Age: 23
Weight: 180 lb
Height: 5' 11'
BF: 10-11%
First Cycle: (Test E 500mg/10 weeks when I was 18 IDIOT)
Training: 5 sessions a week but have been on and off for 4 years until recent
Nutrition: I have recently been cutting to start my second cycle but I will start with 2700 cal at 40/40/20 and plan on having a VERY CLEAn bulk
Hey Guys,
Just joined and I'm very excited to start my 2nd cycle. After much consideration into which compound's i should be taking I have decided to run another test e cycle. I was planning on doing a Tren Ace and Test Prop 8 week cycle although i opted against it as it may be too full on for me to come back into such a potent stack. As previously stated my last cycle was around 5 years ago! I have been in and out of the gym but have found my love for fitness and weights over the past 5 months as my desire to party have well and truly diminished. I am planning on stacking this cycle with DBOL and running HCG through it.
1-10 weeks Test E 250mg (Monday and Thursday)
1-4 weeks DBOL 30mg (ED)
Nolva: 40/40/20/20
Clomid: 100/75/25/25
Two Questions:
1. Should i run HCG from week 1-10 or should I start running it week 4-10 as I have seen so many different opinions on all different sites/forums.
2. If i had water retention in my first cycle should i 100% have an AI from 1-12.