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Thread: xX Silabolin' s HIT Castle Xx

  1. #1521
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I guess this is where personal preference come's in but come on Sil anyone with any kind of love for this sport can't put Rich over any IFBB, that is completely retarded and shows your imbalance. Rich is full of implants he's had various surgeries on his stomach, ab implants, tummy tucks, his arm implants are ridicules he cant even do a double bicep because the implants look stupid, when his arms are straight or tensed, his chest implants look stupid, his rear delts and triceps are just straight off a Brazilian beach and to be honest that's where he belongs.

    Anyone and I mean anyone with any kind of knowledge can look at him and know he's destroyed his body. He is a big guy and should of not touch the implants and silicone injections. He doesn't even come close to any IFBB and only influences people who have no idea which usually are the kids of the industry or people who think being big no matter what the cost like the Brazilian synthol knobs. I wont even comment on his advice because that's obvious but to be honest just looking at him all I see is an ugly implanted guy who will do anything to be big at a cost of looking stupid. If that's your choice of what someone should look like and look up to in this industry you need more help than Rich does but I think we all know that anyway. He is the most grotesque bodybuilder out there IMHO and looks awful in everyway.
    Man oh man that was rough lol..he is a ugly dude..I sincerely wonder if he believes the info he spouts or he just does it because it's his "own" 5:/:'s a great marketing tool and Iam sure he's made a ton of money..I had this 120 pound kid at work talking about bodybuilding the first person he talked about was rp and how huge and cut he is..not Ronnie or Kai or Phil but RP??

  2. #1522
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I guess this is where personal preference come's in but come on Sil anyone with any kind of love for this sport can't put Rich over any IFBB, that is completely retarded and shows your imbalance. Rich is full of implants he's had various surgeries on his stomach, ab implants, tummy tucks, his arm implants are ridicules he cant even do a double bicep because the implants look stupid, when his arms are straight or tensed, his chest implants look stupid, his rear delts and triceps are just straight off a Brazilian beach and to be honest that's where he belongs.

    Anyone and I mean anyone with any kind of knowledge can look at him and know he's destroyed his body. He is a big guy and should of not touch the implants and silicone injections. He doesn't even come close to any IFBB and only influences people who have no idea which usually are the kids of the industry or people who think being big no matter what the cost like the Brazilian synthol knobs. I wont even comment on his advice because that's obvious but to be honest just looking at him all I see is an ugly implanted guy who will do anything to be big at a cost of looking stupid. If that's your choice of what someone should look like and look up to in this industry you need more help than Rich does but I think we all know that anyway. He is the most grotesque bodybuilder out there IMHO and looks awful in everyway.
    Strong words. I smell jealousy though.

    RP gets the girls he wants.

    RP lives in a 5000 m2 house.

    RP runs a multimillionar dollar company.

    RP is the most popular BB on youtube.

    RP has the biggest and most visited stands at the expoes.

    Implants or not, he is the most successfull bodybuilder ever to walk on this planet, besides Arnold.

    He is soon 50, seems like his health is within and say what u want, he causes more headturns than most pros. He has nothing to do in a bodybuilding competition, but he stil has what u always wanted marcus. Godgiven size and a badbadbaddogas body. Who the fuck cares how he became like this.

    Bottom line, he has that body, u dont!
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 02-22-2017 at 07:19 AM.

  3. #1523
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    Man oh man that was rough lol..he is a ugly dude..I sincerely wonder if he believes the iIam sure he's made a ton of money.
    .I had this 120 pound kid at work talking about bodybuilding the first person he talked about was rp and how huge and cut he is..not Ronnie or Kai or Phil but RP??

    Exactly...see marcus?

  4. #1524
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Strong words. He smell jealousy though.

    RP gets the girls he wants.

    RP lives in a 5000 m2 house.

    RP runs a multimillionar dollar company.

    RP is the most popular BB on youtube.

    RP has the biggest and most visited stands at the expoes.

