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Thread: Transition from cycle to normal TRT?

  1. #1

    Transition from cycle to normal TRT?

    How do I transition from a shorter ester cycle to a longer one when coming off cycle and back to normal TRT levels?

    This is what I'm going to run. Unless otherwise advised

    wk 1-12: Test P 100mg/ Tren A 50mg eod/ HGH 2iu ed / HCG 250iu 2x wk / dex 0.25 eod

    I plan to switch over to Test E 300 per wk. for TRT. (And yes I really do have a medical problem had surgery on my nuts years ago). But with the longer ester Im not sure what week I should start supplementing with it to have minimal fluctuation of blood levels. Please let me know your thought.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by MRBOJANGLE View Post
    How do I transition from a shorter ester cycle to a longer one when coming off cycle and back to normal TRT levels?

    This is what I'm going to run. Unless otherwise advised

    wk 1-12: Test P 100mg/ Tren A 50mg eod/ HGH 2iu ed / HCG 250iu 2x wk / dex 0.25 eod

    I plan to switch over to Test E 300 per wk. for TRT. (And yes I really do have a medical problem had surgery on my nuts years ago). But with the longer ester Im not sure what week I should start supplementing with it to have minimal fluctuation of blood levels. Please let me know your thought.
    300mg a week is not TRT

  3. #3
    So you know, must people continue their TRT the entire time and just add additional AAS to their TRT then just drop the additional AAS to come back down to their TRT.

  4. #4
    Okay. thanks. While I was under Doctor supervision he had me on Cyp 200 a week. I was leaning closer to 300 due to reading that most UG products are under dosed by 30-40mg. I plan to do BW to see and make adjustments based on that.

    How long does one typically wait between cycles with this method?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    300mg a week is not TRT
    That's funny, my doctors would disagree with you.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sh0tsf1red View Post
    That's funny, my doctors would disagree with you.
    Doctors don't know shit, I frequent a few other boards and some docs out there say 300mgs a month is all you need. One injection at 300mgs a month, hahaa that is bullshit. There is a reason some docs start off at 200mgs but they should really be starting at 100mg and if they need to go up they can.

    The point of legit TRT is to keep your levels within above a normal range, most people would have test levels through the roof at 300mgs and that isn't common TRT protocol....

    I also started my TRT journey believing more was better, but I see now that finding the right dose for TRT is what is important and keeping them levels within range so you can manage blood work a lot better...

    my 2 cents...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sh0tsf1red View Post
    That's funny, my doctors would disagree with you.
    Does you doctor conduct any labs? TRT dosing should be based on lab results and not a one size fits all protocol. Also, many docs are still stuck in weekly or bi-weekly protocols. Yes, the longer you stretch a protocol, the more T you have to inject at the beginning of the injection cycle to keep you in range at the end of the injection cycle. But that means going substantially out of range during the first half of the injection cycle and this can cause havoc with other hormones (particularly DHT and E2) and put you on a hormonal and emotional rollercoaster ride.

    I strongly believe in a minimum of 2X injections per week, starting off at 100 mg total per week and then adjusting (up or down) after 4 to 6 weeks as labs dictate.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sh0tsf1red View Post
    That's funny, my doctors would disagree with you.
    I'd love to debate that point with your doc!

    Quote Originally Posted by goalinmind View Post
    Doctors don't know shit, I frequent a few other boards and some docs out there say 300mgs a month is all you need. One injection at 300mgs a month, hahaa that is bullshit. There is a reason some docs start off at 200mgs but they should really be starting at 100mg and if they need to go up they can.

    The point of legit TRT is to keep your levels within above a normal range, most people would have test levels through the roof at 300mgs and that isn't common TRT protocol....

    I also started my TRT journey believing more was better, but I see now that finding the right dose for TRT is what is important and keeping them levels within range so you can manage blood work a lot better...

    my 2 cents...

    On point ^^^
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  9. #9
    [QUOTE=kelkel;7316520]I'd love to debate that point with your doc!

    I get blood work from my dr every 60 days

    I didn't start off at that dose, I started at 100 every 2 weeks, it's been adjusted as needs to get my levels into a normal range

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Youthful55guy View Post
    Does you doctor conduct any labs? TRT dosing should be based on lab results and not a one size fits all protocol. Also, many docs are still stuck in weekly or bi-weekly protocols. Yes, the longer you stretch a protocol, the more T you have to inject at the beginning of the injection cycle to keep you in range at the end of the injection cycle. But that means going substantially out of range during the first half of the injection cycle and this can cause havoc with other hormones (particularly DHT and E2) and put you on a hormonal and emotional rollercoaster ride.

    I strongly believe in a minimum of 2X injections per week, starting off at 100 mg total per week and then adjusting (up or down) after 4 to 6 weeks as labs dictate.
    Yeah labs every 60 days

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by goalinmind View Post
    Doctors don't know shit, I frequent a few other boards and some docs out there say 300mgs a month is all you need. One injection at 300mgs a month, hahaa that is bullshit. There is a reason some docs start off at 200mgs but they should really be starting at 100mg and if they need to go up they can.

    The point of legit TRT is to keep your levels within above a normal range, most people would have test levels through the roof at 300mgs and that isn't common TRT protocol....

    I also started my TRT journey believing more was better, but I see now that finding the right dose for TRT is what is important and keeping them levels within range so you can manage blood work a lot better...

    my 2 cents...

    There is no one size fits all for medicine, I don't see why that point seems to be lost on so many here.

    My "legit" TRT dose, as prescribed by my doctor is 300/week and I have an appointment with bloodwork every 60 days. That's what it takes to keep me between 400-600 test level.

    I've been TRT for years and it sucked for the first year or two to be having frequent injections of an exogenous hormone and the get your bloodwork back and you're still IN THE 90s!!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sh0tsf1red View Post
    There is no one size fits all for medicine, I don't see why that point seems to be lost on so many here.

    My "legit" TRT dose, as prescribed by my doctor is 300/week and I have an appointment with bloodwork every 60 days. That's what it takes to keep me between 400-600 test level.

    I've been TRT for years and it sucked for the first year or two to be having frequent injections of an exogenous hormone and the get your bloodwork back and you're still IN THE 90s!!
    Just curious, do you know you SHBG levels? Sounds like they are low, which is why you burn through T so quickly. I've got the exact opposite problem. Go figure!

    It does sound like your doc is in the know, it sucks being the outlier patient, when you don't fit the mold. It took me forever to convince a doc the Free T is more important then Total T.

  13. #13
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    Jul 2016
    wait but dont you want SHBG to be low??? you may have lower levels but free test is through the roof right?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Closhmo View Post
    wait but dont you want SHBG to be low??? you may have lower levels but free test is through the roof right?
    No, you want SHBG to be within normal ranges. High SHBG sucks up T and lowers Free T. It also makes you look "normal" if you only run Total T tests because SHBG protects t from liver metabolism and excretion. it also binds and protects DHT and E2, so they tend to be high too.

    Low SHBG, on the other hand, allows the T to be metabolized at a faster rate in the liver, so both Total and Free T levels are low. Also, other hormones derived from T such as E2 and DHT will concurrently low because there is a lack of substrate (T) from which to make the hormones.

    It's not a straight-forward as some guys (and docs) seem to think.

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