Feel like I sound like a broken record, but still working around the left shoulder/nerve issues, so multiple sets w/ a drop in weight between sets. I did pick up the 70s tonight for my first working set, but can tell it is too soon, so dropped back to the 60s.
Broomstick and wall stretches
Incline flyes into presses - 3 w/u, Work 1- 4 flyes, 4 presses. Work2- 6 flyes, 5 presses. Work3- 5 flyes, 4 presses.
Incline press w/parallel grip (no flyes on these)-/7
Flat flyes into presses - 2 w/u, Work 1- 8 flyes, 7 presses. Work 2- 8 flyes, 5 presses. Work 3- 11 flyes, 8 presses w/ a slow 8 count neg. on last rep.
Wrist curls w/ a Oly bar palms up and palms down to failure superset w/ seated hammer curls to failure and 5 additional forced reps w/ a slow neg for the left arm
36 minutes.