    Implants or not, he is the most successfull bodybuilder ever to walk on this planet, besides Arnold.

    He is soon 50, seems like his health is within and say what u want, he causes more headturns than most pros. He has nothing to do in a bodybuilding competition, but he stil has what u always wanted marcus. Godgiven size and a badbadbaddogas body. Who the fuck cares how he became like this.

    Bottom line, he has that body, u dont!
    Its doesn't interest me about women or money every IFBB top level pro has the same, this doesn't interest me and I am far from jealous of Rich but I do admire many IFBB pro but jealously doesn't even come into it. We are talking bodybuilding here nothing else and Rich looks awful everything else you mentioned is completely and utter irrelevant like usual. I also don't care what you think of me, this also isn't in question whether you like how I look or not.

    Can you not see past the smoke and mirrors? he training advice is laughable and tries extremely hard to create something new to attract followers. There isn't anything new Sil feeder workouts are retarded and if you really think that's how he got ugly looking you may well have had a stroke and you don't realize it yet. He is full of implants head to toe and looks awful, that's all ive got to say on the matter and I truly believe you are in need of a full mental health screening

  5. #1525
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Its doesn't interest me about women or money every IFBB top level pro has the same, this doesn't interest me and I am far from jealous of Rich but I do admire many IFBB pro but jealously doesn't even come into it. We are talking bodybuilding here nothing else and Rich looks awful everything else you mentioned is completely and utter irrelevant like usual. I also don't care what you think of me, this also isn't in question whether you like how I look or not.

    Can you not see past the smoke and mirrors? he training advice is laughable and tries extremely hard to create something new to attract followers. There isn't anything new Sil feeder workouts are retarded and if you really think that's how he got ugly looking you may well have had a stroke and you don't realize it yet. He is full of implants head to toe and looks awful, that's all ive got to say on the matter and I truly believe you are in need of a full mental health screening
    Then how come every pro, except a very few like branch and jonny, train pretty much like him then?

    Its all about pumping, feeling, squising the muscles. Lots of reps. Not the beond failure red face grawling heavy shit school you teaches.

    Have u ever seen Big Ramy do a set to failure???....or Phil...Or Flex....answer me goddammit

  6. #1526
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Then how come every pro, except a very few like branch and jonny, train pretty much like him then?

    Its all about pumping, feeling, squising the muscles. Lots of reps. Not the beond failure red face grawling heavy shit school you teaches.

    Have u ever seen Big Ramy do a set to failure???....or Phil...Or Flex....answer me goddammit
    You really don't have any idea do you lol

    I can see I'm talking to someone who's had a stroke or some kind of head trauma because if that's what you think is a great looking bodybuilder I am lost for words. I can see there is zero point in me even writing anything you will never understand.

  7. #1527
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You really don't have any idea do you lol

    I can see I'm talking to someone who's had a stroke or some kind of head trauma because if that's what you think is a great looking bodybuilder I am lost for words. I can see there is zero point in me even writing anything you will never understand.
    Man if i could have you under my wings for 6 months. I guarantee you you would get your body back. With just a little deca and test and mk677. Less than a gram. 100%
    Yes u have good genes with nice bellies. Man u could be great.

  8. #1528
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Man if i could have you under my wings for 6 months. I guarantee you you would get your body back. With just a little deca and test and mk677. Less than a gram. 100%
    You need a check up from the neck up.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. #1529
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    Hey... gonna inject this into the conversation for sil and marcus:
    I run dorian yates 6 weeks and plateau, actually any program. I have my own workouts I built they plateau too. I can literally hit a plateau and do a light weight week not going to failure and take the next week off, then pick up another routine and continue growing. Why is rich piana so big? Why is sil and marcus so big when they use totally different methods? Hell look at 600@50's routines. He is a fucking artist and his shit is nothing like yours. I dont give a shit what program you run at some point you have to switch it up and have a break.
    Last time I plateaued on my triceps I was on marcus's HIT (I bastardized it a little). I took a break and went to sil's routine and my triceps continued growing. Now, sils routine is hitting a peak. Pretty soon I will take a break and come back to a different style.
    All workouts will carry the basic principles of HIT. The number of reps and wait times will vary.

