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Thread: quick cycle

  1. #1

    quick cycle

    Hello, im a 34 year old powerlifter and i am currently looking to total 2,000 raw at 308. Before i took pro hormones, but as we know they are now illegal. so i decided to finally join the dark side and start test. But as of now i do not have the money for it and have a meet coming up late march. Was wondering if anybody knew or could recommend something quick and cheap to take for my march meet? somebody said take clomiphene? which is a pct. Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks and glad to be apart of the forums!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    I'm confused .. you can't afford test, but maybe you can afford clomiphene , or perhaps enough food to maintain 308 pounds !! Test is cheaper then any supplement you can buy, your looking at $$ a bottle (cheap as a case of beer)

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'm confused .. you can't afford test, but maybe you can afford clomiphene , or perhaps enough food to maintain 308 pounds !! Test is cheaper then any supplement you can buy, your looking at $$ a bottle (cheap as a case of beer)
    Naturally i am big and pretty strong, just want a boost to get my goal of a 2,000 total. I should be in the 275s, as i usually weigh in at 280, but honestlly. Im don't worry about it lol just strength.

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