Hey, late 20s medical student.
My first post so go easy on me.
Looking for some experienced users with any opinion on the following.
Even though I think that my English is pretty good, I am German so please excuse any mistakes.
I've only ever done 4 cycles so I'm no pro guru or anything, but then again there are a lot of conflicting studies. But the reasoning of why I ever got into medicine in the first place was to learn more about the body and to improve the human body.
The main hormone that Ive been interested in is Myostatin. The hormone that tries to control the amount of muscle that a person is able to carry on their frame that sets in around the 10 week marker.
At first I was probably like most gearhead, get rid of myostatin, but then I read more and found that there are a lot of advantages to it that you NEED. Firstly it saves your joints, without this hormone, a person would break their tendons walking up some stairs. There are a lot of studies to support this such as: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26549246 there are numerous more.
Another thing that I read about the hormone that was really interesting since it suggested that the lack of myostatin could cause the muscle to grow disproportionately, as what the text said was that it acts as a mould to keep your muscles where they are supposed to be, I thought that this was interesting, but somehow to me doesn't make any sense, as your muscle growth and shape is dictated by your genetics of insertion points, so if anyone knows anything more on this Id be would be interested.
Studies have shown that this is the main cause of gains slowing down after the 8-12 week barrier, not the common misconception that the receptions down regulate, they actually up regulate. Therefore as a beginner one should start on a lower dose and then work their way up, as they simply don't have the amount of receptors to bind to all the androgens, and therefore would just cause more sides.
So Ive read and heard a lot about the myostatin inhibitors being fake, personally believe so as this would entail that gene therapy exists, and at the moment sadly I really doubt it otherwise cancer would no longer be a problem. I say gene therapy as, as of right now this is the only way that I know of is a way to completely eradicate myostatin without any serious health problems.
However I have read from some people that HGH (human growth hormone) is able to decrease myostatin as well as IGF1, but then again this hormone creates a lot of side effects, and therefore the only real options would be to take a safe-ish dose of HGH or try to overcompensate the myostatin hormone by just adding more anabolics.
Here I have no evidence to back up what I'm about to say, but if HGH truly does decrease myostatin and if receptors do in fact actually upregulate with the dose, then couldn't a person stay on cycle all year with no decrease in muscle gains, as long as you kept a close eye on your bloods and such, but therefore just keep switching compounds to compensate this.
Here I was able to find only 1 source suggesting that after a 10 week cycle the hormone reaches its peak around the 12th week, and with discontinuation of use, its levels begin to decrease until the 20 week mark. I saved this point for last as I really couldn't find any other studies but the one. The problem being is that it was only done on a 12 week cycle, so do all cycles increase myostatin to the 20th week? Or is it proportionate? Ive read that other people are having success with shorter cycles which is something that I want to try, as if they are having success that may mean that the duration of increased myostatin is proportionate to the time on, but may also vary on the dose perhaps.
Short:e.g. 6-9 weeks on 5-9 weeks off.
Long:e.g. 10-12 weeks on 8-12 weeks off
I know that some people classify long cycles to be 20 weeks to years, but at the moment I see more benefits to shorter cycles until something or somebody changes my mind.
Before I go on why I personally see that shorter cycles in theory are better. I want to say that there is a debate that longer cycles help you keep the gains that you have made, as of right now I have only been doing 10-12 week cycles bulking up to the 8/9 week mark and then cutting and conditioning with higher dose compounds until the 12th week mark.
Also a great deal of people I know and have heard of are all doing longer cycles, so it may in fact be the way to go.
So I will experiment on myself to see if there is a difference, maybe after 2 cycles I will be able to see for myself what the best option is.
To me short cycles make more sense I know these are two completely different things but if you look at training will the person training a bodypart frequently gain more or the person training a muscle group once per week, (of course this statistic may not apply to anabolic users depending on the compounds that they run and their genetics) but it is a fact that training the muscle group with less volume but with more frequency holds greater success than training a muscle group once with as much volume as possible. Also thinking about it gaining a large substantial amount of muscle which the body will try its utmost to get rid of, and then dropping back down for a large amount of time, to me this looks like a recipe for yo yo gains.
If anyone has some experience or opinions on long vs short cycles Id love to hear from you.
If anyone disagrees to anything that Ive said I welcome you to give your opinion on it so that we both and others can benefit as there is way too much bro science and it is becoming more and more difficult to find out what actually works and what doesn't.
Thank you.