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Thread: HCG: Why you should use it on-cycle only & how to prepare your hCG for injections

  1. #441
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Your LH bottoms out when on exogenous testosterone. HCG does not stimulate LH production it only mimics it and will not show on a blood test. So the answer is no. I'd leave your AI alone. Assuming the reading is accurate (and it's probably not as standard estradiol is geared to women and not accurate for men) it's always better to be a little high than low. You're fine.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  2. #442
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    I want to add HCG to my TRT protocol, but:

    1) can't find vials anywhere
    2) same applies to bac water

    What I got is

    1) HCG that comes in AMPS
    2) NaCl 0.9% sterile solution
    3) BA 99.98% solution
    4) syringes

    So duh I can make my own bac water, mix it with the powder, then preload some syringes.

    In terms of sterility is this a good idea? I'm planning to start with a 250 IU EOD regimen.

  3. #443
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    I want to add HCG to my TRT protocol, but:

    1) can't find vials anywhere
    2) same applies to bac water

    What I got is

    1) HCG that comes in AMPS
    2) NaCl 0.9% sterile solution
    3) BA 99.98% solution
    4) syringes

    So duh I can make my own bac water, mix it with the powder, then preload some syringes.

    In terms of sterility is this a good idea? I'm planning to start with a 250 IU EOD regimen.
    Alot of people make their own bac water.

    But it's really easy to find.

    Most online medical supply stores carry it. Same with vials.

  4. #444
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    I want to add HCG to my TRT protocol, but:

    1) can't find vials anywhere
    2) same applies to bac water

    What I got is

    1) HCG that comes in AMPS
    2) NaCl 0.9% sterile solution
    3) BA 99.98% solution
    4) syringes

    So duh I can make my own bac water, mix it with the powder, then preload some syringes.

    In terms of sterility is this a good idea? I'm planning to start with a 250 IU EOD regimen.
    I boiled water let cool added it into sterile vial and then added in the BA. Easy and cheap.

  5. #445
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Alot of people make their own bac water.

    But it's really easy to find.

    Most online medical supply stores carry it. Same with vials.
    Easy indeed, but only from the US. Shipment is about $50 and it could take months to arrive. Once here. the Italian customs won't let anything in unless you specify what it is. I had a promo from iherb (8 pills...) seized and then asked for a $15 fee just for handling the item. If it pass, the postman will ask for import duties. It just get too expensive and annoying, so batching my own bac water is the way to go.

    Quote Originally Posted by FONZY007 View Post
    I boiled water let cool added it into sterile vial and then added in the BA. Easy and cheap.
    I can get NaCl sterile solution for cheap from the pharmacy. It comes in 250ml vials, but those are way oversized for the purpose.

    Do you check for water PH? Plain water looks less than ideal, imho.
    Last edited by hammerheart; 06-13-2016 at 07:26 AM.

  6. #446
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    I can get NaCl sterile solution for cheap from the pharmacy. It comes in 250ml vials, but those are way oversized for the purpose.
    NaCl is not adequate for long term storage.

    You need benzyl alcohol 9mg/ml as a bacteriostatic preservative.

  7. #447
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    NaCl is not adequate for long term storage.

    You need benzyl alcohol 9mg/ml as a bacteriostatic preservative.
    Indeed I have BA, I wrote it above.

    I'm wondering how much time it will take for the Leydigs to respond, after two years of suppressive TRT.

    My urologist said the testes look hypoechoic on ultrasound, that means there is some degree of atrophy already.

  8. #448
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    Indeed I have BA, I wrote it above.

    I'm wondering how much time it will take for the Leydigs to respond, after two years of suppressive TRT.

    My urologist said the testes look hypoechoic on ultrasound, that means there is some degree of atrophy already.
    I saw you had BA, was just making sure that you know it's needed.

    No offense but most of the posters in this thread need specific instructions.

    You should notice a difference by the end week one.

    Don't forget hcg is necessary for more than just testicular function.

  9. #449
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post

    Indeed I have BA, I wrote it above.

    I'm wondering how much time it will take for the Leydigs to respond, after two years of suppressive TRT.

