Hey Brothers,
I was interested in using steroids to enhance my overall physique. I wanted to get your input on whether or not its a good idea. I'm approximately 5'6" and my weight is 148 lbs. My body fat is probably 10%. I can see the top 4 abs, but the bottom 4 are covered by a layer of fat. I've been working out since high school, but I never really understood the significance of nutrition until about a year ago.
Gym specs:
Flat Bench Press (for 10 reps): 225
Incline Bench Press (for 10 reps): 165 lbs
Squats (for 10 reps): 185 lbs
Overall physique: Its getting there. My upper chest and deltoids are lacking. I generally need more mass in my upper body. My abs need to be tighter. Some pics:
I'm 20 years old. I'm aiming to be about 160-170 lbs of lean muscle. My question really is can I temporarily use steroids to assist me with reaching that goal.