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Thread: xX Silabolin' s HIT Castle Xx

  1. #2521
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    31 sets for lats . Can you explain please?
    I've talked about this before and even broke down the math once on another post about 'volume' - with these high volume + heavy weight routines you CANNOT go to failure on every set. you have to pick your battles. IF I went to failure on every set then I'd of been done only 30 mins into this workout. by going to failure on only select sets at select times, I'm able to accumulate more overall volume in a single workout.
    by doing this I get the hypertrophy benefits of total volume (as volume is a must for hypertrophy) and I also get the hypertrophy benefits out of intensity .

    example from my routine-

    Lat pull downs , 6 sets for 6 reps .. well set number one was like 185 pounds, I could of done like 10 reps and failed at 10, but I used an RIR (reps in reserve) of 4. then next set the weight went up to like 205, I did 6 reps again, but maybe I could have failed at 8.. but then the next couple sets, sets 5 and 6, the weight was at like 225 and 6 reps WAS failure for those sets.
    so on that exercise I planned it so I would get in plenty of overall volume, still work with plenty of total load and mechanical tension, and still have a set or two where I hit failure.
    IF I would have hit failure to early on in the workout, or too early on in this set, then my reps would have fallen off very quickly and I would not of been able to accumulate the volume I wanted for the day.

    ALSO - my first two exercises were 'activation' exercises. The goal of the cable pullovers was just to get blood into my lats to activate them so they'd be ready to go for the rest of the workout when I start to go heavy. sets and reps here were NOT to failure at all, just activation.
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 10-13-2018 at 10:58 PM.

  2. #2522
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I've talked about this before and even broke down the math once on another post about 'volume' - with these high volume + heavy weight routines you CANNOT go to failure on every set. you have to pick your battles. IF I went to failure on every set then I'd of been done only 30 mins into this workout. by going to failure on only select sets at select times, I'm able to accumulate more overall volume in a single workout.
    by doing this I get the hypertrophy benefits of total volume (as volume is a must for hypertrophy) and I also get the hypertrophy benefits out of intensity .

    example from my routine-

    Lat pull downs , 6 sets for 6 reps .. well set number one was like 185 pounds, I could of done like 10 reps and failed at 10, but I used an RIR (reps in reserve) of 4. then next set the weight went up to like 205, I did 6 reps again, but maybe I could have failed at 8.. but then the next couple sets, sets 5 and 6, the weight was at like 225 and 6 reps WAS failure for those sets.
    so on that exercise I planned it so I would get in plenty of overall volume, still work with plenty of total load and mechanical tension, and still have a set or two where I hit failure.
    IF I would have hit failure to early on in the workout, or too early on in this set, then my reps would have fallen off very quickly and I would not of been able to accumulate the volume I wanted for the day.

    ALSO - my first two exercises were 'activation' exercises. The goal of the cable pullovers was just to get blood into my lats to activate them so they'd be ready to go for the rest of the workout when I start to go heavy. All sets and reps here were NOT to failure at all.
    Thank you. I’m sorry for you having to repeat yourself. I did not make a relation.
    How long did this take?
    Also, it appears a though you do lats 2x per week.

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  3. #2523
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by AR's Dr.Silabolin View Post
    Gooood fakkin morning guys. Main weekly workout in 2 hours. Feeling shit, need to get that caffein in. Dropped work tonigth also.
    Been on s23 some days now with lgd, and im hoping this maxpumpstuff, s23, will kick in today. Yeah, s23 is supposed to almost give ya roidpumps.

    Anyway, this is the Castle situation. Obs is shining again, GH is inside, happy with that. And proud of the HOF member almostgone in theori also must be recognized as a knigth by now. And BG is showing us respect. Stil thumbs up from admin.
    And we have 1 line warriors like charger and couch.

