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Thread: deca and test cycle dosage and length

  1. #1

    Post deca and test cycle dosage and length

    my 3rd cycle
    26yr 5'7'' 159lbs 10.5%bf 6years of training
    test e 375mg 1-14weeks
    deca 375mg 1-14 weeks
    dbol 30mg 1-4 weeks
    winny 30mg 12-17 weeks
    ai aromasin 12.5 mg eod
    caber 0.5mg e3d
    HCG 13-17 weeks 250ius twice a week
    liver support milk thistle and liv 52
    nolva 40/40/40/20/20/20
    ai aromasin 12.5mg eod

  2. #2
    Im guessing your trying to bulk. I would change it up a little.
    200mg Test P 1-9 weeks
    600mg NPP 1-9 Weeks

    With faster esters you will see results faster and have a total shutdown period of 10 weeks (9 on + 1 off) with your cycle above your looking at 17 weeks of total shutdown (14 on + 3 off) . You will recover faster and be able to jump back on sooner.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    At 5'7" 160lbs and 10% you don't come up to par for third cycle even as an ectomorph, post up your diet (what you eat, when, and in what amounts), and also how do you train?

    Either way check this for aromasin:
    The half life is very short so you'd do better taking it ED or even better twice a day

    Run HCG throughout the cycle at 250iu per week

    Add NAC 2400mg per day it will do more than your other aids

    I agree with Iron Frenchie, with short esters you don't have to wait for it to kick in (and deca will take quite some time) nor wait for it to clear, and you get in essence the same time "on"... just more frequent pinning.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    I love me a test deca run. This is actually almoet the same as im doing now, just a little different dosage. Frenchie is right-you can run the npp in place of the regular deca- same compound just different ester- so it gets going sooner. I prefer just to frontload and stick with deca myself- i hadnt run it in a while but its a great compound. Im runnin winny for 4 wks at the end.

    You will hear- run test higher than deca, run deca higher than test, etc etc. As long as you run test with it, and keep your estrogen in range and prolactin doesnt get outta control, you will be fine. Ive found its person specific-ive run it with lower test and higher test and just prefer my test a little higher, i feel better. You may find the opposite.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by gjshivam View Post
    my 3rd cycle
    26yr 5'7'' 159lbs 10.5%bf 6years of training
    test e 375mg 1-14weeks Durobolin is a very long ester. Run your Test a couple of week more than the Deca.
    deca 375mg 1-14 weeks Run the Deca for 12 weeks.
    dbol 30mg 1-4 weeks 30mg of Dbol will do little. Run 50mg to 60mg everyday.
    winny 30mg 12-17 weeks Drop the winny.
    ai aromasin 12.5 mg eod
    caber 0.5mg e3d
    HCG 13-17 weeks 250ius twice a week Run the HCG for the first 14 weeks. Stop HCG with the last Test injection.
    liver support milk thistle and liv 52 Run N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC) for liver support. Forget milk thistle.
    nolva 40/40/40/20/20/20 You can do a 5 week PCT 40/20/20/20/20
    clomid50/50/50/25/25/25 Same with Clomid 100/50/50/50/50
    ai aromasin 12.5mg eod You don't need the aromasin
    I'm assuming you're running a bulking cycle with Deca and Dbol. In that case, drop the winny.

  6. #6
    thanx for suggestions
    but i have purchased test e and deca
    should i leave 3 weeks after cycle for ester clearance or just 2 weeks
    n my diet look like this

    4scrambled eggs with 4 white bread
    whey protein
    boiled chicken with veggies
    white rice with pulses
    brown rice with tuna
    bcaa during workout
    whey protein post workout
    boiled chicken
    chappaties with veggies
    casein protein
    if i will be in condition to run winny like below 11% bf then ill run it or otherwise drop it
    i have used arimidex on my previous cycle 0.5mg and feel nausea and drowsiness whole day then i have to drop it
    help me with ai 50mg is way too much as if i dont get too much estrogen conversion then it will create problem may be
    Last edited by gjshivam; 03-12-2018 at 06:38 AM.

