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Thread: Is it safe to start this cycle please help

  1. #1

    Question Is it safe to start this cycle please help

    I need help I did test e for my first cycle ever only had one bottle...lasted me 1 month doing 200 twice a week...I wasn't able to get more but I have has been almost 4 weeks since my last shot. I did no post cycle....but I feel fine...I now have 2 test cyp 250 10ml and hcg 5000iu and I have Clomid 200. I want to know if it is safe for me to just pick up where I left off so to speak? Please help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Big Trouble, Little China
    Quote Originally Posted by Chrisstyle1 View Post
    I need help I did test e for my first cycle ever only had one bottle...lasted me 1 month doing 200 twice a week...I wasn't able to get more but I have has been almost 4 weeks since my last shot. I did no post cycle....but I feel fine...I now have 2 test cyp 250 10ml and hcg 5000iu and I have Clomid 200. I want to know if it is safe for me to just pick up where I left off so to speak? Please help!
    Get bloodwork. You might be able to qualify for TRT. How did your last cycle work out for you? What are your stats?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    Why No? Should I wait long?

  5. #5
    I wanted to do trt but clinics are too expensive...I'm 37 and i was feeling really sluggish lately so I tried it in ignorance...stupid I know...I still don't know what I should be doing exactly but I'm trying to get answers...i haven't had bloods done ever. I have afriend that does it all the time he said i would be fine to just start back up and then pct...what do you mean by my stats exactly?...i thought my cycle was going great...but it was only 4.5 weeks long...i felt stronger and was had way more energy and my workouts were great.

  6. #6
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    if you had blood work then you would know where you stand and could much more easily make a decision . heck at 37 you could have low T anyways and end up needing to take Test every week from now till forever anyways and if that were the case getting back on a cycle right now would not matter . but at the same time maybe your levels were awesome for a 37 year old, maybe you were at 900 ng/dl naturally ,, if that were the case then jumping on test again right away and chance ruining your hpta and that awesome natural test levels would not be good.

    why don't you just go get blood work in a couple weeks, see where your recovery is at, then go from there

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Chrisstyle1 View Post
    I wanted to do trt but clinics are too expensive...I'm 37 and i was feeling really sluggish lately so I tried it in ignorance...stupid I know...I still don't know what I should be doing exactly but I'm trying to get answers...i haven't had bloods done ever. I have afriend that does it all the time he said i would be fine to just start back up and then pct...what do you mean by my stats exactly?...i thought my cycle was going great...but it was only 4.5 weeks long...i felt stronger and was had way more energy and my workouts were great.
    Where do you live? I was surprised at how affordable TRT turned out to be. My insurance is paying about half the cost. It works out to cost me about 30 bucks per injection.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Big Trouble, Little China
    Quote Originally Posted by Chrisstyle1 View Post
    I wanted to do trt but clinics are too expensive...I'm 37 and i was feeling really sluggish lately so I tried it in ignorance...stupid I know...I still don't know what I should be doing exactly but I'm trying to get answers...i haven't had bloods done ever. I have afriend that does it all the time he said i would be fine to just start back up and then pct...what do you mean by my stats exactly?...i thought my cycle was going great...but it was only 4.5 weeks long...i felt stronger and was had way more energy and my workouts were great.
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    if you had blood work then you would know where you stand and could much more easily make a decision . heck at 37 you could have low T anyways and end up needing to take Test every week from now till forever anyways and if that were the case getting back on a cycle right now would not matter . but at the same time maybe your levels were awesome for a 37 year old, maybe you were at 900 ng/dl naturally ,, if that were the case then jumping on test again right away and chance ruining your hpta and that awesome natural test levels would not be good.

    why don't you just go get blood work in a couple weeks, see where your recovery is at, then go from there
    Okay, IMHO TRT clinics are just a money makers for doctors. You are doing your research by joining this site and asking questions. You need to learn as much as your can by reading all you can. Here is a great place to start. As you can see, KelKel did this post in 2011, years before there were TRT clinics. This is what is called Evidence Based Medicine. The more you know the less likey you are to get ripped off.

    So go to your Primary care doctor and get your bloodwork done. Make sure he orders what is listed (I would add your A1C as well), if you do not ask he will only run a general blood panel. If you have insurance this should be covered with a co-pay. We can guide you to the answer but like anything you need to put in the work. Your PCP, primary care doctor, can write TRT for your. Mine does, you just need to ask the right questions based on your blood work. Call your doctor and ask for that blood workup and then get your results before you go in for your yearly physical. Post your blood work results here and you can get more help.

    Here are a few other things I would suggest you read as well.

    Stats are Hight, Weight, BF, age
    Last edited by David LoPan; 12-13-2017 at 07:39 PM. Reason: Stats

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    if you had blood work then you would know where you stand and could much more easily make a decision . heck at 37 you could have low T anyways and end up needing to take Test every week from now till forever anyways and if that were the case getting back on a cycle right now would not matter . but at the same time maybe your levels were awesome for a 37 year old, maybe you were at 900 ng/dl naturally ,, if that were the case then jumping on test again right away and chance ruining your hpta and that awesome natural test levels would not be good.

    why don't you just go get blood work in a couple weeks, see where your recovery is at, then go from there
    Thank you...that's what I'll do...what bloods specifically do I need to request?

  10. #10
    I live in Lincoln, Nebraska

  11. #11
    Thank you for the stats are 5'9 200lbs 12.5% bf and I am 37

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