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Thread: Third cycle. Any ideas?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Third cycle. Any ideas?

    I have done two cycles before. The first was test only and the second was test + tbol.

    I'm 33 years old weighing 90kg at 180cm and ~10% BF.

    An ideal cycle would be test + deca but with the long detection time it's not an option.

    Not sure if I'm ready for tren just yet.

    My best bet right now are test + eq. Any other ideas?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Equipoise is for racing horses, and I feel like it's a waste of money. Need more information:

    - You are concerned about detection time, do you have an upcoming test, and if so for what ? How many weeks until said test?

    - When did your PCT (unless TRT) finish from your Test+Tbol cycle? If you've held onto your gains and it was a success why not just repeat the same cycle ?

    - What are your short term and long term goals?

    - Did you get bloodwork done before and after your last cycle? If so what did the numbers look like?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    I live in a country were the police can come to the gym at any time and test any one they feel like testing. The thought of taking a substance that's visible in tests for 18 months or so is to much for me to handle so I'd rather not walk down that road.

    My PCT finished late February and most of the muscle remains but the strength has decreased. I kept maybe 50-75% of strength levels depending on lift and muscle group.

    My long term goals are not competitive oriented, I try for myself and I want to get jacked. Reach a little more LBM, which I don't think I can do without some steroids.

    The reason I felt like not repeating the same cycle is some bro science reason about "repeated but effect". Like, if my body has been accustomed to that cycle then the results will decline for every time I do the same cycle. But maybe that's BS?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Are you referring to receptor saturation ?

    Why do you think you can't achieve your goals naturally ? Can you post your current complete meal by meal plan?

    If what you say about the police is true, which is strange, then there is zero point to worry about detection time.

    Assume you do a typical 8-12/16 week cycle, followed by PCT. That allows you for 2-3 cycles per year. That means out of 365 days, you are going to fail a test 305 days.

    So from a probability standpoint, your chance of passing is 16.4%

    (I think I did the math correct? it's been awhile)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    I understand that it sounds strange for someone not accustomed to our laws but unfortunately it's true.

    I can post the meal plan, but i don't have it written down on my phone so I would have to type everything and honestly I don't feel up to the challenge.

    Yes, I understand what you are saying. It's just that when I get off a cycle I can feel relieved when the steroids are not detectable any longer, just in case I'm want to look for a new job (they sometimes test when you apply for a new job also), or if there is something else I need to do that require testing. Or if I would just get sick of it and don't want to cycle any more. Then I don't want to wait 18 months before I can feel "safe" again.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by n1x0n View Post

    I understand that it sounds strange for someone not accustomed to our laws but unfortunately it's true.

    I can post the meal plan, but i don't have it written down on my phone so I would have to type everything and honestly I don't feel up to the challenge.

    Yes, I understand what you are saying. It's just that when I get off a cycle I can feel relieved when the steroids are not detectable any longer, just in case I'm want to look for a new job (they sometimes test when you apply for a new job also), or if there is something else I need to do that require testing. Or if I would just get sick of it and don't want to cycle any more. Then I don't want to wait 18 months before I can feel "safe" again.
    Jesus christ that article infuriated me. What a bunch of cunts. “War on bodybuilders” what the fuck. We keep to ourselves and just focus on self improvement. Unreal bro im so heated right now.

    Anyway if your worried about detection time you should try short esters. Eq is a pretty damn long ester so thats gonna be a longer detection time. Test prop is your best bet. Excellent diet and training will allow for gains, even if you are just repeating simple cycles.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by n1x0n View Post
    I live in a country were the police can come to the gym at any time and test any one they feel like testing. The thought of taking a substance that's visible in tests for 18 months or so is to much for me to handle so I'd rather not walk down that road.

    My PCT finished late February and most of the muscle remains but the strength has decreased. I kept maybe 50-75% of strength levels depending on lift and muscle group.

    My long term goals are not competitive oriented, I try for myself and I want to get jacked. Reach a little more LBM, which I don't think I can do without some steroids.

    The reason I felt like not repeating the same cycle is some bro science reason about "repeated but effect". Like, if my body has been accustomed to that cycle then the results will decline for every time I do the same cycle. But maybe that's BS?
    Is it because I just don't know better, or does that seem unlikely to anyone else?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by n1x0n View Post

    I understand that it sounds strange for someone not accustomed to our laws but unfortunately it's true.

