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Thread: New to all this advice needed please

  1. #1

    New to all this advice needed please

    Im 42 years old im 313 pounds down 6.8 pounds from last week. Im 6 foot even im trying to lose weight and build at the sametime. I do cardio and strength training, trying to catch my wind and gain my energy back. I go to the gym twice a day, befor noon and at midnight. Now to the point. My cousin uses test 400 he said i should try it. When i do (notice i didnt say if?) unless somebody here knows of something better and can point me in the right direction. What should and how should i do it? , and if not test what can i use to lose weight, and build musle/cut/tone at the same time? Thank you for and advice

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Home of the Braves
    It sounds like you're body fat is fairly high. Running steroids like test 400 will be vey difficult to control estrogen related side effects when body fat is 20% or more. Estrogen side effects can be the most dangerous of the side effects. First thing is first.
    1. Have you have any recent blood work?
    2. How long have you been trying to get in shape?
    3. What does your diet look like?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Facemobb View Post
    Im 42 years old im 313 pounds down 6.8 pounds from last week. Im 6 foot even im trying to lose weight and build at the sametime. I do cardio and strength training, trying to catch my wind and gain my energy back. I go to the gym twice a day, befor noon and at midnight. Now to the point. My cousin uses test 400 he said i should try it. When i do (notice i didnt say if?) unless somebody here knows of something better and can point me in the right direction. What should and how should i do it? , and if not test what can i use to lose weight, and build musle/cut/tone at the same time? Thank you for and advice
    I think before you do test you get your blood work first so you know where you baseline is at. If your test is indeed low then going on HRT may help with some
    Fat loss. Mind you it won't be super dramatic. Going on at that weight and age you really need to make sure your Blood pressure is under control. Test can really have a negative effect on your blood pressure. If it were me, that's where I would start.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

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    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  4. #4
    Thank you ive been back in the gym less than a week. I think im eating way less that i should. Round bout 1500 calories a day. Cut out pop months ago. I have a dr appt. Next week. What would be better for me to try?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Home of the Braves
    Quote Originally Posted by Facemobb View Post
    Thank you ive been back in the gym less than a week. I think im eating way less that i should. Round bout 1500 calories a day. Cut out pop months ago. I have a dr appt. Next week. What would be better for me to try?
    Just stick to the gym and dial in your diet to get some quality progress naturally for now. And since you have a Dr appointment next week, go ahead and get some bloodwork done. Full hormone panel with E2 sensitive assay. Full blood count and thyroid panel. Get the works. Thus way you'll be able to narrow down any issues you may have or could expect. It will help you more than anything else. And as MS said, if your test is low, it will help for sure. In many ways other than just fat loss. Make sure to get back and post up if you are comfortable with that, and then we can help a lot more.

  6. #6
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    Apr 2013
    I agree with above advice get diet and training in check get bf % down and take it from there

  7. #7
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    Jun 2009
    Hit our diet section bro they can help you out.There is no sense is starving yourself beacuse that leads too failure.

  8. #8
    Thank you all very much i'll , ill post my results next week after my appt. And yes ill check out the diet section once again thanks

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I think before you do test you get your blood work first so you know where you baseline is at. If your test is indeed low then going on HRT may help with some
    Fat loss. Mind you it won't be super dramatic. Going on at that weight and age you really need to make sure your Blood pressure is under control. Test can really have a negative effect on your blood pressure. If it were me, that's where I would start.
    Bloodwork first. Best advice you could ever follow.

    On a 600mg/ml week test regular diet over 12 weeks expect 2-3kg fat loss 6-7kg muscle growth mainly in quads and glutes. This is a very common test that was done and easily referable.

    I have been where you are. Went from 40+ percent bodyfat to 20% using TrT and cycling. Blood Pressure and other things like heart palpitations and general health BS will come into play at elevated weight and it is normally triggered via Estrogen. Use an AI liberally and watch the blood work/blood pressure.

