excellent week! Happy Friday!
Massage got rescheduled to Monday. Massage lady called and said her youngest is sick and wanted to reschedule if it wasn't too much of a problem.
Told her it wasn't any problem. A mother has to tale care of her family.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
That's a great thing, bizz
As do I my friend!
@ Cuz... I felt a lot like Clarky when I worked out(the thing was making it there) - But I would try and do 2 Majors(chest/back) and be totally spent in 20-30min to the point my legs were coming out from under me... I didn't know HIT I'm thinking if I did one BP a day I could/would get a good pump(I'm just thinking based off my long w/o's which seemed like an eternity) - I had a 305ng/dl tT reading below the range @ 30yrs old - was told I'm fine and go on ahead -
It seems like your staying strong minded that's for sure... bw brotha - I have to get myself end of next wk
Hey Nach, mine was 2. Range 10-36. Not fun, i put up with this for a few months then went to the doc. Got blood work git referred to endo and i had to wait 3 month to see her, normal waiting time here. She ran all bloods again and more came back the same 2. So by the time she did her tests and got me on trt it was hell for easy 6 months. I was tried on gels, ect but got there in the end with nebido. I pin it every 10 wks and keeps me around 27 and above.
Last edited by clarky.; 11-18-2016 at 12:11 PM.
Geez that's terrible Clarky! That was my highest reading most were 280s but still I know a few here who were way down there too(Kel I believe had it bad - pituitary adenoma I believe) correct me if I'm wrong please..,
It's not fun at all... after my accident mine declined so fast... good #'s then tanking within 2-3 yrs(b4 cycling) too
Sure kenny no probs, i do broomstick stretches AG got me on to these, smart man take time to read and listen to what he says. Anyway i do these in the house and the gym, some times i just use a band at the gym does the same. Hands on the stick shoulder width apart or just a tad wider lift your arms up and go right over your head and the stick ends up touching your ass, very good exercise.
I also rotate my arms (lol like a wind mill) lmfao really don't know how els to say it. It loosens the shoulders up, i like it.
The stretch i do the most throughout my whole session the the physio showed me is, i put one arm againt say the smyth machine fir ex at shoulder hight i will turn the other way and try and turn as far as i can get.
So your arm will be behind you and your facing the other way, this stretches the pec delt tie in. This is what i had bother with, i still get a wee niggle here and there but nothing at all like i did.
Ok, did shoulders and traps earlier.
Standing db side raises 1 working +rp DD
Seated shoulder press 1 working +rp 1 drop. Smith
Rev db fly 3 sets. Face down on bench slight incline
Rev cable fly 3 sets
Front raises 1 working +rp 1 drop. Plate
Machine shrugs 3 sets db grip
Behind back shrugs 3 sets. Machine bb grip
Done. Wee mix up with HIT and sets, usual with shoulders, all the rack were taken so could not get in to do BB shrugs.
I am but more for future use - as they've said a joint replacement is all I've got left and that will stop my lifting so I'm holding off - but trying much more active therapy now - it hurts bad(ART Etc) but it's needed as muscles are sticking as they pass each other when they should slide past - will haunt ROM and muscles won't be activating right if not deeply lengthened - ouch(knucks and bars to roll it out) lol
good evening ladies and gents!
Hope you's all are well and strong, lifting heavy and dont let your weights to cool down between training sessions!
Here is what has been bothering me, for the last 5-6 months I have been on this TRT journey, I even jumped to last 5-6weeks 250mg/week injections to see how it feels how I handle shit, and my strength had moved nowhere ever since before I started my TRT. my endurance suffered at first, but lately bounced back and have been very good, doing two mega intense 10mins cardio a day (every 12h), my bp is very well averages ~135/65/65 , some days lil more some lil less... I wanna ask ya'll monsters - androgen receptors insensitivity/underdevelopement or what, how else would you call this when one runs reasonable amount of test and has zero improvement in strength over time span Im talking about?
Had my labs ~10weeks in @ 150mg/wk test-e showed ~1100 test levels, so gear was/is good, sufficient amount of kcals 2500-3000, very random past month but simple carbs mostly eliminated, lots of quality protein and healthy fats, sleep is good, libido like I dont remember having such good since ever, all is good, I still somehow maintain 13 or less % BF @83kg, had to buy some new clothes but my strength gain is not my friend
Last edited by InternalFire; 11-18-2016 at 02:10 PM.
Hi IM, what is your Tdee's ? Have you had your E2 checked ? Is the extra mg/wk you have bumped it up with pharma or ugl ?. Sorry for all the ? Marks lol.
it has been UGL, bumped with other UGL but very reputable, no doubt there, have ton pharma piled up once run out of UGL, wanna finish it off being conservative roid (TRT) user
My TDEE's weren't calculated since forever, never went to compete or obtain something of a specific goal due to many reasons, Im just another fellow human who happens to lift and love it, however way before my TRT I found that I need ~2000-2500kcal for lean bulk, I can eat all fats and proteins I want and feel fine, I get too much carbs and I fall asleep/indigestion, whatever... otherwise if I stack with too much kcals I gain more fat than muscle and extra metabolic load negatively impact my mental performance (brain fog etc) so I try to hold in between at least 2000-2500, sometimes more but never much more than 3000kcal. Ive been on nothing @ 10 wk test but test and HCG and my E2 levels came in ~270 where good levels were ~90-250, and oh boy I can tell when E2 is too high, my sensitive tits tell me that right away, cant miss that, so since I went off of HCG and kept on ~125mg/wk of test felt good but not optimal, added ~6.25mg aromasin and began to see good stuff regards E2 sides, no more of that, and since I upped to 250mg/wk I upped my aromasin @ 12.5/wk. so far all very well, no bloat, no problem with libido/erections, no nipple sensitivity or water retention around nipples, morning wood almost every day, at least 4-5 days a week etc, my DIY bro science research says Im ok with E2, however, bloods are due at the end of December and I will see from there how I cope exactly... but for now I am wondering about strength gains, where are they? Genetic link missing?
What's up IM?! Hope your doing well(overall)!
That's a very good one for anterior /pec tie in and mobility in general. I sometimes do a similar stretch by cupping one hand over the handle end of the broomstick and grab the other end of the handle with my other hand and use the broom to push the hand over the end upwards and slightly to the rear. They're pretty much a regular thing for me before shoulder or chest lifts alomg with the Cuban rotations while holding a light plate in each hand to get the blood flowing.
You never really think about how many movements rely on shoulder rotation and free range of motion until you lose them. Even the simplest of tasks become a nightmare.
Really glad to hear that shoulder/pec issue calmed down, Clarky. I know it was a pisser for a bit there.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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You ever grab some heavy-ish d'bells and do shrugs from the sides, Clarky? I like to add them in here and there and right when I feel I'm just about done, hold it at the top for a big squeeze and then let it down as slowly as possible.
Gives you the good "eyeball shakes" as Marcus says.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.
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