    My urologist said the testes look hypoechoic on ultrasound, that means there is some degree of atrophy already.
    I used hcg but I would break out. I have lost a 25% of my size since I'm on trt for 8 years. Takes 4 to 6 weeks to gain some size back in the little boys

  10. #450
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    Sep 2015
    Not Use hCG Post Cycle? .. What about Dr.scally power pct? large dose of HCG can desensitize you. So what is good about power pct?
    Last edited by Miki3; 06-28-2016 at 03:04 AM.

  11. #451
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miki3 View Post
    Not Use hCG Post Cycle? .. What about Dr.scally power pct? large dose of HCG can desensitize you. So what is good about power pct?
    Hcg shouldn't be used during PCT because it mimics lh and is suppressive to natural lh production.

    I don’t like the idea of using more than 500 IU of hCG per day and would skip this step if implementing the Power PCT Program. There is no need to use hCG with this protocol unless you will be having blood work at the end of the first 15 days of the program because it's purpose is to only check for primary vs secondary hypogonadism. Using hcg during SERM therapy is counterproductive.

    The Power PCT Program consists of two parts, and uses three research compounds. Part I uses hCG to test functionality of the leydig cells. Part II uses nolva and closed to stimulate a hypothalamic pituitary response.

  12. #452
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    My eng is little bad.. so if i understand good you prefer hcg during cycle and dont aprove power pct? ... - SERM therapy= pct/tamox,etc/ ? just for sure sorry for being anoying

  13. #453
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    May 2015
    Did my first hcg shot today. Ever. Just mixed 1250 IU with 1 cc deca and 1 cc sus in the same syringe. Felt a bit nervous. When i looked inside the syringe before injection it was not nice, almost greyish, foggy oily. Not so clear and nice as the usual deca/sus mix. Had it become toxic?...Fuk it, guess it wont kill me. I had a "friend" and he ratted on some mcguys and they injected gasolin in his ass. It didnt kill him. So:-)...Now 30 minutes after i feel fine, guess it will be ok. Stil, calming to read aust hcg mixing lesson. It should be ok.
    Thanks aust

    I know it should not be 1250 but i will only run hcg the last 2 weeks of my cycle and ive got 5000 IU.
    But now, when im inside the hcgworld, i maybe running it 250 IU twice a week for my christmascycle.

  14. #454
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin
    Did my first hcg shot today. Ever. Just mixed 1250 IU with 1 cc deca and 1 cc sus in the same syringe. Felt a bit nervous. When i looked inside the syringe before injection it was not nice, almost greyish, foggy oily. Not so clear and nice as the usual deca/sus mix. Had it become toxic?...Fuk it, guess it wont kill me. I had a "friend" and he ratted on some mcguys and they injected gasolin in his ass. It didnt kill him. So:-)...Now 30 minutes after i feel fine, guess it will be ok. Stil, calming to read aust hcg mixing lesson. It should be ok. Thanks aust I know it should not be 1250 but i will only run hcg the last 2 weeks of my cycle and ive got 5000 IU. But now, when im inside the hcgworld, i maybe running it 250 IU twice a week for my christmascycle.
    Silabolin- welcome to the underworld. Hahahaha. Just want to comment... IMHO you should refrain from taking too much hCG because it can desensitize your leydig cells.
    Not taking any and taking too much are equally bad.

  15. #455
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    but im only doing 5000 IU spread out for two weeks....1250 x 4 should be just as fine as your 250 x 2 for 12 weeks when it comes to desensitizition.
    Or thats what i think. Hcg never been my cup of tea and my knowledge is nothing to write home about.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 07-22-2016 at 05:06 AM.

  16. #456
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin
    but im only doing 5000 IU spread out for two weeks....1250 x 4 should be just as fine as your 250 x 2 for 12 weeks when it comes to desensitizition. Or thats what i think. Hcg never been my cup of tea and my knowledge is nothing to write home about.
    Silabon- i will provide my thoughts.... Would you use that same thought process for a cycle? Instead of 12 weeks let's take it in two? Better yet, let's use a hard drug as an example. Your heart will be able to take a certain qty of coke, try taking it all at once and you have just overburdened your heart and it will stop. Same principle.
    I will never claim to be the expert at anything on this forum. There are much more knowledgeable people then myself. I am just providing my reasoning and beliefs.

