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Thread: New to the forum looking for some guidance about cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Question New to the forum looking for some guidance about cycle

    What's up guys..looking for some advice and info on a cycle. I am 35 workout 5 days a week and have been doing so for many years. I feel I have done fairly good natural. I have done one cycle of test deca about 15 yrs ago, and in the following years I have done a few oral cycles of tren, tt40, mma3 by ameri labs before they were shut down. I did not like the orals as my liver function and cholesterol were dangerously high. I had my test level checked and came in at 315 total and free was like 12...seemed low but the doctor didn't do anything. Okay now to the question I am looking at doing another cycle, thinking a test, deca, or test tren, with maybe var or eq not sure on the third or even if I want a third..compound. I would like to know what you guys think, and at what dosage of each. I am wanting to put some size on and lean out, and I know diet is key to the leaning aspect. I am not looking for a bunch of water retention. Also my PCT on my last pin cycle was nolvadex and Clomid, I have taken HCGenerate and wondered if these three would be sufficient. I'm looking for someone to lay out a plan for me for around 10 weeks..thanks guys.hate to be asking so blindly but the amount of info and accronims on these forums is overwhelming...and I would like the advice of people with experience.
    Last edited by Skidoomutt; 09-08-2017 at 11:57 AM. Reason: autocorrect

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Why not just a test cycle at 500/wk w/AI and HCG and PCT in place?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    I'm not opposed to anything at this point..i have read a lot of threads on test only..what test are you suggesting? I was thinking a second because I used deca previously with test and had good results..the anvar or eq I was wanting to help with vascularity as iv read most people experience that effect. When you say AI? use in place what did you mean?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skidoomutt View Post
    I'm not opposed to anything at this point..i have read a lot of threads on test only..what test are you suggesting? I was thinking a second because I used deca previously with test and had good results..the anvar or eq I was wanting to help with vascularity as iv read most people experience that effect. When you say AI? use in place what did you mean?
    I meant why not do testosterone only - if you get good results why add more AAS with more potential side effects/complications? Often less is more, which is a mentality I really struggled with. As far as AI, I meant with adex, etc. to control estrogen, and having a PCT in place for end of your cycle. Problaby more and better advice from some vets to follow.

  5. #5
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    Got ya...i was curious on the AI as far as a specific type you had in mind. I was under the impression the most common was clomid and nolvadex...and that was my plan along with HCGenerate oral.. not sure on time and dosage..I too struggle with that mentality...less is more. I appreciate the advice so far..thanks.and will keep that in mind.

  6. #6
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    Arimidex and Aromasin are two most popular AIs. Nolvadex and Clomid are SERMs. AIs are usually taken during the cycle and SERMs during PCT.

    If your testosterone is so low already then get ready for it to be even lower after the cycle even with PCT. If you start pinning now there's a good chance you'll have to go on TRT and pin for the rest of your life. It's nothing bad in my opinion but something you should definitely keep in mind.

  7. #7
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    Im not sure my curreny levels are low..i feel fine no sex issues or motivation..feel fine most doctor didn't seem concerned about them..but that seems like the normal response for most..from what other members have said. It is on the lower end of the normal range but still in the window. During my oral cycles I did not do my part on a pct at all..mainly due to my ignorance a local gym owner was pushing them and I did not do my homework as to what they were, so I feel I may have done some damage back then. Thanks for the info about the AI.

  8. #8
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    HCG is also highly recommended on cycle. The cycle you are looking for is spelled out under first cycle in the stickies.
    It is test only but it is proven and anyone who has not cycled in awhile or never cycled should follow it.

  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skidoomutt View Post
    Im not sure my curreny levels are low..i feel fine no sex issues or motivation..feel fine most doctor didn't seem concerned about them..but that seems like the normal response for most..from what other members have said. It is on the lower end of the normal range but still in the window. During my oral cycles I did not do my part on a pct at all..mainly due to my ignorance a local gym owner was pushing them and I did not do my homework as to what they were, so I feel I may have done some damage back then. Thanks for the info about the AI.

    I was at a 59 total T level once and thought I was fine too. It can sneak up on you. Regarding doc's, most are not trained in hormones so as long as you're not complaining and your T level is anywhere near normal they're not going to say anything in most cases. Either get a copy of your most recent blood work and if it's not recent, pull some yourself. Take a look at discounted labs or private md labs and look at some of the packages they have available. It's surprisingly cheap.

    I emphasize BW so you can establish baselines to help gauge your recovery after pct. Even more to see where you actually are currently. If your T is abysmal I'd suggest postponing cycling and trying to correct the issue. If that won't work then it's time for TRT.

    Either way, take a look at the Successful First Cycle thread at the top of this forum.
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  10. #10
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    I had my bloodwork done 2 weeks ago. It was a full metabolic panel, and everything was considered normal in the medical world. And the test levels i stated earlier is what they are currently. Fasting. Since my last pro hormone cycle oral that being the tt40 and tren, I have only taken normal supplements with HCGenerate for boosting t lvls. I feel it is time for another your saying if my t levels are low now avoid a cycle??..isnt taking test the only way my levels will go up? What are other options. The first cycle of test and deca I did many years ago was through a online prescription site that required a metabolic panel. Is that what you are referring to?
    Last edited by Skidoomutt; 09-08-2017 at 10:28 PM.

  11. #11
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    Or is my test level low enough I should push for TRT through my doctor..i thought most trt prescriptions were at a level to low to really make a differance in the body building world? I'd rather not have to do trt this early in life, I'm sure no-one does. If I cycle with already low t is the risk not recovering with pct to where I am now? So I would have to cruise between cycles. Are my level really that low compared to other members not cycling? Thanks guys.

  12. #12
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Find a competent doctor, or consider Defy Medical as an alternative if you cannot find a doc educated in hormone replacement (most aren't) in your area. Figure out why you're low and correct it. If it can't be fixed then you can enter into hormone replacement with a clear conscience.
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