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Thread: A very, very dangerous man

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    For the sake of the discussion you guys mind expanding on the reasons to why he was so bad?
    Look at my video I just posted. Europeans are worried about Trump?????? The discussion was over Nato building a missle detection system in eastern europe to detect missles coming from Iran only....

    Did that sink in because Russia strongly opposed it...
    So Obama tells Russia "after election I will have more flexibilty"

    Iran nuke deal ring any bells?

    Buuuut that damn TRUMP we cant trust that asshole! Lmao! Europe should have shit a goddamn brick over Obama but they were apparently blind as fuck.

    Maybe a nuke in London fom Iran will wake Europe up?
    I have touched on most of the major failures of Obama in this thread already. I wont do it again. We are not european, we are not supposed to be socialists. We are capitalists and Obama is the fucking antichrist of capitalism. Literally every decision that motherfucker made on an issue was wrong. Europeans cannot seem to understand our fucking economic system is not supposed to mirror yours.

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    For the sake of the discussion you guys mind expanding on the reasons to why he was so bad?
    Nobody could be as bad a Clinton.
    He lied about getting a blow job under oath.
    (Yeah, he should have just admitted it, but it isn't exactly high treason IMO)

    Nobody could be as bad a W. bush.

    Nobody could be as bad as Obama.

    I think I see a trend here.

    And I have no idea WHY any of these presidents were disliked inside the US.

    Outside it's pretty much like this:

    W. Bush sounded like a retard and "God this and God that.."
    and wasn't exactly a great diplomat.
    Clinton and Obama actually was more liked by the world community,
    not necessarily by their actions, but simply by sounding more intelligent and diplomatic.
    Trump, well, you know...

    I get it's different inside the US and you don't value your presidents by how well they're liked outside the US.
    But with the advance of China and Russia,
    I don't think lack of diplomacy and alienating your allies is beneficial.

    But that's another thing.
    I also would like to know why someone was so bad, when they are accused of being bad. Outside the US we mostly care about your foreign policy,
    so no wonder we're not seeing the same.

  3. #123
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Obama was simply divisive. Here's a president with the absolute best chance to unify the nation and he succeded in polarizing it and dividing it (racially) exponentially. No president is perfect but this one really disappointed me.
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  4. #124
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    I would take bush over obama or clinton any day. Clinton btw is praised for dumbass reasons here by both sides. "He presided over the largest economic expansion".... give me a break!

    Every hill had a cell tower going up on it, every ditch had lines being ran and fiber optics, every home learned what the internet was, every common man got a damn cell phone for the first time.

    The infrastructure was put in place and guess what happened... finished! Meet president Bush! The job market hit the fucking floor.

    The economy taking a shit was no more Bush's fault than the expansion was Clinton's doing.

    Bush had a spine. Only problems I had with the guy were Imminent domain and the patriot act.

  5. #125
    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    I would take bush over obama or clinton any day. Clinton btw is praised for dumbass reasons here by both sides. "He presided over the largest economic expansion".... give me a break!

    Every hill had a cell tower going up on it, every ditch had lines being ran and fiber optics, every home learned what the internet was, every common man got a damn cell phone for the first time.

    The infrastructure was put in place and guess what happened... finished! Meet president Bush! The job market hit the fucking floor.

    The economy taking a shit was no more Bush's fault than the expansion was Clinton's doing.

    Bush had a spine. Only problems I had with the guy were Imminent domain and the patriot act.

    Obama was a good president, as well as Clinton.

    Bush was fucked, trump is bush on steroids

    You can come out and say it, its almost obvious, you didn't like OBAMA because he was black. You didn't like Clinton, because he did good for blacks, and people on the lower economic scale.

    The bush and trump. Those are "the white mans" kinda president.

    Well I just want a lot of people to remember, 50% of trumps supporters are not going to make the cut, in trumps eyes.

    A wall, from Cali to Texas..... Grab her by the pussy, your famous, they'll let you do anything.

    Obama tapped my phones, ....

