Not particularly jazzed about tonight's lift but I did get it done. Defo have to compensate for this shoulder for a few weeks at least I believe. That will affect arms, shoulders, and chest sessions but I believe it's doable. If not better after that I'll call the Dr. and get her to set me an appointment at the local imaging place.
Supported biceps exercises are going to be a thing for a while, so I may really slow.down the rep speed on those since this was my last pullback lift this time. The pain is lower down the anterior that it was before so maybe I just strained the d@mn thing?
I did do some shoulder work with my red band prior to lifting. Think it is only a 10-35 lb. band?
Incline d'bell curls- 2 w/u, Work1-7 reps, drop a little weight, Work2-5 reps. These were uncomfortable @ the anterior. May ditch these for awhile and use some pretty slow seated concentration curls in its place.
Preacher curls off back.of bench- 1 w/u, Work1-4 reps + 2 forced reps.Drop a little weight. Work2- 7 reps. These felt much better.
Standing close grip cable curls- Work1- 10 reps. Drop weight. Work2-7 reps. These were OK in the pain department.
Close grip Smythe press- 3 w/u, Work1- 7 reps. Drop weight. Work2- 6 reps. Some pain, but I used less weight. I'd rather keep these if possible.
Triceps pressdown- 2 w/u, Work1-6 reps. Drop weight. Work2-6 reps. These weren't too uncomfortable.
40 minutes not including shoulder work. Shoulders are next in the rotation so I will lead that off with more band work, cable side laterals and save d'bell presses for later in the lift and adjust from there.
I did bump my Voltaren tabs up to 2/day starting now. My script is for 2/day but I was trying to get by on 1/day. Will see if that helps. LOL, glad I stocked up on Voltaren cream.