  17. #457
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    I read you. I know 500 a week is far far better but this time i have deceided to run it just the two last weeks.

    And i have just 1 cc of it and splitting it more than 4, will be too tecnically.
    And my LH is zero now nevertheless.

  18. #458
    On a test only 12 week cycle, would it be beneficial to use 750 (3x250) iu of hcg instead of 500 every week assuming the rest is thrown in trash? (if its refrigerated in ba water it only lasts for 2 months?)

  19. #459
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    This is what my specialist says regarding hCG (and I trust him, treated a lot of bodybuilders).

    When using 5000u amps of hCG, and you only have sterile 0,9% NaCl water,
    mix it and divide 250u to max 500u into three insulin syringes.
    Throw away the rest of the hCG.
    Use 250u to max 500u x3 weekly.

    (The point about throwing the extra hCG away is up to you,
    He's a doctor and won't risk his patients injecting hCG with bacteria,
    how long you can actually get away with storing hCG in pre filled insulin syringes, without BA, that's up to each and everyone)

    Silabolin: when you mix hCG with oil (didn't you mix it with water first?)
    then I'd guess the hCG could precipitate, at least if you dont mix it with water first. This is probably harmless, but if it causes the hCG to change its tertiary structure (folding) then it might be rendered inactive.
    However, if the hCG remains intact in oil only, there's also another issue, namely that you might have changed the rate of absorption.
    (Probably delaying its release)
    To test if the hCG is active at all this way,
    you could buy a pregnancy test and use it.
    If you're pregnant then it's active.
    If you get a sensitive pregnancy test (or several)
    and use them at a fixed time (12h f ex) after the same dose of hCG,
    One time with oil, one time with water, then you could teach us all something new.

  20. #460
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    And Sil:
    If you only got one 5000u amp of hCG, then yeah, you could use it all spaced out in 4 injects (over 10 days, which i would say is ok with sterile water)
    Your leydig cells won't be damaged by that, but your E2 might increase much.
    However, your point about not having any LH anyways is flawed,
    as LH is secreted from your pituitary/brain, while the leydig cells are in your testes/balls. Your brain might never secrete enough LH to keep a normal test level again, but your leydig cells/balls might be able to produce enough test if you use hCG or HMG correctly.

  21. #461
    So if i want to know if HCG is really HCG can I test it before I inject it? When people talk about a pregnancy test am I putting the HCG on it or am I pissing on it after an injection? I'm new to this whole thing and I apologize up front if this is a stupid question. I also tried to read through this string on this original post but I glaze over because its so long...again apologize if I missed something.

  22. #462
    Quote Originally Posted by unckle View Post
    So if i want to know if HCG is really HCG can I test it before I inject it? When people talk about a pregnancy test am I putting the HCG on it or am I pissing on it after an injection? I'm new to this whole thing and I apologize up front if this is a stupid question. I also tried to read through this string on this original post but I glaze over because its so long...again apologize if I missed something.
    put about 250ius of the hCG directly onto the pregnancy test

  23. #463
    Thanks, Dog. I did exactly that. First HcG I bought was bunk and I thought I did the test wrong. Went to a different source and their HcG tested good. So I'm more knowledgeable now.... lol

  24. #464
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    Hey guys, my HCG (powder) came in two ampoules containing 5000iu each and I would like some input on how to store and manage it for a 12-week Test E cycle. I have one vial of 15ml of Bac water. As I can't store the mix on the ampoule, I am considering:

    0) Freeze one ampoule
    1) Break the other ampoule containing HCG powder
    2) Draw 2ml of Bac water in a syringe and pour it on the broken ampoule with HCG
    3) Mix (how?)
    4) Using a syringe, draw the mixture and insert it on a sterilized empty vial
    5) Store the vial in the fridge and use it to pin twice a week for the first 6 weeks
    6) At the end of the 6th week, bring the frozen ampoule to the frigde and repeat steps 1 to 5.

    Does this sound like a good plan to you?
    Last edited by zigzagzig; 03-05-2018 at 06:36 PM.