    He's full of hot air, he's a loudmouth shit talker, similar to a thug.
    Last edited by Couchlock; 03-06-2017 at 11:48 AM.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    For the sake of the discussion you guys mind expanding on the reasons to why he was so bad?
    Here are a few:

    1. Nearly doubled the National Debt (First, FIRST POTUS ever not to reach 3% growth GDP)
    2. ACA or Obamacare (I am going on a new healthcare plan once again this year, was told back in 2011 that I can keep my plan. New plan every year, price for me went up 3x since ACA)
    3. Iran Deal
    4. Racial Tensions in this country (not that they were ever great, but they are at a new high post civil rights era.)
    5. Facilitating Illegal Immigration
    6 Failed Stimulus Package

    there are more that I can add, these were off the top of my head.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Obama was a good president

    Expand on that please.
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  8. #128
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post

    Expand on that please.
    I am able to see a dentist,chiropractor, doctor for the first time since I was 18

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    I am able to see a dentist,chiropractor, doctor for the first time since I was 18
    That is a good thing. But it's only one thing (ACA) which is collapsing under it's own weight.
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  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    I am able to see a dentist,chiropractor, doctor for the first time since I was 18
    Good for you. I lost my ability. My premiums doubled and my deductibles. You must be one of the people I pay for then.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    I am able to see a dentist,chiropractor, doctor for the first time since I was 18
    you have always had that right, it did not just become available to you.

    The whole people dont like obama cause he is black shit is so over played, actually surprised you went there.

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Obama was a good president, as well as Clinton.

    Bush was fucked, trump is bush on steroids

    You can come out and say it, its almost obvious, you didn't like OBAMA because he was black. You didn't like Clinton, because he did good for blacks, and people on the lower economic scale.

    The bush and trump. Those are "the white mans" kinda president.

    Well I just want a lot of people to remember, 50% of trumps supporters are not going to make the cut, in trumps eyes.

    A wall, from Cali to Texas..... Grab her by the pussy, your famous, they'll let you do anything.

    Obama tapped my phones, ....

    He's full of hot air, he's a loudmouth shit talker, similar to a thug.
    You a dumb little bastard and I just lost all respect for you fucker. Blacks are not held down by whitey and anyone who says they are is fucking dumb.

    They can all get jobs and work for the "white privilege'" that just had me 60' up in a tree at 40 mph windgusts.

    This country was not race divided until Obama made it that way.

    If you can suddenly afford healthcare because of Obama it mens you are on the government option and I pay for your lazy ass to work a lazy fuck 40 hr a week job that makes barely over minimum wage.
    In the meantime I bust my fucking ass with a big family and pay for your ass to do less than.

    Dont hand me that race card shit Obama did. That motherfucker ran his fucking mouth and caused riot after riot and cop after cop to get shot just for doing their job.

    Call me a racist you lazy fuck.

  13. #133
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    Well that went south quickly.
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  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Well that went south quickly.
    He found the button to push every dumb useless liberal does, the race button.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Well that went south quickly.
    Does he started tren again?

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Does he started tren again?
    Nope I got called a racist because I dont like paying for couchlokds healthcare.

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Nope I got called a racist because I dont like paying for couchlokds healthcare.
    You could have made your point without the insults.

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    You could have made your point without the insults.
    I could have but it wouldnt have felt nearly as good that way. He insulted first, I followed up ten times as hard. My point has been made.

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    I could have but it wouldnt have felt nearly as good that way. He insulted first, I followed up ten times as hard.
    No, he didnt. He just has different opinion or perspective.

    Edit the insults out plz.

  20. #140
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post

    You could have made your point without the insults.
    I am thick skinned. I don't hold that against anyone.

    I for one am pretty racist, but only to those who qualify for such.

    Lazy? No not lazy, far from it. I work 50 hours a week at a 12.25hour job. The job offers no benefits, I could not afford to pay a 400$ a month health care plan.

    I do pay $130 a month for what I get now.

    Call me lazy? Lol maybe I should just quite and go on disability (trust me I could I'm a mess on a back xray). Then ob, you can pay for me to sit home 24/7 and play in my basement gym. ?

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    I am thick skinned. I don't hold that against anyone.

    I for one am pretty racist, but only to those who qualify for such.

