Killed 1000kc via cardio today. Not losing a single lb though.
What is the Castle doing?
I got some injectable winstrol for free but don't know what to do with it.
Get a small order of test prop and bump your strength up?
Test never did anything for my strength. Tren, though... miss that shit.
Going to show up at lab tomorrow, pulling CBC, liver, kidney function, PRL, electrolytes, serum Iron, lipids.
Let's see if I can afford a blast.
Well my lab is cheap but bloods costed as much as a vial of Test. That should be the castle currency. Vials of Test.
BP this morning was still 140/90 but after some days on 10mg telmisartan (ang2 blocker) I noticed resting heart rate is up to 90-100 bpm and I feel somewhat strange in the head, dunno how to explain, but is enough sides.
Dbol feels like xanax to me lol.
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching !
Currently dunking smores poptarts into milk. They do not readily absorb the milk as I had hoped. I must say I am disappointed.
Aha! Peanut butter cookie! Very porous! Nice texture after a few seconds of submersal... one must use an instrument to submerse it. I have no place in my life for a crunchy fingerhold area! It must be uniform squishy...
Hamstrings are sore, I think I will let legs rest today. Let's see if I can push some weight without cramps
Tried cialis yday but didn't work, only felt dizzy from the vasodilation but predicted that and took it just before bed.
Well in fact I still feel a bit dizzy and down, shit is powerful. Resting hr is 80 bpm.
Attachment 168100 Girlfriend was drunk as hell. She will be pissed when she wakes up lol!
She looks nice
45 mins jogging this morning, couldn't do more only because interrupted. It's getting better, duh.
Something is not alright today btw, woke up this morning and just had coffee, went jogging, skip both breakfast and lunch, went for a nap, took another coffee, still no hunger, now I'm moving some weights (no cramps too!), I plan some high protein and caloric dinner tonight, yet, no hunger :|
Maybe the methylestradiol from the dbol?
Nipples are sore like no tomorrow. Damn danabol, I knew it.
Shit is getting serious, even acquaintances do notice something is wrong with my breast.
How has my kingdom been...
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching !
Excluding cardio my TDEE is at 2000Kc, and that equals caloric intake - 30/45/25 (carbs fat protein).
With cardio I should be burning between 500-1000kc daily, but I must be doing something wrong.
In the past, I managed some serious weight loss (> 60lbs) without any cardio, just dieting and weights.
I've been unable to move weights over the last months because of cramps, however that telmisartan I've been taking seems to help, and so did cialis, I guess like I predicted it's a blood perfusion issue (due to peripheral resistance), must be the damn oestrogen wreaking havoc on my CV system.
I don't know, I'm afraid of muscle loss if I go too low on carbs. I never tried keto and I don't feel comfortable with it, it's something I'd need to study in detail first, my knowledge is lacking unfortunately.
What would be good instead is to get my muscles working, I need to fix shit with hormones, so I can finally train properly and cramps-free, I sense with cardio I'm not really going anywhere.
I'm planning a short blast btw, I wasn't taking any AI and not really having issues until I gained some extra pounds in January, the problem I'm damn sensitive to those and even with .125 arimidex felt like crap on my TRT dose (100mg 2x), so duh, I've bumped it to 150mg, then add that tad of AI (plus some mast eheh), and it seems to be working well... we will see. It won't even land me way to high on Test, 250mg weekly put me at 1130 ng/dl. Timing also is very important to me, I need to take AI no more than 12h after pin or I will feel on a rollercoaster.
In response to that I have to say... since starting my first every cut I have lost about 1" off my arms. How much of that was fat I'll never know. And keto for sure makes you feel flat as hell I don't know how much that contributed to the size loss.
What kind of cardio do you do I've heard hiit is supposed to be the best for fat loss as long as you're not fasted.
And I'm afraid I don't know lots about trt chemistry haha learning as I go but why don't you try a cutting blast maybe?
Hey biazzaro how many cycles have you done and if your havin all these issues why not go natural
Well at that dose is not TRT anymore.
I do regularly 8 miles of brisk walking around in a day plus some fasting jogging in the morning, that's as much I can do atm.
I got diagnosed with idiopathic low T at 24.
Never did a real cycle, I'm a TRT patient who got pissed by endos and commenced experimenting stuff and protocol on its own.
If I were to go natural I doubt I could feel well again anyway.
The closest thing I did to a cycle was 200mg of Tren weekly, that was fun, and almost sideless.
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