  7. #7
    4scrambled eggs with 4 white bread
    whey protein
    boiled chicken 200gms with veggies 150gms
    white rice150gms with pulses
    brown rice100gms with tuna 200gms
    bcaa during workout
    whey protein post workout
    boiled chicken 200 gms
    chappaties with veggies
    casein protein

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    0.5mg arimidex how often? Have you pulled bloods at your test dose and AI dose to know your E2 levels? If you don't you're just speculating. Aim to get it within physiological range preferably on the higher end. With aromasin you can't crash your E2 and the difference between 25mg and 50mg is small. Read the link I mentioned about that.

    Your diet looks like a hard cut. Where are your carbs and your EFAs? Seems like you're barely getting 2k cals or even less and 300g protein. Try 3500 cals. You'll do fine at 250g protein and up the carbs with sweet potatoes, bulgur, brown rice, whole wheat bread... Get some fatty fish (or at least a fish oil supp) and some flaxseeds/flaxseed oil in your diet.

  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    You need to loosen up your diet and eat to gain.
    I'd starve on that.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  10. #10
    can u plz make a suitable diet for me to taking this diet from past 2 years...i also take sweet potatoes and yogurt before me with my diet cousinmuscles..whenever u get time for it....and on cycle diet
    i want to add 20kgs in this cycle
    im taking also taking 6gm fish oil
    vitamin d3
    digestive enzymes
    Last edited by gjshivam; 03-13-2018 at 03:46 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    20kg of fat is no problem, just eat fast food non stop

    20kg of pure dry muscle is something that will require serious effort and time from your part. So serious that you might as well scroll down to the diet section of the forum and figure things out... There is no magic pill I or anyone else can give you.

  12. #12
    no one wants fat brother i will increase my cal to 3500 and carbs not asking for a magic pill nor i want
    my workout routine is like
    monday chest
    incline barbell bench 3 sets 20kg 30kg 35kg
    incline dumbell 3 sets 20kg 30kg 30kg
    decline dumbell press 20kg 30kg 35kg
    bench press 20kg 30kg 35kg
    cable flys 3 sets with parallel dips

    tuesday off

    wednesday back
    deadlift 3 sets 140kg
    bent over 3 sets
    seating rowing 3 sets
    dumbell rowing
    lat pulldown
    hyper extension

    thrusday shoulder
    shoulder press 3 sets max 25kgs
    dumbell press 3 sets 30kgs
    front raise 3 sets
    lateral raises 3 sets
    face pull

    friday arms (bicep triceps)
    barbell curl
    incline dumbell curl
    preacher curl
    hammer curl
    tricep pushdown
    duble hand dumbell extension
    skull crusher
    reverse curls

    saturday thighs
    squats 3sets 120kg
    leg press 3 sets 140kg
    leg extension 3sets
    stiff leg deadlift 3sets
    leg curl 3 sets
    lunges 2 sets
    any advice on my workout
    as i keep making changes after every 4-6 weeks

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Your strength is far, far behind for what I'd consider ready to cycle. I might come off as offensive but here it goes. You are obviously not eating enough and are obviously not training hard. There is no such thing as thinking of what comfortable weights and reps you will use and do the same thing year after year.

    To put things in perspective before I started using AAS I couldn't do dumbbell bench because the heaviest dumbbell my gym had was 40kg, I did seated shoulder press with the 40kgs for 20 reps... I'd end up doing aerobics with that weight. We are all different but you are posting weights that aren't up to par with someone who has a base yet. If you can't manage to train hard and eat enough, why add AAS into the mix?

    A workout tip is to learn to embrace pain and stop being such a pussy. You can't plan for months in advance what weights you'll use. You have to beat yourself every workout and do something more. If you did the 35s for 8 reps then next time you do the same workout do more. If you don't signal your body that it needs to adapt to handle the stress, why should it adapt (grow) at all? All you have done is told it there is no stressor it has to prepare itself for by growing and getting stronger... just the same load over and over.

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