    I like the feeder workouts, I must admit and I believe they help.

    This is not all genetics and its not all one specific way, everyone is gd different...

    Glad you guys found what works for you.
    The genetics thing you both have means you may not reach a plateau as quickly as some.

    Your, "there is only one fucking way" idea would have left my ass at 190 lb.

    I like both of you dicks, I will adapt and bastardize the fuck out of your routines though...

    We are good at that here in missouri. When I am done I will have one ugly inbred, varying, HIT style program that only works for me best.

  10. #1530
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    Oh... I am also considering a 6 week run of an HIT style 5x5 workout....

    Oh my Gawd!!!! I am inbreeding the fuck out of everything!

    Im gonna perfect this and start my own thread: "Powerstroke's HIT Winnebago" LMMFAO!

  11. #1531
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    One last thing...
    I wish to holy hell I knew about HIT ten years ago.
    Read all that shit above you poosay's...
    Love you.

  12. #1532
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Hey... gonna inject this into the conversation for sil and marcus:
    I run dorian yates 6 weeks and plateau, actually any program. I have my own workouts I built they plateau too. I can literally hit a plateau and do a light weight week not going to failure and take the next week off, then pick up another routine and continue growing. Why is rich piana so big? Why is sil and marcus so big when they use totally different methods? Hell look at 600@50's routines. He is a fucking artist and his shit is nothing like yours. I dont give a shit what program you run at some point you have to switch it up and have a break.
    Last time I plateaued on my triceps I was on marcus's HIT (I bastardized it a little). I took a break and went to sil's routine and my triceps continued growing. Now, sils routine is hitting a peak. Pretty soon I will take a break and come back to a different style.
    All workouts will carry the basic principles of HIT. The number of reps and wait times will vary.

    I like the feeder workouts, I must admit and I believe they help.

    This is not all genetics and its not all one specific way, everyone is gd different...

    Glad you guys found what works for you.
    The genetics thing you both have means you may not reach a plateau as quickly as some.

    Your, "there is only one fucking way" idea would have left my ass at 190 lb.

    I like both of you dicks, I will adapt and bastardize the fuck out of your routines though...

    We are good at that here in missouri. When I am done I will have one ugly inbred, varying, HIT style program that only works for me best.
    What the hell as a workout routine got to do with what me and Sil was discussing? Jesus its like a breed of retards in here. You find out what works and implement to how you grow Obs. By the way you have no idea what HIT is or what failure is, you think you do but you don't.

    I'm out of here I cant stand retarded conversation its really hard work lol


  13. #1533
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    What the hell as a workout routine got to do with what me and Sil was discussing? Jesus its like a breed of retards in here. You find out what works and implement to how you grow Obs. By the way you have no idea what HIT is or what failure is, you think you do but you don't.

    I'm out of here I cant stand retarded conversation its really hard work lol

    I was addressing both of your mindsets, you cunt.
    Thats why I said I would inject it into the conversation, it was off topic you dumb brit.

    I dont fail, your right, I apply my soul and hatred to my final rep and someone has to aid in me completeing it by slowly lifting up with me shaking and squealing.

    Closed minded? Me too baby!

  14. #1534
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    What the hell as a workout routine got to do with what me and Sil was discussing? Jesus its like a breed of retards in here. You find out what works and implement to how you grow Obs. By the way you have no idea what HIT is or what failure is, you think you do but you don't.

    I'm out of here I cant stand retarded conversation its really hard work lol

    Hehe. Yes we are retarded but we grow. Obs learns quick. Very smart of him to use the best from two worlds and make an own "HIT".
    I like Obs. He wont let a brother alone. No matter shit u run into, if you're friend with him, he backs u up. And he dont care if the mobb turns at him.

    I had a real life friend like that. Even if your man shoot someone, you should be there for him he said.