  10. #10
    Need to stress again that you should not run a cycle until you've dropped your body fat down below 15% and have been in the gym training hard for at least a year or two. At 42, you might be a candidate for TRT so check your numbers with your doc and get his expert opinion. Before you self medicate you should know where your body stands.

  11. #11
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    Night City
    Quote Originally Posted by Facemobb View Post
    befor noon and at midnight.
    Probably a question in the workout section. Are you doing cardio at noon and lifting at midnight or vice versa. Do you work nights or is this the only time you can get into the gym? Down 6.8lbs after a week tells me you are getting it in the kitchen and gym. You'll eventually plateau so the diet section is going to be crucial. Post your stats there and goal and they will definitely help you out. AAS for you are going to be a last resort and at the end unless the doc puts you on TRT. Also your cousin is a dumb ass for recommending test 400 to you. He's going to fuck himself up, don't let him drag you down with him.

  12. #12
    ok thank deskjocky.....i do cardio and strength training twice a day. a mile in the morning a mile at night then work on diff body parts

  13. #13
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    Nov 2007
    Everyone I've ever helped lose a lot of weight I tell the same thing. 1 hour cardio daily. Obviously diet matters too.

  14. #14
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Facemobb
    ok thank deskjocky.....i do cardio and strength training twice a day. a mile in the morning a mile at night then work on diff body parts
    Not sure what a mile is.... Is it walking, running, etc? Big difference
    IMO you need 30-45 minutes of cardio. If that is alot of time, then try HIIT .

  15. #15
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by redz
    Everyone I've ever helped lose a lot of weight I tell the same thing. 1 hour cardio daily. Obviously diet matters too.
    I was always under the feeling that anything over 45 minutes starts losing muscle also.

  16. #16
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    Nov 2007
    I have never found that, I run bcaas which helps. Also keep in mind when someone needs to lose significant fat reserves you have to be willing to risk some muscle. It's different when you are trying to reduce body fat from 15% down to 10% then it is dropping from 30%+.

  17. #17
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    Mar 2017
    From my personal experience cycling your carbs is amazingly effective to accomplish both . 3 day cycle . Set a goal and try it for a month . Eat every 3 hours first 2 days no carbs as many veggies with your protein as you want and on the 3rd day eat clean carbs every other meal . Human beings are foragers by nature , the evelution of man giving us 3 meals a day is why we see so many people over weight . If you keep your matsbolism fed like a furnace your body will destroy fat at a Rate so rapid you won't believe it yourself . And on your carb days your muscles will inhale protein as it's driven into your muscle by the carbs you are lacking on your no carb days . This works amazingly with or without anobokics and can easily be tweaked to find that perfect happy medium of burning fat and building muscle . I've never felt more high then I do when I'm cycling my carbs because the results from week to week are frikken astounding . If you want you are interested bud pm me and I can go more in depth about it to give you a better understanding of what to eat and when to eat it . This is a brainless diet that I have never seen fail when done right and it doesn't take any thought as long as you no the difference between carbs and protein , and I'm sure you do !
    Last edited by Jphunter; 04-22-2017 at 06:58 PM.

  18. #18
    I unfortunately,. am a diet victim of my career... I can only eat 1 -2 times per day... Not sure what your situation is... bring your own food if you can... A green salad with some grilled chicken or tuna fish with a low cal/fat dressing is great for lunch... High protein low fat and complex carb dinner is a must... I wish I could show my before and after pics but I started at 255 probably 30% BF and after 3 years I am at 215 10-12%BF.. Definitely get the blood work done My testosterone was 60Ng/DL now I maintain it at 1200+ NG/DL... I actually keep it 1500+ most of the year round but my Dr likes to see it at 1200....When I first started I was doing an hour a day of cardio but now I just lift intensely with high reps and move fast plus my job involves a lot of cardio as well so I think I am OK.... Try some GW 50156... 20MG/day... This will increase your cardio capacity and for me it burns fat great as well

  19. #19
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    I would caution you to stop the 2 a day workout and be careful not to drastically slash your calories right away. If you plateau,and you will plateau, you aren't leaving yourself much room to up your game. Can't go to the gym 3 Times a day and it's hard to cut more calories if you slashed them too low right away. As for the test cycle I think that you have to remember that this is going to be a long range solution. You didn't gain all the weight in a month so you won't lose it all quickly either. Test seems like a short cut to your goals but trust me, there really is no short cuts. You have to spend the time learning how your body reacts to what you are eating and how you are training. It's a process. Good luck.

