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Thread: New bloods confused

  1. #1

    New bloods confused

    So I'm on 100 mg test cyp split three times a week with 100 mg npp. That's roughly 33mg each per dose 3 times a week totally 100 mg of each. I use to be on 150 mg test cyp and around 1200 total test and 27 free test and e2 around 30 with no ai. Now I'm probably going to go down to 75 mg test cyp to try to lower my free and total test. does anyone else get such elevated test numbers adding in low dose of npp?

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  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    NPP should not effect Test numbers as it's not testosterone. Assuming the methodology used was LC-MS/MS (which it was.) I don't see your T results as that unbelievable at all. You're testing at peak levels most all the time I would assume. I run 60-70 mgs x 2 per week and will test anywhere from 1200 - 1500+ and this is with a Thursday injection and Monday AM testing.

    Why do you feel the need to inject 3 times per week? On that note, why not Deca for convenience instead of NPP?

    BTW, killer IGF and GH levels????????????????

    ps: Keep an eye on your psa and consider testing your dht levels in the future.
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  3. #3
    Well that is on 4 iu hgh per day. IGF-1 was around 110 before. 3 months ago I was 377 and 367 before that. PSA was 3.7 3 months ago after a major hemorrhoid so it is on it's way back down. deca messes with me npp does not. I know it's in my head but hey I'm only pinning one more time a week but yea that does make for consistent high numbers even testing 2.5 days after pinning. my labs were always 3.5 days after before. I think I will taper down a bit though. Good thought on dht I will next bloods. I still think those numbers are high but don't people usually need less test as they go on trt?

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I assumed GH was involved. Hemmorhoid's can cause localized inflammation and thus elevate psa, but so can constant pounding by elevated dht levels. Which is why I mentioned monitoring it. With Deca all you need is to pin it once per week. Yes, less test is used on TRT. High end TRT would be about 200mgs per week but very few actually need that amount. Always prudent to start TRT at around 100 per week and titrate based on labs.
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  5. #5
    Ill check dht levels next time. I'm alwys right at 1.4 on psa. Then shot up to 3.6 3 months ago after terrible hemorrhoids then back down 2.7 now after getting them under control. My guess is another 2-3 months they'll be back to normal but I will add dht just in case.

    I meant don't most people need less and less testosterone as they go further into trt? It seems that many have mentioned that in the past and if npp isn't adding to it and I'm pulling labs 2.5 days after pinning just 33 mg and still having test numbers off the charts I think I might go down to 75 mg a week and see how I do.

    And i might switch to deca I just had problems before and I know it's probably ust in my head. no pun intended

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Next time you test just drop the npp ahead of time to remove any variables and see how it goes.
    PSA is a strange thing. It's going to go up (in most all cases) as we age. Now add in that those of us on TRT are the opposite of those not on TRT. Meaning that as we age (without TRT) our test production slowly reduces as does our DHT levels. TRT'ers are the opposite in that higher test levels are maintained and thus DHT continues to be at a higher level adding fuel to the fire, so to speak.

    I've tested my DHT multiple times and even on TRT it is at or over the top of the range. My PSA took a dump a year or so ago out of the blue and I'm now on Finasteride to control it. Went and had a 3T Prostate MRI to make sure all was well too.
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