    Thats about it, no more knigths at the moment. But its the times. Since i rejoined, i see the online members counts are stil lowering.
    We see it in my gym also. I feel like a dinosaur, a ghost from the 90s, then, when everybody carried bananas with them along with their baggy sweatpants.
    In Trondheim city Norway there are 2 bodybuilder gyms. My gym Flex and Kaliber gym. Cops have raided Kaliber for many years, because those who competes, train there. And get some local newspaper attention, which the cops see, and they are not that stupid, so they understand there is juice there, which turned illegal in 2013.
    End of story is that the banana sweatpants guys are gone from Kaliber too, mostly.

    And my gym....well, we have new owners who are for real and i like them, but no big guys left. And girls, with their little asses are coming, even if they have 50 other fitness gyms in town.
    I like girls at the gym, but i miss those bananaguys.

    So i need my caffein to go there, 2 energydrinks and coffe. Not heartfriendly, but hey….i like to think:. Your grandparents deceide your grandmothers turn 90+ every single one of them and fathers around 85, but they all did smoke heavily, black coffe, no exercise and saturated fat ALL day. (litterally).

    So if my redbulls are more important for my lifespan, than my hole fakkin familiy be it...
    Just my experience my grandmother is dutch 100%
    Northern germanic tribes (norweigians) live to be old as fuck.

    We also have bigger cocks on average than the congo.
    I am a quarter dutch. Thats where the extra quarter inch came from
    Last edited by Obs; 10-13-2018 at 11:04 PM.

  4. #2524
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Fatigue then destroy
    I like that concept . basically what my 'activation' sets do to a certain degree. its getting blood flow to the muscle I want to work, pre-exhausting it a bit with some isolation work,, then move onto the heavier compounds moves for that muscle and you can feel that muscle much better.
    it starts out 'fatigued', then the heavy weight the last couple sets 'destroys' it

  5. #2525
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Just my experience my grandmother is dutch 100%
    Northern germanic tribes (norweigians) live to be old as fuck.

    We also have bigger cocks on average than the congo.
    Obs- you need to stop this shit. I should not be laughing due to my present situation.

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  6. #2526
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I've talked about this before and even broke down the math once on another post about 'volume' - with these high volume + heavy weight routines you CANNOT go to failure on every set. you have to pick your battles. IF I went to failure on every set then I'd of been done only 30 mins into this workout. by going to failure on only select sets at select times, I'm able to accumulate more overall volume in a single workout.
    by doing this I get the hypertrophy benefits of total volume (as volume is a must for hypertrophy) and I also get the hypertrophy benefits out of intensity .

    example from my routine-

    Lat pull downs , 6 sets for 6 reps .. well set number one was like 185 pounds, I could of done like 10 reps and failed at 10, but I used an RIR (reps in reserve) of 4. then next set the weight went up to like 205, I did 6 reps again, but maybe I could have failed at 8.. but then the next couple sets, sets 5 and 6, the weight was at like 225 and 6 reps WAS failure for those sets.
    so on that exercise I planned it so I would get in plenty of overall volume, still work with plenty of total load and mechanical tension, and still have a set or two where I hit failure.
    IF I would have hit failure to early on in the workout, or too early on in this set, then my reps would have fallen off very quickly and I would not of been able to accumulate the volume I wanted for the day.

    ALSO - my first two exercises were 'activation' exercises. The goal of the cable pullovers was just to get blood into my lats to activate them so they'd be ready to go for the rest of the workout when I start to go heavy. sets and reps here were NOT to failure at all, just activation.
    I liked my assumptions better...

  7. #2527
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Obs- you need to stop this shit. I should not be laughing due to my present situation.

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    You fuckers have made me laugh at funerals.

