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Thread: LGD- 4033 & MK-2866 - On or Off Cycle Questions

  1. #1

    LGD- 4033 & MK-2866 - On or Off Cycle Questions

    Hi Guys - Forum Newbie so bear with me.

    I've just started a cycle to recover from a few months down from a bunion foot surgery and sinus surgery.
    Happy to be back at the gym and hitting it hard again.
    I just started a moderate cycle:
    - 1/2 CC Test & 1/2 CC Tren Weekly
    - 30 MG Anavar Daily (3 10 MG tablets through the day)

    I have several bottles of LGD 4033 & MK 2866.
    Questions for these types of supplements:
    - Should I take them in conjunction with my current cycle?
    - Should I take them after my current cycle?
    - When is the optimal time to use these types of sups?


  2. #2
    taking a cycle to recover from bunion surgery ans sinus surgery is just plain dumb.
    How do steroids help you recover from them???

    plus the mere fact that you talk in cc's make me believe you don't have a firm grasp of how to run a cycle.

  3. #3
    Okay Deadlifting Dog...
    MG's if it makes you happy.
    The reason for the cycle is that I was super limited on lower body for several months.

    PS - Thanks for the crappy advice and douche attitude.
    Last edited by Lean ATL; 11-11-2017 at 11:32 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Lean ATL View Post
    Okay Deadlifting Dog...
    ML's if it makes you happy.
    The reason for the cycle is that I was super limited on lower body for several months.

    PS - Thanks for the crappy advice and douche attitude.
    Hey bro what he is suggesting is that when using aas most guys and gals refer in mg... I would not use sarms during a cycle. Possibly a bridge after your cycle. And why so many compounds ? Why not just test

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    Quote Originally Posted by Lean ATL View Post
    Okay Deadlifting Dog...
    ML's if it makes you happy.
    The reason for the cycle is that I was super limited on lower body for several months.

    PS - Thanks for the crappy advice and douche attitude.
    talking in MLs is even worse then talking in CCs (those are both just volume of the oil and give no dosage info at all) . It MGs that are important.

    Tren is not the best compound to run when your in the process of healing , it taxes your central nervous system and puts more strain on your body. You'b be better off with a low dose of test and NPP.

    You can run LGD on a cycle or off a cycle , it don't matter other then if you run it off cycle then your going to be further suppressed for longer period of time (i.e., if your worried about natty test levels and your not on TRT).
    the MK can be ran year round.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Big Trouble, Little China
    What are your stats, cycle experience, and body fat? You do need to put information correct terms to get the most help. How many Mg per ML are we talking? There are so many varibles needed to answer your question correctly.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Lean ATL View Post
    Okay Deadlifting Dog...
    MG's if it makes you happy.
    The reason for the cycle is that I was super limited on lower body for several months.

    PS - Thanks for the crappy advice and douche attitude.
    Talking shit to respected members won't get you very far so I'd quit that while you're ahead

    That being said, I've ran mk2866 both on and off cycle and enjoyed it. Hard to say if it was doing anything while on cycle, something to be said about overworking your receptors so idk.

    Off cycle seems to have an effect

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