would it be ok to run 600mg of test and 600mg of deca with no ai during cycle for 12 weeks? be running a good PCT. not too bothered about being shutdown during cycle but after cycle with a good pct would it be ok?
would it be ok to run 600mg of test and 600mg of deca with no ai during cycle for 12 weeks? be running a good PCT. not too bothered about being shutdown during cycle but after cycle with a good pct would it be ok?
If your not gyno or estrogen prone. At 600mg deca I would have prami or caber on hand including an ai just in case.
ok cheers. if i ran the deca one week after my Test/E pins can i still shut off the deca at week 10 then the test at week 12? or isn't there any point?
It’s not even the gyno I would be worried about..high estrogen levels can be unhealthy mentally and physically ..blood work is a necessity if you wanna have safe doseages and good health but I would def run at least .25 e3d of adex untill you get bloods to properly dose..
three days ago you said you were going to do test only....
now you want to run test and deca with no protection!
At 21yrs old I wouldn't recommend running deca especially without an AI and a DA.
haha i know i was just tempted as it's just sitting there looking at me! i probably will hold out till second cycle when i get a bit more protocol gear. is there a good website i can get my Arimidex and all that off? No one i know around where i live can get any. They're all juice heads jabbing test deca tren and dbol and most of them don't even run a PCT!
Honestly, dont let temptation get the better of you. IF those guys you are talkin about blast whatever with no ai's or pct or anything, they are going through some miserable times at some point.
Im not gonna get into your age. What i will say, is these compounds will gang up on you. And you wont know which is causing what. Ive run test-deca plenty of times, its my favorite cycle. So believe me i know how it can get to you. You may or may not be rollin the dice with test no ai. I can strongly suggest not gettin into combos til you have what you need ahead of time. If your e2 gets even a little outta whack and u add in deca with no DA, u arent gonna be able to do shit with a woman, and will be crying at hallmark commercials, wondering what happened to you
Very fair response and ill be taking a lot of what you said into consideration. I know it's a gamble with no AI or HCG during this cycle but i had none on hand it was difficult to even get the Nolva and Clomid at hand because they all said "na bro you be good just run this and that and you'll blow" but i was persistent in getting it and actually got it from a close friend!
ill be doing everything 100% right for my next cycle (which will be a cutting cycle) blood work the lot.
cheers for the replies and advice as always everyone.
Don't recommend deca to anyone not on trt.
Its very suppressive and it's detectable on your system up to a year.
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