    Lazy? No not lazy, far from it. I work 50 hours a week at a 12.25hour job. The job offers no benefits, I could not afford to pay a 400$ a month health care plan.

    I do pay $130 a month for what I get now.

    Call me lazy? Lol maybe I should just quite and go on disability (trust me I could I'm a mess on a back xray). Then ob, you can pay for me to sit home 24/7 and play in my basement gym. ?
    Ever thought about oh, idk, maybe applying yourself so people like me dont have to pay your way?

    I probably paid more taxes than you earned last year but hey I cant afford insurance since the affordable care act. Sooo, I should pay for yours since you work a third as hard as I do?

    Dont give me the bad back shit and anyone including myself can go on disability for no reason. The question is: are you a piece of shit leech?

    I dont like obama because he is a goddamn socialist, race baiting, spinless, pussy. He did nothing for anyone but lazy fucks and put more on my back like all socialists in this country do.
    Fuck obama and you for being an entitled little food stamping prick that takes food off my kids plate when you have no fucking clue what work is.

  22. #142
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    amazing! i really thought i'd see more anti trump replies, but to my surprise more pro Trump! in the primaries i was not Trump guy, but now i am 110%. have you guys noticed he's a different guy from the one when he started campaigning? much wiser and calmer but still kicking ass. the media and democrats leaders have deceived many people for too long, and still at it. the republicans today are no different, but Trump is setting them straight. i still don't trust both sides of the isle. for now i only trust trump.

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    amazing! i really thought i'd see more anti trump replies, but to my surprise more pro Trump! in the primaries i was not Trump guy, but now i am 110%. have you guys noticed he's a different guy from the one when he started campaigning? much wiser and calmer but still kicking ass. the media and democrats leaders have deceived many people for too long, and still at it. the republicans today are no different, but Trump is setting them straight. i still don't trust both sides of the isle. for now i only trust trump.
    Big thumbs up on that! I gotta get the hell away from this thread lol!

  24. #144
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    I'm not saying the system we have here would work in the US,
    but we have free healthcare for everyone.
    (Dentists are an exception, and some fall in between, so it ain't perfect)
    Overall though, nobody needs insurance here, not for their health anyway.
    Only insurance related to health we have is travel and death/loss of work that's paid to you or your loved ones.

    That means we have high taxes.

    Our jails are called hotels. Yet we have a reasonable low crime rate, at least the more serious stuff. To get murdered you either are so unlucky it's like winning a lottery, or you're in an environment like I grew up in.

    I think socialism works very fine as long as the people in the country feel like a part of it and want to contribute.
    Needless to say, with more immigration and culture clashes socialism gets harder and harder to work in practice.

    When people don't feel united, you can't have socialism.

    (By socialism I mean democratic socialism, the way it's been over here since WW2, and is now going more and more to the right)

    Too bad humans are so flawed, because democratic socialism is IMO the best way to live. IF people don't abuse it.

    But I digress

    Racial tension in the US;
    Even I, who's over here, have the impression some blacks are still complaining about the slavery in the past.
    Whether the challenges are real or not, that is a very destructive influence (way of thinking) IMO.
    And it might explain why blacks from Africa or other countries that immigrate to the US are generally more successful than blacks born in the US.
    (Or so I've heard)

    And from what you're saying you seem to confirm that notion.

  25. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    amazing! i really thought i'd see more anti trump replies, but to my surprise more pro Trump! in the primaries i was not Trump guy, but now i am 110%. have you guys noticed he's a different guy from the one when he started campaigning? much wiser and calmer but still kicking ass. the media and democrats leaders have deceived many people for too long, and still at it. the republicans today are no different, but Trump is setting them straight. i still don't trust both sides of the isle. for now i only trust trump.
    Politicians have never had to deal with a wild card. The media can't stop him. He's a genius. He's playing the dumbasses and they don't have a clue. I honestly believe he loves this country and wants to make it great. No agenda. Straight talk and no bullshit.

