whats going on fellow gym goers from the UK
am after some advice regarding a cycle i am on, will give much info as needed seen a lot people get flamed fast so go easy on me lol
have been gyming it for last 10years on and off.
Age - 33
Height - 6’2
Weight - 100kg
Bf- 16%/17%
so have used steroids few times in the past, 1st one was many years ago just a little test E course, then then did another test prop course with anavar, and then had little play with tren and test about 3years ago but never got even half way through and had to stop due to unforeseen circumstances.
any way heads been in great place gym and diet been solid for while so figured go on then why not.
so i have test prop & Tren ace, the aim aint to bulk more of assist on cut up for the summer, dropping calories by about 500 below maintenance, clean diet, upped cardio
I hit gym 6days a week, morning treadmill fasted cardio 25min at least 4days week
course is as follows
Test prop - 50mg EOD
Tren Ace - 100mg EOD
Caber - 0.5mg every 3/4days
Aromasin - 12.5mg every 3days
also have to hand if ever required, adex, letro, nolva, clomid. have HCG also but have never used it before so any advice would be welcome on it. heard alot of different opinions on timing when to use it, .
Daily Supplements
Omega 3
Hawthorn berry caps
multi vit
water, water and then some more water
Opinions Welcome.
3days after last pin
Clomid 100/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20
now am 8days into this course.been pinning eod, glutes, delts quads aim to rotate through out
1st week i had bit test flu like symptoms early 2days or so but just rode it out, then all was great.
been feeling great so far apart from getting little hot in sleep little bit sweaty. strength is creeping up in gym
now here’s my issue.. 3days ago i noticed bit of discomfort from my left nipple, doesn’t look puffy no lumps or bumps actually sticking out not itchy either just dull ache pain here an there behind nipple and tiny tender. Feels different to the other nipple as I can feel slight hard tiny disc shape behind nipple when pushed in
now this is new to me as i have never had this before as am not usually gyno prone, never had a worry on previous cycles.
also made bit of a noob mistake of not starting my caber or aromasin till day after my 2nd jab, so 3/4days after the 1st, ano ano not good (take cover)
have ordered private bloodwork kit as I am aware how important this is when on cycle and will have that any day now, results are fast turn around to.
Will taking the aromasin 25mg ed help or would this be over kill? (or would swapping to adex 0.5mg EOD be better option) or should i go for nolva 10mg ed till cycle finished.
I have Read alot similar situations were nolva has helped people on similar course with in similar situation despite the other theory of you should never use it while on a nor19, so much conflicting information out there hence me deciding to ask you good folks.
Now I was in panic mode yesterday took 25mg Aromasin and nipple today feels little less painful an tender today, now with aromasin being a suicide I don’t wana go over kill with it and wipe out all my E2, apart of me is thinking that my stupidness in delaying using the AI by 4days may have caused bit of E2 buildup
If you read this far then thank you for taking the time to read though 😊
any advice on the above or criticism lol would be appreciated. really dont wana stop this cycle already or have to drop the tren.
Thanks Lone-Wolf