Originally Posted by
not annoyed at all..
I actually asked you the question, because I personally already know the answer, just wanted to see if you've done any research yourself.
to be blunt (and I in no way am advising this), I knowing what I know would personally of started HGH around the age 20 (before AAS use) to get my cells primed and ready and have satellite cell proliferation and other things going on so that when I got on juice at say age 23 I'd of blown up way more and solidified more quality gains (not gains that come and go with AAS use alone). The HGH would have primed my body for real solid muscle growth (with proper training and nutrition and a solid foundation to begin with). NO it alone would not build a ton of muscle by any means,, but it would prepare things for that when I did introduce AAS the AAS would promote the building of quality muscle tissue (essentially more cells to grow). HGH does not get you huge, but prepares things to be able to grow at a later date with the correct stimulation.
also just so you know, HGH is not really a performance enhancer. and comes with a host of side effects and cost is way high. using HGH the way I mention above takes a lot of time and research and knowing what your doing. same goes with peptides.
I would take what I said above and do some scientific research. find out why what I said may be true or not. find out why you would even want to bother increasing your HGH or not. find out what the risks are for starting it too young, or what the benefits may be.
just do some research. more then likely you'll find your going to be better off doing what I suggested already and spending money on food