Feeling a lot better now. Fingers crossed its killed and will be back training this week. Cannot wait to lift some weights getting cabin fever here.
As always great posts here.
looking great! I must admit I love decaOriginally Posted by Capebuffalo
Gear has been rattling around my brain for a long time to go on not to go on again. I'm very tempted to go back on. Been over 3 years since my last cycle.
Another great work out. Beyond the normal good. Can't figure this out. Strength good, quick pace and basically brutal, imho.
Inclines: Heavy, 2 sets with DD
Incline Dumbells: 2 sets
Flat flyes: 2 sets a bit heavier than normal
Cable curls: 2 sets relatively heavy. Love cable's.
Preachers: 2 sets last with rp then drop
Barbell's: 2 sets
**Note: all curls are done with upper arm not moving from vertical. Nothing but bicep.
Press downs: 2 heavy, really squeezed
Overhead extensions: 2 sets
Dips (my version): 2 sets
Absolutely killed it.
how's the hand/wrist Iggy?
Biceps done. Gym was emptier than expected, went high volume today.
Standing cable curls 5 sets (12, 10, 8, 6, 4) then DD with lighter resistance x 8 each.
SS preacher curls & reverse curls 4 sets no rest, dropping weight as needed to stay at 10 reps.
Scott curls 4 x 12 - slow with 2 second hold at top
Single arm machine curls w/ drop then assisted positives & negatives to fail
SS wrist flex/ext 3 sets 15 reps
Taking it easy with it man thanks for asking. Still hurts like a mofo and headed into the gym now to mess around a bit. Did a lot of icing the first 3 days and have kept it in the stabilizer which has helped. Going to continue that to expedite the healing and, if I can't find an angle to hold a bar or db with without killing it, I'll just have to wait a few weeks. Just need it to heal asap.
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You know, I'm hoping I have it right, recalling it from my days reading M&F in the 70's.
Standing preachers, but the incline is almost non-existent, pretty much perpendicular to the floor. Everything is supported, can't cheat at all, form is super strict. Nice full motion - killer stretch at the bottom & with the support can really squeeze the contraction at the top.
Tried googling it once a while back, got a lot of mixed exercises.
Back this afternoon
Medium grip pull ups 3 sets
low pully hammer
Tbar hammer machine underhand grip 1 f 2w
high pully hammer underhand grip slow and holding
wide grip pull downs 2w
standing straight arm pd 2w
Wasn't a great session at all. Hurting. but its keeping my mind good, so still gonna push it as much as I possibly can.
A lot of killer workouts here guys. Feeling movtivated again just by being back on this thread.
Wait it that the thing that has the strap over the neck a 6 in piece of thin metal that goes around the torso and then curves around behind the elbows. Very strict form. There's a picture of arnold using one? If so I bought one in the early 80's. Awesome contraction on the peak.
In bold.... it's amazing how many people(including me b4) would curl to their forehead recruiting the front delt... I know there's a time and place(maybe going real heavy and cheating a bit) but what's the point really?!
That piece of info is and has been gold in shaping and putting size on my arms as well!
Forgive the teacher in me. Actually, because the long head of the biceps attaches above the cup of the shoulder (glenoid), it actually raises the humerus upwards along with the anterior deltoid & some pec. So technically, there is some legitimacy to bringing the arm up with curls. Geek moment over, sorry to interrupt.
Never actually done this on backside.
I have done iso db that way.
What's the point of lying face down on incline and doing curls this way? I've seen this a lot in my new gym.
Also people doing one arm laterals raises using the ez bar?
Just curious always nice to try something new
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Looks like you're bouncing right back cape
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