the difference between 12 weeks of EQ compared to 14 weeks of EQ , in a total Milligram context, is roughly 1000mg. thats not very much at all. that can be made up by simply shortening the cycle from 14 weeks to 12 weeks, but adding 100mg extra per week. or by running the 12 weeks and back loading an extra 1000mg at the end.
imo, too many people get caught up with the 'length of time' in regards to running long esters , and totally dismiss how your body actually utilizes the drug and puts to use all the mg that you inject.
if your goal was to inject 10,000mg of EQ . you could do that spread out over 10 weeks (1000mg per week). you could do that spread out over 20 weeks (500mg per week). Either way your body is likely going to make use of ALL 10,000mg that you give it (at these low of dosages we are not likely to get spill over or much diminishing returns).
my idea would be to go ahead and make use of that 10,000mg of EQ you plan on using it in the 10 week time span, rather then extending it over a 20 week time span.. why ? so you can use up the EQ get what you want out of it and move on to your next protocol .
example - if you get 10,000mg of EQ knocked out an utilized in 10 weeks (instead of 20), you can then move on to knocking out 10,000mg of Deca the next 10 weeks . rather then running half the drugs at half the dosages, but taking twice the time, ie, over 20 weeks.
make sense? of course this needs to be done within reason.. I'm just making a point here.
sometimes guys end up short changing themselves by thinking long esters need to be ran a long time at low to moderate dosages.
heck, you can get twice as much shit done in half the time though.
I think guys get caught up on slow ester compounds needing to be ran at low moderate dosages over long durations of time. like your body somehow can't use the drug unless its strung out over many many weeks.. but this is not the case. you body is going to use it even if the time period is shorter. your better off blasting that shit at high dosages for shorter durations so you can go ahead and move on to more compounds and more and more cycles.
^^ of course thats if your goal is to put on muscle and try and get massive. if your just running gear for shits and giggles, then you may want to take a different more 'sub optimal' type of approach

go ahead and run low doses for long slow steady periods of time (and get slower results). thats all a personal choice.