    I can post the meal plan, but i don't have it written down on my phone so I would have to type everything and honestly I don't feel up to the challenge.

    Yes, I understand what you are saying. It's just that when I get off a cycle I can feel relieved when the steroids are not detectable any longer, just in case I'm want to look for a new job (they sometimes test when you apply for a new job also), or if there is something else I need to do that require testing. Or if I would just get sick of it and don't want to cycle any more. Then I don't want to wait 18 months before I can feel "safe" again.
    I'm in the same country. Just stay away from gyms that have too much political correctness in their marketing/business idea et.c. Definitely stay away from Friskis & Svettis chain, well, why the hell would you even go there they barely have equipment. Find a proper hardcore gym with competetive bodybuilders, you'll be the last they search, and also avoid the state owned weightlifting clubs which have the "100% clean" logo. If the gym doesn't have dumbbells heavier than 40kg, it's not worth going there anyway. If they have staff that is overzealous about gym behavior among members, that's a bad sign too.

    It's difficult for them to coordinate a search and arrest, it is not exactly something prioritized by the police, the punishment is just fines. If the gym staff is making you feel uncomfortable due to this (some gym chains have staff that consistently get in peoples face for dropping weights, grunting et.c. and they certainly do make you feel they'd snitch on you), you'd be better off training somewhere else anyway. For the American readers, if you're serious about lifting would you get a gym membership at planet fitness? For my part the lunk alarm would go on the moment I put my foot in the gym, every time.

    The Toney Freeman scandal was pure BS and they did this to try and make news and use it as scare tactics.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    I'm in the same country. Just stay away from gyms that have too much political correctness in their marketing/business idea et.c. Definitely stay away from Friskis & Svettis chain, well, why the hell would you even go there they barely have equipment. Find a proper hardcore gym with competetive bodybuilders, you'll be the last they search, and also avoid the state owned weightlifting clubs which have the "100% clean" logo. If the gym doesn't have dumbbells heavier than 40kg, it's not worth going there anyway. If they have staff that is overzealous about gym behavior among members, that's a bad sign too.

    It's difficult for them to coordinate a search and arrest, it is not exactly something prioritized by the police, the punishment is just fines. If the gym staff is making you feel uncomfortable due to this (some gym chains have staff that consistently get in peoples face for dropping weights, grunting et.c. and they certainly do make you feel they'd snitch on you), you'd be better off training somewhere else anyway. For the American readers, if you're serious about lifting would you get a gym membership at planet fitness? For my part the lunk alarm would go on the moment I put my foot in the gym, every time.

    The Toney Freeman scandal was pure BS and they did this to try and make news and use it as scare tactics.
    I had no idea. Learn something new every day hu? Thats actually pretty interesting. It is funny how different experiences can make something that may seem common somewhere else, sound unbelievable.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    I'm in the same country. Just stay away from gyms that have too much political correctness in their marketing/business idea et.c. Definitely stay away from Friskis & Svettis chain, well, why the hell would you even go there they barely have equipment. Find a proper hardcore gym with competetive bodybuilders, you'll be the last they search, and also avoid the state owned weightlifting clubs which have the "100% clean" logo. If the gym doesn't have dumbbells heavier than 40kg, it's not worth going there anyway. If they have staff that is overzealous about gym behavior among members, that's a bad sign too.

    It's difficult for them to coordinate a search and arrest, it is not exactly something prioritized by the police, the punishment is just fines. If the gym staff is making you feel uncomfortable due to this (some gym chains have staff that consistently get in peoples face for dropping weights, grunting et.c. and they certainly do make you feel they'd snitch on you), you'd be better off training somewhere else anyway. For the American readers, if you're serious about lifting would you get a gym membership at planet fitness? For my part the lunk alarm would go on the moment I put my foot in the gym, every time.

    The Toney Freeman scandal was pure BS and they did this to try and make news and use it as scare tactics.
    We all know what happened.
    Some politician's wife was fucking a bodybuilder and he found out.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    We all know what happened.
    Some politician's wife was fucking a bodybuilder and he found out.
    Probably the police chief LOL funny thing is cops here are big on AAS usage...

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