  26. #146
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    But one thing i really do see, (and can see just by looking at this thread)
    Is that people in the US have very low belief in politicians, press and also a general paranoia. (I'm thinking about the very idea that anyone, with the military industrial complex lobbyists, could actually restrict guns in the US)
    , or that Iran acquiring nukes would mean they would use them.
    (I surely don't want Iran to have nukes, but realize that even if they did, they couldn't use them anymore than Russia or the US can. Actually the prime countries for actually using nukes would be Israel and the US I believe, no one else would dare, North Korea included)

    Or like Muslims would unite against the west (not brought up in this thread),
    they can't even unite in Iraq or Syria, how would they unite on a grander scale.

    Just some thoughts.

  27. #147
    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post

    Ever thought about oh, idk, maybe applying yourself so people like me dont have to pay your way?

    I probably paid more taxes than you earned last year but hey I cant afford insurance since the affordable care act. Sooo, I should pay for yours since you work a third as hard as I do?

    Dont give me the bad back shit and anyone including myself can go on disability for no reason. The question is: are you a piece of shit leech?

    I dont like obama because he is a goddamn socialist, race baiting, spinless, pussy. He did nothing for anyone but lazy fucks and put more on my back like all socialists in this country do.
    Fuck obama and you for being an entitled little food stamping prick that takes food off my kids plate when you have no fucking clue what work is.
    Have you ever thought of applying yourself? Maybe go get a electricians license, or plumber apprentice?

    You choose to cut down trees. Sorry, you could have hit the books out of high school.

    I when out of work, have had a small side business snaking drains, helping my father run electrical services, installing central air, furnaces, etc. I've done back breaking roofing. I know hard work.

    And so you pay taxes. Big ducking deal I do to, so does everyone with a job. Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back man. I pay taxes as well as an additional 130 per month for my health care. I'm positive that my taxes also go to the same good for nothings yours do.

    I can make my own way easily. Always have, never received a check from big brother, no food stamps. Nothing of the sort.

    Just wait, remidial laborers are not the ones trump's policies will protect, like it or not, in his eyes and in the grand scheme of his ultimate plans, you are grouped into the useless just like "us".

    I hope to god he does good for our country, but honestly history will repeat itself, not one republican has done shit good for this country since nixon, and his only golden moment was getting us out of Vietnam.

    You lack of intelligence shows, you sling insults and generalisation, like a caged ape in a zoo slings shit at passerbys.

    Just cuzz you got 70 lbs on some one and are raged out from tren, doesn't mean a smaller man can't hospitalized you. You think you'd do well against paquio, or Duran, lamotta, or suger ray?. You may just eat your words one fine day my brother.
    Last edited by Couchlock; 03-06-2017 at 03:58 PM.

  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Have you ever thought of applying yourself? Maybe go get a electricians license, or plumber apprentice?

    You choose to cut down trees. Sorry, you could have hit the books out of high school.

    I when out of work, have had a small side business snaking drains, helping my father run electrical services, installing central air, furnaces, etc. I've done back breaking roofing. I know hard work.

    And so you pay taxes. Big ducking deal I do to, so does everyone with a job. Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back man. I pay taxes as well as an additional 130 per month for my health care. I'm positive that my taxes also go to the same good for nothings yours do.

    I can make my own way easily. Always have, never received a check from big brother, no food stamps. Nothing of the sort.

    Just wait, remidial laborers are not the ones trump's policies will protect, like it or not, in his eyes and in the grand scheme of his ultimate plans, you are grouped into the useless just like "us".

    I hope to god he does good for our country, but honestly history will repeat itself, not one republican has done shit good for this country since nixon, and his only golden moment was getting us out of Vietnam.
    You would appreciate Canada. I dont know why you dont just go a little farther north. Everything you want, they practice.

  29. #149
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    Has this really turned into "I'm paying more taxes than you..", "I can kick your ass!" internet battle?!


    What about some solidarity for your fellow American?
    Obs, wasn't it you that talked about nationalism?
    You realize nationalism and socialism is kinda two aspects of them same,
    (and then you have national socialism, or the nazi movement which is kinda like communism, but with )even more "they are leeches" mentality.)

    If America is gonna be great again (or the world survive),
    some solidarity would perhaps not be such a bad idea.