  8. #2528
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Thank you. I’m sorry for you having to repeat yourself. I did not make a relation.
    How long did this take?
    Also, it appears a though you do lats 2x per week.
    sure thing, I don't mind repeating myself at all (my point was simply that other people on the boards had been curious and asked about my style as well).

    the workout took two hours.. BUT you have to keep in mind that I'm the owner of the gym and so my workouts are longer then what they should be a lot of time because of small things that may come up , or I run into a client that has a question etc. etc..
    If I was not interrupted I could prob of knocked it out in an hour and 35 mins.

    yes most muscle groups are hit at least 2 times per week. though the stimulation and workout style may be different from the first time they are hit to the second time they are hit. some muscles are hit 3x per week. I actually don't have a 'weekly split' per se.. my workouts are planned around meso and micro cycles. so I may have a long (3 month or so) meso cycle planned out that includes 'micro cycles' . a micro cycle may be a series of 8 or so different workouts I need to hit (these workout may take me longer then a week or shorter then a week, all that matters is I get them done and move on to the next micro cycle). so which day of the week it is or how many days in a week there are is irrelevant to my workout cycles. the calendar doesn't dictate my workouts. the plan of micro cycles does.
    hope that makes some sense

    right now I'm in the part of my micro cycle where mechanical tension is the focus .. I just came out of a micro cycle where blood flow and contraction was the focus.

  9. #2529
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I liked my assumptions better...
    well 31 sets of destroying back to absolute failure today, and having to hit back again on Tuesday for another 30 or so sets.. that would be some pretty epic shit!!

  10. #2530
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Just my experience my grandmother is dutch 100%
    Northern germanic tribes (norweigians) live to be old as fuck.

    We also have bigger cocks on average than the congo.
    I am a quarter dutch. Thats where the extra quarter inch came from
    Exactly. I always knew we were brothers Obs. Same origin. Same triabs before your old old grandparents fucked up and my folks ordered bloodeagles on u.
    Ofcourse that scared the shit out of the Obses and they left for america in order to get away from the punishment.
    But frigthened chickens were an easy target for the east cost triabs, so your folks had to go to the Missouri river to be left in piece.
    Well....anyway. Im glad ur stil aware of your origin when we raided the world and everybody, even the british, messed their panties when they saw our ships coming.

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  11. #2531
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    I love you guyS. As Obs would say... not in a gay way.
    I am going to mix things up. I will post my new workout sometime soon.

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  12. #2532
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by AR's Dr.Silabolin View Post
    Exactly. I always knew we were brothers Obs. Same origin. Same triabs before your old old grandparents fucked up and my folks ordered bloodeagles on u.
    Ofcourse that scared the shit out of the Obses and they left for america in order to get away from the punishment.
    But frigthened chickens were an easy target for the east cost triabs, so your folks had to go to the Missouri river to be left in piece.
    Well....anyway. Im glad ur stil aware of your origin when we raided the world and everybody, even the british, messed their panties when they saw our ships coming.

    Sent fra min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk

    Fathers side left because of the Nazis. By the time my Father side landed in america my mothers side had gone over to norway and killed all the motherfuckers.

    I have good genetics for muscle and dick on my fathers side.
    I sleep on my right shoulder at the edge of the bed.
    My hand brushes a 9 shot 12 guage with 00 buck because of my mothers side.

    Its the perfect storm.

    *forgot to mention*
    I make my gf sleep with a glock .40 ready to rock.

    A locked and unloaded gun is useless. Teach your kids to shoot young and respect the tradition. If you get past my bedroom (which you wont) a ten year old will proudly put a bullet in your ass. Don't hesitate or talk is the biggest part of their training.
    One of my boys won't. I can see it in his honorable eyes.
    Last edited by Obs; 10-13-2018 at 11:52 PM.

  13. #2533
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    This is a competitive drink race.

    One shot of amaretto in a glass
    One glass half beer half orange juice

    Take shot of amaretto and drop it into beer/orange juice glass on "Go" (leave room for outage in glass).

    All drinkers start on go.
    First glass to hit the bar empty wins.
    Last edited by Obs; 10-13-2018 at 11:46 PM.

  14. #2534
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Party at my house.
    Dont like being the alpha in this situation.
    Getting eyes I dont need from one and dones.

  15. #2535
    Join Date
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    I gotta look at my phone or my beer.
    Not good for a drunk guy.

