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Thread: Help with mid-cycle blood work and adex dose

  1. #1

    Help with mid-cycle blood work and adex dose

    Hey ya'll, first cycle so I am learning and appreciate the guidance and I want to proceed responsible.

    Running first cycle; 500mg/week Test E

    Just ran mid-cycle bloodwork to check my E2

    Came back high: 86.3 (healthy range 7.6 - 42.6)

    I have been using Adex .5mg e3.5d after pinning.

    Should I up to 1mg e3.5d or is it better to do .5mg EOD?

    Kind of a pain because my Adex is capsules and I have to pull them open and guesstimate dumping half the powder out and recap and swallow. Not a big deal but not the most accurate.

    Is the half life long enough to do the full 1mg twice a week?

    Does doubling my Arimidex seem like enough to lower e2 to a better level, or it's anyone's guess without more bloodwork?

    I have exhibited zero symptoms of high estrogen, no side effects, wouldn't know if I didn't run blood test.

    Do people run another blood panel at like week 10? or no point as I'm only doing a 12 week cycle?

    Or just guess and go with it.

    Thanks for the help everyone. Much appreciated.

    on a positive note my testosterone tested off the chart (>1500) so it's working, ha!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    First thing I would suggest is getting pharma anastrozole to make sure you are not using a fake one.

    AI and PCT meds should always be pharma, otherwise if something unexpected happens you have no way of knowing whats going on.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    First thing I would suggest is getting pharma anastrozole to make sure you are not using a fake one.

    AI and PCT meds should always be pharma, otherwise if something unexpected happens you have no way of knowing whats going on.
    That's good advice for the next cycle. I have ensured pharma grade PCT meds, but the AI i have is UGL, and by the time I source new pharma brand AI there will barely be a couple weeks left on this cycle.

    I don't think it's fake because when I started the cycle I was taking 1mg EOD and pretty certain I crashed my e2, judging by symptoms.

    How high is 85 e2? is that astronomical off the chart that I should have tits and be crying during a Ryan Gosling movie right now?

    ASSUMING my AI isn't fake: Is it better recommended to up to 1mg/e3.5d or .5mg EOD?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    I say 0.5 eod and repeat BW

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by UncleCurley View Post

    ASSUMING my AI isn't fake: Is it better recommended to up to 1mg/e3.5d or .5mg EOD?
    AI every 3.5 days is not recommended, as its too long for the drug half life. This renders your bloodwork a bit useless, cause we dont know how much time you drawn blood after taking the AI, and have no data to compare such a 3.5 days protocol.

    The only thing I can say is if your E2 was at 82 you should increase the AI.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    AI every 3.5 days is not recommended, as its too long for the drug half life. This renders your bloodwork a bit useless, cause we dont know how much time you drawn blood after taking the AI, and have no data to compare such a 3.5 days protocol.

    The only thing I can say is if your E2 was at 82 you should increase the AI.
    Shit, that's a really good point. The half life of Armidex is like 50 hours from my research. My BW was done about 48 hours (probably almost exactly 50 hours) from last pin+AI dose, so it literally could be wearing off right when I tested.

    It's strange because I see .5 armidex e3d as very common advice. Reviewing the sticky above, I now see .25mg EOD as a starting point dosage.

    Will certainly be getting pharma grade AI next time. For now I will try upping dose to .5mg EOD and see how I feel.

    Wonder if it's worth doing more BW at the end of the cycle, won't give much time to change anything but will give me some insight what works for my body.

    Oh well, Live and learn I guess!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by UncleCurley View Post
    Shit, that's a really good point. The half life of Armidex is like 50 hours from my research. My BW was done about 48 hours (probably almost exactly 50 hours) from last pin+AI dose, so it literally could be wearing off right when I tested.

    It's strange because I see .5 armidex e3d as very common advice. Reviewing the sticky above, I now see .25mg EOD as a starting point dosage.

    Will certainly be getting pharma grade AI next time. For now I will try upping dose to .5mg EOD and see how I feel.

    Wonder if it's worth doing more BW at the end of the cycle, won't give much time to change anything but will give me some insight what works for my body.

    Oh well, Live and learn I guess!
    Yeah its worth doing the bw. That way u know what your levels are post cycle, and that your adex dose was correct- so u know for next time- as well as knowing your levels are good post cycle so you arent chasing ghosts if you have a problem

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    try .25 ed.

    its more stable than .5 eod.

    I feel good at .25 ed on 500mg test e, 700 mast e, and 140 test base (20 mg daily) per week.

  9. #9
    I guess I can run another blood test at week 10. It's only $60. I should wait at least another week or two make sure I have steady does of the ADEX in my system. Makes me want to run a 16-20 week blast now. LOL but I won't. I'm sure many have had and indulged the temptation.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    My question if it wasn’t already said ... is it a standard e2 test or sensitive/ultra sensitive? Because of it wasn’t your numbers can be off by almost 20-25

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Chrisp83TRT View Post
    My question if it wasn’t already said ... is it a standard e2 test or sensitive/ultra sensitive? Because of it wasn’t your numbers can be off by almost 20-25
    It was the PrivateMDLabs "Hormone Panel for Females"

    which includes:
    Estradiol, serum;
    Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH);
    Luteinizing Hormone (LH);
    Testosterone, Serum (Total Only);

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