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Thread: Need Advice about deca / sus / cyp

  1. #1

    Exclamation Need Advice about deca / sus / cyp

    Hi , this is my third cycle which im taking , currently this is my third week, i have an issue which is if i should inject more deca then test.

    Age - 22 M
    Weight - 75kg / 165lb

    Taking Deca 200mg/ml
    Cypionate - 200mg/ml
    Sustanon - 250mg/ml

    I planned a 13 week cycle in which

    week 1 - 1.5ml Deca + 2ml Cypionate
    week 2 - 1.5ml Deca + 2ml Cypionate
    week 3 - 1.5ml Deca + 2ml Cypionate

    I wish to increase one of them to increase in m ore gains and i dont know if i should increase the deca or the test....the question i want to ask is if i increase the Deca to 2.5ml weekly for the rest of the weeks and decrease the test to 1.5ml weekly what problems will i get like not sexually active , ball more shrinking or anything or i should increase the test to 3ml weekly and leave the deca as it is ,
    Can somebody give me an advice thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Well if this is all the compounds you are taking dispite your AGE which is a big factor here you got trouble!I suggest you stop now and do a pct Nova and Clomid.You have no ai you are not running HCG and I will bet you don't have a DA on hand like Caber.Read the young and steroids thread in our stickys bro.And yes Deca will give you problems especally since you are younger are at a greater risk.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    I wouldn't run dec higher than test. I would run the test same dose or just a bump higher. But if you do choose that route I would get some cialis in case of libido issues from dec. are you running AI ?durring cycle

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Also just started taking Letrobol , and for PCT will take nolvadex + HCG , thanks for the advice guys !

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    This has disaster written all over it.

    OP how tall are you?

    What were your first 2 cycles?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Surrounded by wolves
    Quote Originally Posted by joshrutz56 View Post
    I would get some cialis in case of libido issues
    Pardon the question, but what's the point of having a boner when no libido is present?

  7. #7
    5'7 , the first one was deca 200 + sus 250 , and the second one was tren E + sus

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    That's a lot of gear you've already ran, really over the top. Why don't you have better stats?

    Please post a pic so we can advise you properly.

    You should really drop the deca at least though I suspect your HTPA will already have permanent damage after those compounds at your age.

    Are you not taking an ai? HCG?

    What is your PCT plan and what PCT's did you run for your first 2 cycles?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Did you do precycle bloodwork? Or bloodwork 6 weeks after last pct?

    Or u hope for the best?

  10. #10
    in PCT i will use nolvadex and HCG and on the previouse cycle i used only HCG ....the previous cycle i took where 10 weeks of 1ml deca + 2ml weekly test and the other one was 10 weeks of 1ml tren E + sus 2ml weekly , between the 2 cycles i took 1 year of break

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Oh boy, essentially no PCT after your first 2 cycles.

    Hcg should be used on cycle. Guessing you aren't using an ai either?

    Seriously you should drop everything now. In 2 weeks you should start pct of Clomid and nolva as follows

    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20/20/20

    Then 6 weeks after the end of this you should get some bloodwork.

  12. #12
    22 and on your third cycle. I'ma go pour myself a drink and leave you in the hands of these fine gentlemen.

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