  16. #2536
    Join Date
    May 2015
    S23 works guys...and two new women have joined Flex gym. Mid 30s. Looks eastern too.

    Mm..those 90s vibbs are coming back!

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  17. #2537
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    May 2015
    And i was doing seated calves. And this girlmachine...assstretcher..throws the leg back u just infront of the calfmachine.

    Well...she was in it. I swear to God..
    I smelt the scent of her seriously.

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  18. #2538
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Growing like a mf...not about heavy dosages guys

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  19. #2539
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    May 2015
    I can go on all day baby..
    Arnold who??

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    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 10-14-2018 at 02:33 AM.

  20. #2540
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Arnold was a pioneer bitch.
    Tired of hearing about the photoshopped pussy that was 6'1" and the same weight as me.

    I am 5' 10" welcome to real world mass.
    Do you want to be king? Come take it bitches.
    Arnold was a tall fag. Classic physique is a joke.
    Open to argument.

    Winklaar and beef is the king.
    May arnold sit back in the skinny class.

  21. #2541
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's Dr.Silabolin View Post
    Growing like a mf...not about heavy dosages guys

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    If I was blind I would want to die.
    If injecting 200mg of tren into my eyeball meant I would go blind but gain 20lb of lean mass. ...

    What would this motherfucker do?

    You GD right.

  22. #2542
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by AR's Dr.Silabolin View Post
    Growing like a mf...not about heavy dosages guys

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    Being a motherfucker involves mass doses.

  23. #2543
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Arnold was a pioneer bitch.
    Tired of hearing about the photoshopped pussy that was 6'1" and the same weight as me.

    I am 5' 10" welcome to real world mass.
    Do you want to be king? Come take it bitches.
    Arnold was a tall fag. Classic physique is a joke.
    Open to argument.

    Winklaar and beef is the king.
    May arnold sit back in the skinny class.
    Not refering to him Einstein. .but the expression [emoji48]

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  24. #2544
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I am the motherfucker.
    I am the blind motherfucker.
    I am what it takes.

    You all are scared followers.

    I am the darkest part of the atheists soul and I will show you what hell is....

    Get straight bitch. God will protect you of you ask, beg forgivness.

    Be aware I may kick Gods ass. I hold no grudges against any.
    Last edited by Obs; 10-14-2018 at 03:11 AM.

  25. #2545
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Attachment 174478



    This is my bitch

  26. #2546
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Gear headed your post about mechanical tension this micro cycle etc... just literally transformed how I plan my mesocycles. Thank

  27. #2547
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    sure thing, I don't mind repeating myself at all (my point was simply that other people on the boards had been curious and asked about my style as well).

    the workout took two hours.. BUT you have to keep in mind that I'm the owner of the gym and so my workouts are longer then what they should be a lot of time because of small things that may come up , or I run into a client that has a question etc. etc..
    If I was not interrupted I could prob of knocked it out in an hour and 35 mins.

    yes most muscle groups are hit at least 2 times per week. though the stimulation and workout style may be different from the first time they are hit to the second time they are hit. some muscles are hit 3x per week. I actually don't have a 'weekly split' per se.. my workouts are planned around meso and micro cycles. so I may have a long (3 month or so) meso cycle planned out that includes 'micro cycles' . a micro cycle may be a series of 8 or so different workouts I need to hit (these workout may take me longer then a week or shorter then a week, all that matters is I get them done and move on to the next micro cycle). so which day of the week it is or how many days in a week there are is irrelevant to my workout cycles. the calendar doesn't dictate my workouts. the plan of micro cycles does.
    hope that makes some sense

    right now I'm in the part of my micro cycle where mechanical tension is the focus .. I just came out of a micro cycle where blood flow and contraction was the focus.

    So give me a little more insight here... do you pick two altering training stimulation focus’s and alternate them each micro cycle, or do you cycle through 4 or 8 or however many different ones? For example, do you switch from mechanical tension to contraction and blood flow each micro cycle for a mesocycle then pick two different methods for the next meso or what’s the yearly training cycle like if you wouldn’t mind posting it up... I follow a lot of your posts and I to use mesocycles, micro cycles etc to periodize my training, but I usually just hear about rep or execsize periodization and hadn’t considered periodizing my training stimulus in that way.

