Assuming you are using T-cyp or T-eth, both of which have similar pharmacokinetics when they are molecular weight adjusted (194 mg T-eth delivers the same amount of T as 200 mg T-cyp).
If you are injecting 200 mg of T-cyp once per week (a very common protocol), and you are drawing blood for the lab at day 7 just prior to your next injection, then you peak T level on day 2 will be about 650 ng/dL higher. So a level of 900 on day 7 means that your will be peaking out at about 900 + 650 = 1550 ng/dL on day 2, which is superphysiologic. This is why I advocate (and use) more frequent and smaller doses (40 mg every 3 days) which equates to about 93 mg on a weekly basis. This level will keep you in a more stead state and constantly within physiologic range. It also has the added benefit of being able to use smaller needle. I use a single unit 28G insulin syringe to draw up and inject 0.2 mL every 3 days. The entire process takes less than 2 minutes.