During my Test based TRT, I've been taking 200IU HCG e3days. The crown jewels have decreased in value. Is 500 IU e3days (2Xweek), indefinitely, to much? I want to avoid desensitization.
During my Test based TRT, I've been taking 200IU HCG e3days. The crown jewels have decreased in value. Is 500 IU e3days (2Xweek), indefinitely, to much? I want to avoid desensitization.
500iu per week is the high end of what is typically prescribed and not uncommon.
There will still likely be some shrinkage at that dosage.
-500IU, 2xweek?
-I was doing 200IU, 2xweek.
-I was told by a medical provider to do 500IU 2xweek. However, information from all other sources suggests that is too much and could desensitize.
Last edited by Quester; 08-11-2017 at 05:27 PM.
250 iu 2X per week. 500 iu total per week.
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Desensitization is a myth perpetuated through Bro science. To my knowledge, there is absolutely no basis for the belief that there is down regulation of LH receptors in the testicles. I believe that the myth originated with the knowledge that LH is secreted in a pulsatile fashion, which is true. However, it has nothing to do (to my knowledge) with LH receptor activity in the testicles. It has everything to do with GnRH receptors in the pituitary which do down regulate unless GNRH is pulsed from the hypothalamus to the pituitary. I happened to do my master thesis on this topic.
So with that in mind, my observation is that approximately 1000 IU per week in divided doses is the optimum. This has more to do with maintenance of intratesticular testosterone levels for fertility maintenance, but it appears (in my experience) to apply to testicular size. Keep in mind that about 70% of the testicular volume is spermatogenesis related and only about 30% is LH related (leydig cells, etc). HCG happens to have both LH and FSH like activity, so it affects both parts of the testicle.
I've been doing 500ui's every other day for a little over a year now.
And it's been working perfectly for me.
Just pondering- can you freeze it once mixed?
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