  20. #20
    Thank You

  21. #21
    ok thank you

  22. #22
    brisk walk, and ive been looking into HIIT

  23. #23
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Nephets View Post
    I would caution you to stop the 2 a day workout and be careful not to drastically slash your calories right away. If you plateau,and you will plateau, you aren't leaving yourself much room to up your game. Can't go to the gym 3 Times a day and it's hard to cut more calories if you slashed them too low right away. As for the test cycle I think that you have to remember that this is going to be a long range solution. You didn't gain all the weight in a month so you won't lose it all quickly either. Test seems like a short cut to your goals but trust me, there really is no short cuts. You have to spend the time learning how your body reacts to what you are eating and how you are training. It's a process. Good luck.
    I agree, the number one reason that people fail in a weight loss routine is they get super motivated at first and exercise way to much the first month or two. Only to get injured or severely burned out and give up. Slow and steady wins the day. One pound of Fat is equally to 3600 calories. Walking a mile burns about 100-150 calories. Focus on sustainable exercise regimes, sensible diet choices and patience. GL!

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Facemobb View Post
    brisk walk, and ive been looking into HIIT
    Brisk walk is great. You don't want to go crazy with your cardio workout. All you're trying to do is elevate your heart rate an maintain it for 30 minutes or so. I say 30 minutes because your body will start to secrete cortisol at about 45 mins when your workout intensity's higher. You want to avoid that if possible. Cortisol is the stress hormone and it breaks down muscle tissue. You want to lift weights to break down muscle tissue. You want to do cardio to burn energy. Get your heart rate up to 80% to 85% of your training heart rate and keep it there for 30 mins.

  25. #25
    what is gw 50156 and gw 501516? is it the same and will it help?

  26. #26
    at what % body fat did you start trt? and what did u use on your cycle?

  27. #27
    well im 298 now blood work tomorrow bf% 28.2 thats what i found out so far and my bp is a little high

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Facemobb View Post
    what is gw 50156 and gw 501516? is it the same and will it help?
    They are both SARM's. Short for "Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator". All the marketing literature says that they're supposed to cut fat and give you superman endurance. Well, I've never seen a SARM that could raise the dead but I keep reading that the two SARM's stacked is supposed to do almost that. LOL

    I'm experimenting with GW 50156 right now to see if it works. Honestly, I've been on it for a couple of weeks and I don't feel any different. Maybe it's too soon. The GW 50156 was dropped from clinical trials because there was a report about the lab rats getting cancer while on it. I guess the liability to the pharma would be too much. Then again, they were giving the rats over a 1,000x the dosage a "normal" rat would take. Who knows? I'm going to try it for 12 weeks, just like a cycle and see if it makes a difference.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Facemobb View Post
    at what % body fat did you start trt? and what did u use on your cycle?
    If you're low T, the doc will put you on TRT. TRT is just a replacement of T to a "normal" level it's not a cycle. You could still get gyno on TRT. Some endo's put people on a AI rather than on T to start the TRT. I would highly recommend that you get professional advice on TRT.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Facemobb View Post
    well im 298 now blood work tomorrow bf% 28.2 thats what i found out so far and my bp is a little high
    You're doing good. You lost 15lbs! Keep going just like that. You should be able to lose a lot of weight simply with diet and exercise with some cardio. Control that BP, that stuff can kill you. Worry about looking good after you square away your health. You can always cycle but it's really tough to cycle when you're dead.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    You're doing good. You lost 15lbs! Keep going just like that. You should be able to lose a lot of weight simply with diet and exercise with some cardio. Control that BP, that stuff can kill you. Worry about looking good after you square away your health. You can always cycle but it's really tough to cycle when you're dead.

    this just made my day.

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