    You have a lot to learn yet marcus

  15. #1535
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    Hey sweetie, as soon as you see the bar stop going up.... slowly lightly start helping it go up and be ready because I cant talk or say when.

    That is what you would call failure marcus. No, you are not the only one who can get into a mind frame where you give 100%.
    That mind frame was given to me when I was twelve by my brother punching me in the stomach repeatedly for not pushing his truck hard enough.

    Pushing with my soul is natural. I doubt you have had your ass kicked hard enough to give half the effort I do.

  16. #1536
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Hehe. Yes we are retarded but we grow. Obs learns quick. Very smart of him to use the best from two worlds and make an own "HIT".
    I like Obs. He wont let a brother alone. No matter shit u run into, if you're friend with him, he backs u up. And he dont care if the mobb turns at him.

    I had a real life friend like that. Even if your man shoot someone, you should be there for him he said.

    You have a lot to learn yet marcus
    I have a brother like that friend you speak of. I let him down once and it almost cost him his life even though he saved mine countless times. You are a cool cat Silabolin, Marcus is too. We are all hard headed but we know what works.

  17. #1537
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Hey sweetie, as soon as you see the bar stop going up.... slowly lightly start helping it go up and be ready because I cant talk or say when.

    That is what you would call failure marcus. No, you are not the only one who can get into a mind frame where you give 100%.
    That mind frame was given to me when I was twelve by my brother punching me in the stomach repeatedly for not pushing his truck hard enough.

    Pushing with my soul is natural. I doubt you have had your ass kicked hard enough to give half the effort I do.
    Hardly. Ive heard he went to sundayschool and his parents were very religious. They were very protective and made sure little marcus stayed home reading instead of hitting the streets. And he was not aloved to hang with non-religious people.
    He had to wash his hands 3 times aday and change socks and underwear every day.
    The funny part is. At 23, doing his first date, his father was his wingman.

    Therefor as an adult he tries to be a man with HIT, but it doesnt work and he is stil afraid of breaking nails.

  18. #1538
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    Attachment 167881Attachment 167882 This is that special shirt I have that I cant go anywhere in without comments from women and gropey eyes hitting me. Nice day again in february, in Missouri. Hell yes!

  19. #1539
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Attachment 167881Attachment 167882 This is that special shirt I have that I cant go anywhere in without comments from women and gropey eyes hitting me. Nice day again in february, in Missouri. Hell yes!
    Nice forearms there.

  20. #1540
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    Walked a lot today, google fit on phone reports 18km, 20k steps, and 750kc burned.

  21. #1541
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    I was addressing both of your mindsets, you cunt.
    Thats why I said I would inject it into the conversation, it was off topic you dumb brit.

    I dont fail, your right, I apply my soul and hatred to my final rep and someone has to aid in me completeing it by slowly lifting up with me shaking and squealing.

    Closed minded? Me too baby!
    I don't know you mate and I don't particularly want to get into this thread but who do you think you are calling a cunt?

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  22. #1542
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    Quote Originally Posted by Booz View Post
    I don't know you mate and I don't particularly want to get into this thread but who do you think you are calling a cunt?
    One of my friends, I stole his favorite word too. Ask marcus about it. I doubt he bitches about it

  23. #1543
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    You call your friends a cunt then?
    Marcus your friend is he?

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  24. #1544
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    Quote Originally Posted by Booz View Post
    You call your friends a cunt then?
    Marcus your friend is he?
    We call each other every name in the book. Yes I like marcus and he likes me too.

  25. #1545
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    Nice new pics OB, seriously. Gotta tell you though your avi kind of is odd

    Nice castle traffic - damn popular place.

  26. #1546
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Nice new pics OB, seriously. Gotta tell you though your avi kind of is odd

    Nice castle traffic - damn popular place.
    I was shooting for that. All this acting normal stuff has got to have a transparent spot somewhere. Thanks proximal

  27. #1547
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    I was shooting for that. All this acting normal stuff has got to have a transparent spot somewhere. Thanks proximal
    No probs OB.