    Arguing over who's paying more taxes is a pissing contest nobody wins IMO.
    It just causes polarization. Something I can also see there's an even greater problem with in the US than over here. (Though we are catching up unfortunately)

  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    That is a good thing. But it's only one thing (ACA) which is collapsing under it's own weight.
    I understand your point on the racism, its something thats 1000x worse to see it near you than to see it on TV as I do, so im probably not entirely aware of the dimension of it.

    But about the health care whats you opinion. Im not trying to say ACA is perfect, im just curious of the US health care as I dont really understand it.

    My basic knowledge of ACA is that it forces health insurance on everyone, dividing the cost by everyone but allowing everyone to have health insurance. Plz correct me if im wrong, and I know there's plenty of details, but im not interested in details, just the macro decision making of how to solve the problem.

    So, if you are against dividing the cost through everyone does it mean you agree with poor ppl being denied treatment, or whats the solution for the ppl who could not afford insurance premiums?

    For example someone like OBS, if he gets a blood clot requiring surgery, this can easily cost a few tens of thousands $$, he gets denied coverage, what happens?? Do they let him die? He is left with debt that might not be able to pay?

  31. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    I understand your point on the racism, its something thats 1000x worse to see it near you than to see it on TV as I do, so im probably not entirely aware of the dimension of it.

    But about the health care whats you opinion. Im not trying to say ACA is perfect, im just curious of the US health care as I dont really understand it.

    My basic knowledge of ACA is that it forces health insurance on everyone, dividing the cost by everyone but allowing everyone to have health insurance. Plz correct me if im wrong, and I know there's plenty of details, but im not interested in details, just the macro decision making of how to solve the problem.

    So, if you are against dividing the cost through everyone does it mean you agree with poor ppl being denied treatment, or whats the solution for the ppl who could not afford insurance premiums?

    For example someone like OBS, if he gets a blood clot requiring surgery, this can easily cost a few tens of thousands $$, he gets denied coverage, what happens?? Do they let him die? He is left with debt that might not be able to pay?
    You're never denied treatment. You may have to go on a payment plan but never denied treatment.

  32. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    You're never denied treatment. You may have to go on a payment plan but never denied treatment.
    So worst case scenario you are in debt for life?
    I'd also like to know. It's so different than over here it's difficult to understand from most Europeans standard.

  33. #153
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    On average each individual over here has 5000 EUR each year in the health budget. Some go 10 years without seeing a doctor, some patients require that each week almost. But we all pay as part of our tax.

  34. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    Has this really turned into "I'm paying more taxes than you..", "I can kick your ass!" internet battle?!


    What about some solidarity for your fellow American?
    Obs, wasn't it you that talked about nationalism?
    You realize nationalism and socialism is kinda two aspects of them same,
    (and then you have national socialism, or the nazi movement which is kinda like communism, but with )even more "they are leeches" mentality.)

    If America is gonna be great again (or the world survive),
    some solidarity would perhaps not be such a bad idea.

    Arguing over who's paying more taxes is a pissing contest nobody wins IMO.
    It just causes polarization. Something I can also see there's an even greater problem with in the US than over here. (Though we are catching up unfortunately)
    Done buddy. I could explain and go on forever. Won't do it though. We live in different worlds. I am a to the bone conservative, capitalist that belives every man here should have to take care of his own and not a bunch of non hackers. Taxes here should be a percentage rate straight across the boad, flat tax. Most here do not pay a dime of taxes. Its taken out of their checks every week and they get that and more back at the end of the year.
    Most of the people bitching about the 1%'ers here have never paid a dime of federal taxes.

    We are living in a country where 60 years ago state taxes were more than federal taxes at years end. Today the federal taxes exceed state taxes tenfold.

    If people could grasp for two seconds the percentages of income being taken that led to the revolutionaty war vs. todays percentages maybe they would. Stop it before we are totally fucked. Unfortunately we let in too many gd outsiders that think america is the place you go to pick gold from the street.

    Once you let in too many people with foreign ideals you are fucked. Just ask the natives here.

    Peace to you doctor toxin.

  35. #155
    What bothers me about trump is this. His ego is very similar to Adolf Hitler.

