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Thread: Cycle recommendation over 40

  1. #1

    Cycle recommendation over 40

    Ok folks, about a month out till my next cycle.
    I'm 41, about 205, sitting around 15%. I have some cycles under my belt of mostly test only and looking add something. Looking to get some good quality mass and strength.
    I was planning Tren Ace with Test but debating deca instead of tren.
    Current inventory
    TEST E
    Tren ace

    I have a pct set ub but have also been debating on just keeping thetest going at 100-150 for a while afterwards in place of the pct.

    So what would you recommend or what did you lke more?
    The Tren a with test or test with the Deca?

    Annnnndddd go..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Deca, hands down. Tren is not a good first compound to add to test. You should get really good results from deca

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    Deca, hands down. Tren is not a good first compound to add to test. You should get really good results from deca
    Typically see test a bit higher....test at 500-600, deca around 400?

  4. #4
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    You have a couple of cycles under your belt and tren A on hand, I do not see why you could not try tren and see how it goes. Everyone has different sides from different compounds.

    I would suggest that you get your bloodwork done and see if you are a TRT candidate.

  5. #5
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    I'm older and did not listen and went with tren ace and test cyp for my second cycle. I have been doing tren ace and test cyp cycles twice a year for 3 years now. I love it! But my goals are probably different from yours. I do low doses 250mg a week tren ace and 200mg a week (subq) test cyp, 250iu HCG twice a week, 25mg liquid stane daily, and .25mcg caber twice a week. I run this for about 10 weeks because 2000mg tren ace (2 vials) at 50mg or so EOD. I have tried deca once, but just didn't get the results I wanted. I like the hardness and cutting effects of tren. Three years ago started about where you are 5' 10" 205. I am 5 weeks into a tren cycle now and I am at 220 and about 15% Bodyfat. I'm sure I could probably build more muscle, but I am happy with my current build and just want a bit bigger traps, peak my biceps, and cut fat. I'm sure you will get solid advice here, just wanted to give my input on tren ace. Best thing since sliced bread IMHO but I don't over do it.

  6. #6
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    the compound you pick is going to depend on your goal -- you say you want to add size and strength. well running Tren with low dose Test is NOT going to help you put on size (Tren makes you burn through calories, its hard to eat enough to grow on Tren, plus Tren is very dry). Sure you'll look better in the mirror on Tren, but you may end up losing wet. IF you want to grow on Tren then you need to stack it with a very wet compound like Dbol or MENT plus high dose Test.
    some guys can grow on Tren, but I'm guessing that have really good appetites and they run enough Test and let their estrogen get to the high end

    If overall growth is your main goal, then I'd go with high dose Test along with NPP and Dbol (you could throw low dose Tren in there as well for more androgenic effects and strength)

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by rhoag View Post
    I'm older and did not listen and went with tren ace and test cyp for my second cycle. I have been doing tren ace and test cyp cycles twice a year for 3 years now. I love it! But my goals are probably different from yours. I do low doses 250mg a week tren ace and 200mg a week (subq) test cyp, 250iu HCG twice a week, 25mg liquid stane daily, and .25mcg caber twice a week. I run this for about 10 weeks because 2000mg tren ace (2 vials) at 50mg or so EOD. I have tried deca once, but just didn't get the results I wanted. I like the hardness and cutting effects of tren. Three years ago started about where you are 5' 10" 205. I am 5 weeks into a tren cycle now and I am at 220 and about 15% Bodyfat. I'm sure I could probably build more muscle, but I am happy with my current build and just want a bit bigger traps, peak my biceps, and cut fat. I'm sure you will get solid advice here, just wanted to give my input on tren ace. Best thing since sliced bread IMHO but I don't over do it.
    Thanks for the reply...yeah I have a similar cycle set up except I was higher on test and was running Tren for about 8 weeks and test atleast 12. I've been looking forward to Tren but you hear a lot for and against it.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    the compound you pick is going to depend on your goal -- you say you want to add size and strength. well running Tren with low dose Test is NOT going to help you put on size (Tren makes you burn through calories, its hard to eat enough to grow on Tren, plus Tren is very dry). Sure you'll look better in the mirror on Tren, but you may end up losing wet. IF you want to grow on Tren then you need to stack it with a very wet compound like Dbol or MENT plus high dose Test.
    some guys can grow on Tren, but I'm guessing that have really good appetites and they run enough Test and let their estrogen get to the high end

    If overall growth is your main goal, then I'd go with high dose Test along with NPP and Dbol (you could throw low dose Tren in there as well for more androgenic effects and strength)
    Yes definitely taking your advise from my last post when I was looking at the Tren. Have to really think what I want out of this cycle, but have to admit looking forward to the tren
    Thanks again for some awsome input