  28. #1548
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    Just ate 150mg of ephedrine and 2400 mg of guaifenesin and fell asleep for ten min immediately after. I am about to have the greatest cup of wake up coffee of my life. Im feeling... deadlifty. Changed my avatar for ya prox

  29. #1549
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Just ate 150mg of ephedrine and 2400 mg of guaifenesin and fell asleep for ten min immediately after. I am about to have the greatest cup of wake up coffee of my life. Im feeling... deadlifty. Changed my avatar for ya prox
    Appreciated, really! Thanks OB! Good luck with the deads.

    So if you don't mind, what techniques/routines are you using of Sils? I'm all over the place with my techniques, works well for me.

  30. #1550
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Appreciated, really! Thanks OB! Good luck with the deads.

    So if you don't mind, what techniques/routines are you using of Sils? I'm all over the place with my techniques, works well for me.
    The main thing of his that I use is feeder workouts. I also do very high reps for my calves.

    The feeders do work and they did pull me out of a slump. For how long I dont know.

  31. #1551
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    The main thing of his that I use is feeder workouts. I also do very high reps for my calves.

    The feeders do work and they did pull me out of a slump. For how long I dont know.
    Alright, will look into the feeders. I've had a break after my last blast & the flu, time to get busy again. I still like the HIT techniques when & where I can use them, but believe that a variety of approaches should be respected.

  32. #1552
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Appreciated, really! Thanks OB! Good luck with the deads.

    So if you don't mind, what techniques/routines are you using of Sils? I'm all over the place with my techniques, works well for me.
    My workouts are screwy dependig on the muscle for deads I will try a 5x5 tonight after warmup. No, hit tonight I never do on squats or deads.

  33. #1553
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    My workouts are screwy dependig on the muscle for deads I will try a 5x5 tonight after warmup. No, hit tonight I never do on squats or deads.
    Hey, how is your abdominal issue - getting better I'm guessing?

  34. #1554
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Alright, will look into the feeders. I've had a break after my last blast & the flu, time to get busy again. I still like the HIT techniques when & where I can use them, but believe that a variety of approaches should be respected.
    Do you know 600@50? Look at some of his routines if you get a chance. I creepily eye his posts all the time and he has given me advice before. He is a power guy more than size but he does interesting workouts and definitely knows his craft. 600lb bench press at 56 yo is damn impressive and very experienced.

  35. #1555
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Hey, how is your abdominal issue - getting better I'm guessing?
    It is healed pretty much I did pull downs the other day and I can feel it. It was a bad bad tear. I feel very fortunate.

  36. #1556
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    Glad to hear your abs are on the mend. Yes I'm familiar with 600@50, enjoy reading his posts, very informative, very supportive of everyone. Will check him out.

    You think Sil will bounce back from this?

  37. #1557
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Glad to hear your abs are on the mend. Yes I'm familiar with 600@50, enjoy reading his posts, very informative, very supportive of everyone. Will check him out.

    You think Sil will bounce back from this?
    Oh yeah, norwegians are resilient. Thanks prox

  38. #1558
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    the flaming is end ing now, enough is enough. I cant believe what a bunch of dumb assholes you guys sound like arguing over the same shit, your beating a dead horse. Stay out of threads if you dont have anything productive to contribute. Enough of the childish bullshit, you guys are ridiculous.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  39. #1559
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    the flaming is end ing now, enough is enough. I cant believe what a bunch of dumb assholes you guys sound like arguing over the same shit, your beating a dead horse. Stay out of threads if you dont have anything productive to contribute. Enough of the childish bullshit, you guys are ridiculous.
    BG, I'd be pissed at myself if I offended you, I mean that sincerely. Do I owe you an apology? Thanks.

  40. #1560
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    It just has to end with everyone, its out of control, time for guys who dont get along to stay away from each other. Stay out of each others threads and enough about RP or Hit. Ive been busy the past few weeks and I cant believe what Im reading.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

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