Hi , im looking for advice.Will do a lean bulk in november.
cycle will be :
1-8 Test prop/Tren ace /DHB. 1:1:1 ratio , 375mg per week of each other.
5-10 Anavar 50mg-75mg-75mg-75mg-75mg.
Aromasin 12,5mg eod.Should i star the asin the first week of wait till week 2?
Caber 0,5mg x 2 times a week
week 9 and 10 hcg.2500ui per week( x3 times a week), Total hcg 5000ui.
week 11/12/13/14 Clomiphene/Nolva. Should i run aromasin in pct? if yes , at what doses?
stats 25yo 1,80 80kg 14%
cycle story:
Test E