  25. #465
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    I'd really appreciate if someone could help me on how to handle HCG in ampoules.

  26. #466
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    Your steps are correct. HCG dissolves very quickly I have done 5000 iu in 1ml several times even but do 2ml to be safe. Just roll the amp with your fingers.

  27. #467
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    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    Your steps are correct. HCG dissolves very quickly I have done 5000 iu in 1ml several times even but do 2ml to be safe. Just roll the amp with your fingers.
    Thanks, I'll do that. I'm starting my cycle in about two weeks. I will create a new thread later one.

  28. #468
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    I got my HCG today and I performed two distinct pregnancy tests using some drops from it. In both cases the results showed NO pregnancy. With this information, should I toss it away?

  29. #469
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Outstanding again! Even though you picked on me.

    People really have fat 6 inches from their navel?

    pm coming your way.
    It's called a mound bro and I think only girls have it

    And thanks so much for this thread Austinite I've been a long time fan of yours and this really the information I needed to run HCG in my cycle even though it doesn't sound too exciting injecting boiled rat piss

  30. #470
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    Quote Originally Posted by AestheticGenetics View Post
    It's called a mound bro and I think only girls have it

    And thanks so much for this thread Austinite I've been a long time fan of yours and this really the information I needed to run HCG in my cycle even though it doesn't sound too exciting injecting boiled rat piss
    It's lyophilized no worries

  31. #471
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    "HCG is not as "fragile" as most of us are led to believe. If you prefer to minimize injections, you can combine your steroid compounds with hCG into the same syringe and inject. The only real way to destroy hCG is by freezing and thawing pre-loaded/premixed syringes, as the ice crystals tend to destroy the proteins. If you decide to freeze your mixed hCG, be sure not to re-freeze it, ever."

    Sorry if someone else answered this later down the thread - but if I reconstitute, then freeze the remainder, is it ok to thaw out what I need for the week or will freezing it destroy the potency of the HCG? Or does the above comment mean that I shouldn't freeze, thaw, and then re-freeze?

  32. #472
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    question, must I really 100% use insulin syringes for hcg or can I use my regular ones with a 25g needle for intramuscular injection?

  33. #473
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vinnie214 View Post
    question, must I really 100% use insulin syringes for hcg or can I use my regular ones with a 25g needle for intramuscular injection?
    Your getting it!
    You can use the 25 g. HCG is water based and some say not to mix water and oil. I mix my hCG with the AAS. I have never had problems. I also make mine more concentrated so it is very little that I am injecting to get the 250.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  34. #474
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Your getting it!
    You can use the 25 g. HCG is water based and some say not to mix water and oil. I mix my hCG with the AAS. I have never had problems. I also make mine more concentrated so it is very little that I am injecting to get the 250.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Okay that's good, saves me a bit of money. If you mix it with an oil based compound like test, wouldn't that make it really thick and hard to draw-pin into a 25g or am I wrong?


  35. #475
    Quote Originally Posted by Vinnie214 View Post
    Okay that's good, saves me a bit of money. If you mix it with an oil based compound like test, wouldn't that make it really thick and hard to draw-pin into a 25g or am I wrong?

    Vinnie, you still need bac water.
    You don't mix the oil with the hCG powder.
    You mix bac water with the hCG.

    Once the hCG is prepared you can then draw both the AAS and the hCG into the same syringe.

  36. #476
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Vinnie, you still need bac water.
    You don't mix the oil with the hCG powder.
    You mix bac water with the hCG.

    Once the hCG is prepared you can then draw both the AAS and the hCG into the same syringe.
    What he said. Sorry for the confusion. Bac water is dirt cheap.

  37. #477
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Vinnie, you still need bac water.
    You don't mix the oil with the hCG powder.
    You mix bac water with the hCG.

    Once the hCG is prepared you can then draw both the AAS and the hCG into the same syringe.
    Oh lol sorry I got confused. At least I don't need to buy insulin needles I guess. I think I'll just inject them seperately, less room for mistakes


  38. #478
    Awsome write up, damn things changed what we knew about these things 20.years back

  39. #479
    This was awesome. I finally understand. Thanks.

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