Hello, Im 21 and I have been working out for over 5 years now!
Ive done 2 cycles so far.
1st cycle: Winny Only with Nolva Pct
2nd cylce: Test for 1 month and a transfer to winny for another month (with a questionable hcg PCT)(everything went well and my libido and test came back fine).
Now Without questioning what I did in the past, my results were great and I'm wondering about a new cycle idea.
Test Enth / 200-250mg per week / (week 1-4)
Mast Prop / 200mg slowly up to 500mg per week and taper down near week 7 / (week 1-8)
Winny / 150mg per day / (week 4-10)
Tried to get that all in correct terms. please suggest corrections and ideas to help a brother out!
Aiming to cut and week 8-10 I wont be able to use pins, so I would like to use winny only in that time period!