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The first thing is to take a deep breath and relax. Your condition is what it is and you can only get better. You ran a Anabolic cycle without PCT so it's natural that you have stopped producing natural Testosterone or have severely limited the production of natural Testosterone. Therefore you testes will shrink. Your body has converted the Test into Estrogen and so now you have gyno.
The first thing you need to do is to get a blood test. Get a "full spectrum hormone test". Without knowing your blood numbers, all the great advice you will get is still a shot in the dark. Once you get your numbers, post it on this forum and knowledgeable guys will comment. You might get differing advice so just read through all the posts and you will see a pattern of what you should do. Then post your solution and get some feedback before you run out and start taking stuff.
For now, just don't take anything other than vitamins and eat some good food. Your body has amazing recuperative properties. If you treat it well, it will perform well for you.