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Thread: Injured back from Deadlifts, any tips on how to recover fast?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Injured back from Deadlifts, any tips on how to recover fast?

    I've injured my back before and it was way worse then, it was something with my neck, and i couldn't walk for 2 days, breathing was also heavy. This time i did some heavy deadlifts and i heard a cracking noise from my back, dropped the weight immediately and felt a really strong pain below my left lat muscle. Im still having pain hours after going home, bending over is also a real struggle. Anyone know what this can be? Is it just that i stretch the muscle? The scary part i keep thinking about is the cracking sound. Will call my physiotherapist tomorrow and ask him to take a look at me as soon as possible.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by gangen View Post
    I've injured my back before and it was way worse then, it was something with my neck, and i couldn't walk for 2 days, breathing was also heavy. This time i did some heavy deadlifts and i heard a cracking noise from my back, dropped the weight immediately and felt a really strong pain below my left lat muscle. Im still having pain hours after going home, bending over is also a real struggle. Anyone know what this can be? Is it just that i stretch the muscle? The scary part i keep thinking about is the cracking sound. Will call my physiotherapist tomorrow and ask him to take a look at me as soon as possible.
    Probably a facet joint sprain, ice it as much as possible in the next 72 hiurs
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    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  3. #3
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    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by gangen View Post
    I've injured my back before and it was way worse then, it was something with my neck, and i couldn't walk for 2 days, breathing was also heavy. This time i did some heavy deadlifts and i heard a cracking noise from my back, dropped the weight immediately and felt a really strong pain below my left lat muscle. Im still having pain hours after going home, bending over is also a real struggle. Anyone know what this can be? Is it just that i stretch the muscle? The scary part i keep thinking about is the cracking sound. Will call my physiotherapist tomorrow and ask him to take a look at me as soon as possible.

    I think it may be a bulging disk or herniated disk. Definitely ice it to reduce inflammation. However, I would immediately go see a doctor for proper diagnosis. They then can do an xray and MRI especially the MRI to see if it's a disc problem. The x-ray is to rule out other scenarios.
    Last edited by BrockBadger; 08-22-2017 at 11:39 PM.

  4. #4
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    May 2017
    The Intervertebral spinal disc could go back into its place with proper rehabilitation if your lucky. Likely, it won't. It will likely always push on the nerve causing pain. However, how much pain will be from proper rehabilitation. If you have a bulge or herniation-which both are different by the way, you will need to do proper physical therapy to reduce the pain and allow for healing. That way the serious pain your having will not become permanent. The scale is from some pain to a great deal of pain depending how bad it is. But you'll need to see a doctor about it right away.
    Last edited by BrockBadger; 08-22-2017 at 11:32 PM.

  5. #5
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    May 2017
    Lastly, whatever caused this problem and the previous needs to be addressed. By this I mean your mechanics of the deadlift. Accidents happen. But improper form even minor improper form can take its toll. It is possible to go back to deadlifting after due time and physical therapy. And a good physical therapist may agree with me. Actually, if the deadlift is done properly it can actually strengthen the muscles around the spine and disc so you don't have any further deterioration of that disc or others keeping your spine healthy.
    Last edited by BrockBadger; 08-22-2017 at 11:31 PM.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by gangen View Post
    I've injured my back before and it was way worse then, it was something with my neck, and i couldn't walk for 2 days, breathing was also heavy. This time i did some heavy deadlifts and i heard a cracking noise from my back, dropped the weight immediately and felt a really strong pain below my left lat muscle. Im still having pain hours after going home, bending over is also a real struggle. Anyone know what this can be? Is it just that i stretch the muscle? The scary part i keep thinking about is the cracking sound. Will call my physiotherapist tomorrow and ask him to take a look at me as soon as possible.
    Where exactly is the pain, if you still have it? Is it close to midline or lateral (off to the side)?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Thanks for the answers, have already gone to my physiotherapist and he said it was something with the bones in my back and not a muscle. He also said i can go back to train easy. But it still hurt, not as much but it drains me of energy and im not able to do all excercises. What bothers me the most is that i can't train legs proper, can't do squats or even leg press.
    Quote Originally Posted by TrailRunAZ View Post
    Where exactly is the pain, if you still have it? Is it close to midline or lateral (off to the side)?
    Yes, its close to the midline.

  8. #8
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    Jun 2009
    I messed my back up dead lifting many yrs ago and this guy had me hang upside down with inversion boots on for 3 min 1 minute at a time.At the end of 3 minutes I felt like a new man.

  9. #9
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    Mar 2006
    Back injuries are tough, sometimes the heal quick, sometimes they can take months and months. I'm still struggling from a back injury from 8 months ago!

  10. #10
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    Oct 2016
    I put Tumerac in my shakes and every time I hurt my back, knees and especially shoulders etc, within days it goes away. It's a natural anti-inflammatory spice that does wonders.

  11. #11
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    Sep 2017
    I strained mine pretty bad beginning of last month trying to do 1RM too early after coming back from layoff. I've avoided putting any direct stress on my back since. No more DL, bent rows, squats. was really bad for about a month, but since taking it easy and putting no direct stress on LB, seems to be healing nicely.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    i would suggest to watch
    and also buy Back Mechanic Book from Preventing & Rehabilitating Back Pain & Injuries -

    this will sort things out
    i ave z case off herniated disc and this has helped me out a lot

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