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Hey... gonna inject this into the conversation for sil and marcus:
I run dorian yates 6 weeks and plateau, actually any program. I have my own workouts I built they plateau too. I can literally hit a plateau and do a light weight week not going to failure and take the next week off, then pick up another routine and continue growing. Why is rich piana so big? Why is sil and marcus so big when they use totally different methods? Hell look at 600@50's routines. He is a fucking artist and his shit is nothing like yours. I dont give a shit what program you run at some point you have to switch it up and have a break.
Last time I plateaued on my triceps I was on marcus's HIT (I bastardized it a little). I took a break and went to sil's routine and my triceps continued growing. Now, sils routine is hitting a peak. Pretty soon I will take a break and come back to a different style.
All workouts will carry the basic principles of HIT. The number of reps and wait times will vary.
I like the feeder workouts, I must admit and I believe they help.
This is not all genetics and its not all one specific way, everyone is gd different...
Glad you guys found what works for you.
The genetics thing you both have means you may not reach a plateau as quickly as some.
Your, "there is only one fucking way" idea would have left my ass at 190 lb.
I like both of you dicks, I will adapt and bastardize the fuck out of your routines though...
We are good at that here in missouri. When I am done I will have one ugly inbred, varying, HIT style program that only works for me best.