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blockhead76 View Post
    Yes definitely taking your advise from my last post when I was looking at the Tren. Have to really think what I want out of this cycle, but have to admit looking forward to the tren
    Thanks again for some awsome input
    are you going to switch over to doing TRT rather then PCT ?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    are you going to switch over to doing TRT rather then PCT ?
    Waiting for test to get back and then probably make the call. I personally feel that test is running low, and think it would be easier to keep more Gaines if I did the TRT but still undecided

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blockhead76 View Post
    Waiting for test to get back and then probably make the call. I personally feel that test is running low, and think it would be easier to keep more Gaines if I did the TRT but still undecided
    if you went on TRT, then what I'd suggest to do at some point for your first Tren run is to simply add 350mg of Tren Ace to your TRT with no other compounds and no change in AI . then you'll get a real feel how you respond to Tren and you'll always know for future reference when, where and how to add it to your stacks

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blockhead76 View Post
    Waiting for test to get back and then probably make the call. I personally feel that test is running low, and think it would be easier to keep more Gaines if I did the TRT but still undecided
    I would personally avoid TRT until it’s absolutely needed. It can sound attractive to blast and cruise, but it gets old after a while pinning constantly if twice weekly, pellets are a hassle and Nebido is expensive. If getting TRT from a doc it can be a hassle with the timing of labs when you are trying to cycle, etc. If needed then by all means, but just for a blast and cruise I think the hassle far outweighs the benefit after a couple of years.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blockhead76 View Post
    Thanks for the reply...yeah I have a similar cycle set up except I was higher on test and was running Tren for about 8 weeks and test atleast 12. I've been looking forward to Tren but you hear a lot for and against it.
    I'm on HRT and once I had that stable, I did a test cyp cycle at 200mg a week. If you look at the pic of my lab results you will see a spike to 1100, so I know that 200mg a week test cyp subq will take me to the top of the scale. Then I did a cycle adding just 250mg tren ace. The results were unbelievable with very minimal side effects. So for me being 56 that is all I need. When on tren I feel great, look great and always seem to add a pound or two of muscle. My current cycle I have tried something different and went to light weights with high reps, just to see what will happen. My pumps are unbelievable ... they are actually kinda painful. In 5 weeks I am up 3 pounds, but the mirror test looks like I am dropping bodyfat with my abs being more pronounced and more vascular everywhere.
    My point is gather info and find what works for you. If you do need HRT (note where I started <300) then get that stable first then add\try different compounds till you find the one for you. I have no idea what your training history is, but lets just say you jump on tren or deca. You will find you are now superman and able to push weight you could never push before. I have been training since I was 16 with only a few years off raising kids. If you start pushing super heavy weights it takes it's toll on joints and ligaments, now you are full of gear and unable to lift because you tore something. So find out what is right for you, try things, and get labs to really know where you are inside. edit: Thought I would add this. You will notice when I first went on HRT I didn't go up much. The Doc tried androgel and then the patch, finally when I started doing my own injections it went up.Attachment 171509
    Last edited by bethdoth; 08-11-2018 at 11:11 AM.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by TrailRunAZ View Post
    I would personally avoid TRT until it’s absolutely needed. It can sound attractive to blast and cruise, but it gets old after a while pinning constantly if twice weekly, pellets are a hassle and Nebido is expensive. If getting TRT from a doc it can be a hassle with the timing of labs when you are trying to cycle, etc. If needed then by all means, but just for a blast and cruise I think the hassle far outweighs the benefit after a couple of years.
    Thanks for the feed back! Yeah the blast and cruise sounds great but I think you're right ....may wait until it's definitely needed. Still wait for results but I appreciate the feed back.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blockhead76 View Post
    Thanks for the feed back! Yeah the blast and cruise sounds great but I think you're right ....may wait until it's definitely needed. Still wait for results but I appreciate the feed back.
    I agree with TrailRunAZ as you can see I needed it. It's not easy, I am kinda sensitive to estrogen and have to really keep an eye on my estrodial. I also have to give blood every 8 weeks because my hemoglobin goes up. It was 17.3 last time I gave blood. Also doing HCG, DHEA, NAC and various other supplements gets expensive.

  16. #16
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    Roag keep in mind the older we get in conjunction with frequent donations can push guys into anemia. You may want to monitor your iron and add supplemental iron if needed.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  17. #17
    Mine hovers in the high 17's too. It will go over 18 with ease. sucks

  18. #18
    Alright thanks everyone for your input....a lot of very helpful info here.
    Im not going to do the blast and Cruz for sure.
    I've decided to go tren ace for this cycle. Thinking 100 eod for 8 weeks
    Test e running about 300 2x a week for about 12 to 14 weeks
    Adex .5 eod
    Hcg 2xweek
    May run dbol but that may be a game time decision

    I keep going back to this cycle so going to give it a shot. Thanks again for the input

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