    Adolf didnt come out the gate screaming about barbecueing 6million Jews.

    He slowly forced his doctrine onto the people after years of actually turning Germany around, creating jobs, and making them a powerhouse of a nation

    Now, obs, so because they take 27% of my wages for taxes automatically, and you file some document and cut your own checks because your a self employed business owner and pay taxes that way, that makes you a better person than the latter?

    Like I don't miss over a quartet of what I make, on top of straight up paying 130 additional a month?

    Jesus Christ your very full of yourself.
    Last edited by Couchlock; 03-06-2017 at 06:21 PM.

  36. #156
    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post

    So worst case scenario you are in debt for life?
    I'd also like to know. It's so different than over here it's difficult to understand from most Europeans standard.
    I would not be denied treatment in the er, but as far as dentistry, and regular docs, I would not be seen.

    Those that welcome you to make payments are far and few between, if DAMN near non existent. And the next visit you better have previous paid off in full, or you do not get seen.

  37. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    You a dumb little bastard and I just lost all respect for you fucker. Blacks are not held down by whitey and anyone who says they are is fucking dumb.

    They can all get jobs and work for the "white privilege'" that just had me 60' up in a tree at 40 mph windgusts.

    This country was not race divided until Obama made it that way.

    If you can suddenly afford healthcare because of Obama it mens you are on the government option and I pay for your lazy ass to work a lazy fuck 40 hr a week job that makes barely over minimum wage.
    In the meantime I bust my fucking ass with a big family and pay for your ass to do less than.

    Dont hand me that race card shit Obama did. That motherfucker ran his fucking mouth and caused riot after riot and cop after cop to get shot just for doing their job.

    Call me a racist you lazy fuck.
    Hey man easy with the flaming. We are grown up and can discuss things with out getting out of control. Please end it. Last warning man, we talked about this many times.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  38. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Hey man easy with the flaming. We are grown up and can discuss things with out getting out of control. Please end it. Last warning man, we talked about this many times.
    He probably needs to stop calling people racist for not liking obama. I am done but that was a big button he pushed awful hard.

  39. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    I understand your point on the racism, its something thats 1000x worse to see it near you than to see it on TV as I do, so im probably not entirely aware of the dimension of it.

    But about the health care whats you opinion. Im not trying to say ACA is perfect, im just curious of the US health care as I dont really understand it.

    My basic knowledge of ACA is that it forces health insurance on everyone, dividing the cost by everyone but allowing everyone to have health insurance. Plz correct me if im wrong, and I know there's plenty of details, but im not interested in details, just the macro decision making of how to solve the problem.

    So, if you are against dividing the cost through everyone does it mean you agree with poor ppl being denied treatment, or whats the solution for the ppl who could not afford insurance premiums?

    For example someone like OBS, if he gets a blood clot requiring surgery, this can easily cost a few tens of thousands $$, he gets denied coverage, what happens?? Do they let him die? He is left with debt that might not be able to pay?

    Oh I like the idea of everyone being covered so there's no issues there. It was just born to fail and was flawed from the beginning. It was not publicly debated, just dumped on everyone in one fell swoop. Doesn't matter to me what political affiliation anyone is, the ACA is imploding and would need fixing regardless of what party is running things.

    Cost has skyrocketed by over 100% in some states. Deductibles are ridiculous. Most all states are losing insurers as they're bailing out ahead of disaster. Some states are down to only one provider and you're not allowed to look out of state so there goes competition. People are also forced to buy types of insurance that they do not want or need. Higher wait times for doctors as many aren't accepting it. And now they're bailing it out with money not meant for the ACA.

    Hopefully the current party in charge will release it for debate soon, as they claim as they don't want to pass it without debate as the previous administration did. Maybe the two parties can actually do something together for the betterment of the country. Holding my breath.

    I'm fortunate and do not neet the ACA.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  40. #160
    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post

    He probably needs to stop calling people racist for not liking obama. I am done but that was a big button he pushed awful hard.
    I didn't call you racist, I generalized trump supporters as thinking "hell yeah, he's a white mans president" sir, filled in the blanks...sorry if you felt that shoe fit,

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