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AS Tarmyg pointed out, these are very minute details.
The insulin spike might halt GH, but isn't insulin just as anabolic as GH?
So in essence I'm not sure it makes much difference, except in regards to fat loss.
But yeah, the dextrose post workout is definitely needed when doing slin.
If you do GH then you won't have any natty GH release (unless you do the GH EOD), so then I'd say dextrose post workout would benefit as well.
But the old dextrose and protein shake within 30 minutes post workout,
for a natural bodybuilder idk, depends on how much you eat (and how regular) during the day. But i expect the GH spike to have returned to baseline within 30min post workout, and spiking insulin with protein and dextrose at that point might help.
Whatever the case, BCAA, glutamine, taurine, creatine should be sipped at during workout IMO.
(Creatine should also be added to any post shake as insulin will help it into the cells I believe. Actually, I don't think there's such a thing as too much creative. Lol)