Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 02-17-2017 at 04:52 AM.
It pushes the urinary tract, the gallbladder is not in the "peeing system" or anywhere near
You should have done prostate ultrasound before nebido. Peeing more often can be related to soft muscles of the urinary tract, not always is the prostate. I have more or less the same problem(2-3 times per night) and my prostate was 26gr (small) last time I checked. Drink a lot of water though.
ahh,,,i meant urinebladder. U see. Low test and that two Nebidodepots are not working that fast.
My psa always were in range. And my nigthly peeing has stopped. Maybe one or two times now. Its very related to the runs. When something converts to DHT, prostate grows and pushes the URINEBLADDER
Yeah it's something I've noticed mostly with Tren (even at 40mg weekly) and continuing on HCG, it must be from the progesterone.
The HCG however is driving me crazy; I need some P4 anyway to function so duh in the future I might consider just low dose 19-nors long term, provided prolactin stays in check.
Wow. Cool at work. Been off training protein for a month. Yet a dude stated. Wtf man. Whats your deadliftrecord?. Look at the forarms and triceps.
Like it. Maybe the nebido is working lol.
Man im gonna make their eyes fall out soon![]()
Fall dead into sleep on the sofa last night (right after dinner), hadn't the chance to hydrate properly, woke up with cramping hamstring in the early morning.
Escape escape...Close the gates. They are gathering. Puh....good to be back guys. Ive just ran into some problemes and they wanna put me down because i insaulted a woman. Or, thats what they are accusing me for. And the punishment for that crime is hard, almost a blood eagle.
So i need some of u guys to infiltrate some of the threads to find out when the lynch mob dissolves and its safe for me to visit the qs and as again and help the newbis.
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 02-21-2017 at 10:12 AM.
you are such a piece of dog shit man.
All you do is try to clog up the board with non sense. just try to start shit.
you suck at helping the new guys, save your time and go drink your cranberry
i dont care. I have a real life.
You live here, this is all you have. You have a fake ass life that you try to make into something when all that you are is PATHETIC.
im done with you, I have seen some ass hats around here over last 10 years, but you are up there on the list.
You look great but its not the dungeon HIT. Its the gear and if u used my prinsippials and evening feaders you would look even better.
Maybe you could try that approach the next time you know and see for yourself.
Never said marcus HIT is worthless. Its not. I should know. Ive been doing it for 20 years.
What im saying is that it exists a better path. A more efficient way. Especially when ur on a run.
And i have described it earlier. Dont get caugth up in the name Castle HIT.
You should try it next time.
Ok u dont trust me fine. But Rich Piana has done marcus life x 2 and he has tried pretty much all there is to try.
Ok he got implants but his upperbody dwarfes phil heaths in the streets at almost 50.
He explanes better. His english is better than mine. You should do more time at his channel and less time in the dungeon.
Just sayin
Rich Piana is thick as shit. He has no idea how the body works, or how steroids effect the body.
He uses synthoil excessively and has had so much surgery he looks like Mickey Rorke.
You haven't been doing HIT for 20 years. You still don't understand what HIT is.
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I dont know how to answer a guy who has so little clue. RP hasnt been doing cyntol for 20 years. And he just tried it back then.
Nobody uses synthol anymore. Dont remember the name of that new "drug".
RP has implants (pmaa).
No idea?...thick?...
I guess you are among his youtubemobb also.
He knows more than all the vets in here together x 10.
Ive been on HIT for 20 years. I was 130 kg when i was 25. Not fat. 350 kgs in deads.
You have no idea.
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Because I don't want to explain every error, here is a video someone else made that pulls his retarded cycle apart.
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What does his size have to do with his knowledge?
Have you ever met RP? I have. He's retarded.
He gave the most ridiculous advice for increasing arm size. The guy has no idea.
8 hour arm work out? Yeah.., there is a guy that knows what he is talking about.
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I guess this is where personal preference come's in but come on Sil anyone with any kind of love for this sport can't put Rich over any IFBB, that is completely retarded and shows your imbalance. Rich is full of implants he's had various surgeries on his stomach, ab implants, tummy tucks, his arm implants are ridicules he cant even do a double bicep because the implants look stupid, when his arms are straight or tensed, his chest implants look stupid, his rear delts and triceps are just straight off a Brazilian beach and to be honest that's where he belongs.
Anyone and I mean anyone with any kind of knowledge can look at him and know he's destroyed his body. He is a big guy and should of not touch the implants and silicone injections. He doesn't even come close to any IFBB and only influences people who have no idea which usually are the kids of the industry or people who think being big no matter what the cost like the Brazilian synthol knobs. I wont even comment on his advice because that's obvious but to be honest just looking at him all I see is an ugly implanted guy who will do anything to be big at a cost of looking stupid. If that's your choice of what someone should look like and look up to in this industry you need more help than Rich does but I think we all know that anyway. He is the most grotesque bodybuilder out there IMHO and looks awful in everyway.
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