  28. #2548
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I am the motherfucker.
    I am the blind motherfucker.
    I am what it takes.

    You all are scared followers.

    I am the darkest part of the atheists soul and I will show you what hell is....

    Get straight bitch. God will protect you of you ask, beg forgivness.

    Be aware I may kick Gods ass. I hold no grudges against any.
    U talk like a schoolshooter bro. U sure ur not loosening it? I cant have unstable persons around my table. If something happens, FEDs will contact their guys in Norway, look up my IP from my service provider and before i know it im in USA, tied to a table facing hours of waterboarding. Just hope for female agents at least.
    Anyway...dont think they will give me access to weigths and whey beetween their torture sessions, so Obs..get your shit together please.

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  29. #2549
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's Dr.Silabolin View Post
    U talk like a schoolshooter bro. U sure ur not loosening it? I cant have unstable persons around my table. If something happens, FEDs will contact their guys in Norway, look up my IP from my service provider and before i know it im in USA, tied to a table facing hours of waterboarding. Just hope for female agents at least.
    Anyway...dont think they will give me access to weigths and whey beetween their torture sessions, so Obs..get your shit together please.

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    Everyone in Europe hears about a gun in America and the first thing they picture is a school shooting.
    Its no wonder the #1 porn search is "cuckold" in europe.

    You fuckers got so used to feeling helpless, you like it. It turns you on.

    Sweet dreams are made of these.

    Attachment 174483

    Last edited by Obs; 10-14-2018 at 09:57 AM.

  30. #2550
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    Its ok... I am not drunk anymore

  31. #2551
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Its ok... I am not drunk anymore
    Nobody likes a quitter. Pour yourself a strong one and get back on the horse.

  32. #2552
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    Everyone was drunk yesterday.
    We dont host partys but did.
    Was a good time.

    Gf about murdered a blind guy's 20 year old daughter over me. Made me feel special. I really love her.

  33. #2553
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Its ok... I am not drunk anymore
    Halloween party at your place saturday 27 Obs??
    I will have one. 5 already said they will come.
    Ordered halloween effects for 1500 dollars.
    We will be like 2-3 boys and 7-8 girls, so anybody in midt Norway that weekend, your all invited.
    I just love halloween dude.

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  34. #2554
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's Dr.Silabolin View Post
    Halloween party at your place saturday 27 Obs??
    I will have one. 5 already said they will come.
    Ordered halloween effects for 1500 dollars.
    We will be like 2-3 boys and 7-8 girls, so anybody in midt Norway that weekend, your all invited.
    I just love halloween dude.

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    I do too.
    Last haloween we had a "Harley Quinn".

    She was hotter though and curvier.

  35. #2555
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  36. #2556
    Join Date
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    the lower carolina
    Mrs. AG loves Halloween. Got her a Michael Myers Halloween shirt. He is holding 2 butcher knives and at the bottom it says "No Lives Matter".
    I've requested that she only wear it when I am with her in case there are Antifa-type people with no sense of humor around. Don't think there is a lot of that type of behavior in our area but it never hurts to think ahead.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  37. #2557
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Mrs. AG loves Halloween. Got her a Michael Myers Halloween shirt. He is holding 2 butcher knives and at the bottom it says "No Lives Matter".
    I've requested that she only wear it when I am with her in case there are Antifa-type people with no sense of humor around. Don't think there is a lot of that type of behavior in our area but it never hurts to think ahead.
    We have a kid that loves evil clowns. She has yet to be able to dress up like one after the socialmedia scares. Good thinking ahead

  38. #2558
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Made me feel special.

    When reality sets in.....

    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  39. #2559
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    When reality sets in.....

    I am riding in the back with the cool kds

  40. #2560
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    When reality sets in.....

    That bus rocks

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