I think I'm going to try this. no direct training of shoulders for awhile. I was over head pressing 235 for 5 the other day. that pressing shit probably is carrying over and limiting my chest day.
maybe just do a few side laterals on my arm day and thats it for shoulders, just to maintain a good shoulder 'cap'
It amazes me how strong some of you guys are...
If a guy is delt dominant I doubt you will lose anything and continue gaining.
Its a physical impossibility for me to turn off my delts doing anything upper body related. I tried everything and finally got tired of leaving the gym early on arm day because my delt hurt so I did zero direct training.
I pretty much train shoulders when I feel like it.
yeah the shoulder 'pump' pain on high dosages of gear is amplified even further. probably no need to train them directly while on this blast, plus not worth the pain being they are firing all the time anyways.
they get used indirectly with nearly everything we do
I recall you saying you couldn't climb a silo (or something like that) cause your shoulders got so painfully pumped. when day to day activities are getting hindered, you know them shoulders are over worked
because of all the screws and hardware in my back, I strict press while sitting on a bench wearing a belt. that way I can lock my core in and take no chance of using my lower back. I get zero leg drive as well. so its pretty much all upper body and shoulder strength.
the 235 for 5 was multiple working sets with a bodybuilding emphasis. probably did about 4 sets of those, having worked up to that weight with another 3 or so sets prior. then I finished off with 135 for high reps to failure.
^ of course my shoulders are killing me now lately. I need to lay off this type of stuff for awhile
I attribute my over head press strength to a lot of years spent doing commercial Hvac work and having to work over head installing motors etc.. in ceilings. so lifting over head is a lot more natural for me then a lot of other guys I'd imagine.
Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-24-2018 at 10:42 AM.
I'm calling an - AUDIBLE -
what the heck is an audible..? well to all you euro guys not familiar with American Football. When a team prepares for another team they have a game plan and a host of pre thought of plays to run depending on how the other team lines up. the QB sometimes calls an 'audible' when he sees a certain situation where going against the pre determined plays and doing a whole new play on the fly seems advantageous.
whats my audible -
well I'm temporarily changing the game plan, but only for a short time. my plan and goal was to start packing on more size and muscle and track that progress here. but I'm feeling like total dog shit. my sleep and recovery are now effected negatively, my training is very lethargic and weak and low energy, my digestion sucks, etc. . when training and recovery begin to be hindered by what your doing, then you just end up spinning your wheels and not going anywhere.
so I'm going to back off the high dosages of gear for about 3 or so weeks and do a short 'mini cut'. I'll run a moderate dose of test and mast is all for the time and thats about it (some insulin post workout on high carb days only to boost recovery).
I'll shed a little bit of water and a few pounds. hopefully get my sleep and my digestion back on track, and then get back on the gains train.
this mini cut should hopefully reset a few things for me and be beneficial in the big picture (even though its a temporary step back)
I'm a big believer in DIGESTION being the number one genetic factor that determines how big and muscular you can get. you can only get as muscular as your digestion and nutrient assimilation will allow.
if you want to get to 300 pounds but you simply can't digest and assimilate the needed food to get there, then you'll never get there. period. no matter what 'magic' drugs we have or how much we take.
this 3 or so week mini cut should hopefully reset my digestion so I can move on to assimilating more and more nutrients to drive more growth.
funny you ask about Winnie . my very first thought when deciding to do this mini cut was to just run Winstrol at like 50mg and thats about it. BUT, after second thought with my current digestive issues (and having ran Dbol) I figured its best to give my liver a break during this little mini cut phase.
yes low dose test would be around 150-200mg. however, I did not say 'low dose' , I said 'moderate dose'
so 150mg mast and 125mg test, EOD
I've heard that it has a blunting effect on androgen receptors, but I have not taken the time to look into this. I've also heard that it helps with insulin sensitivity. I've not looked into this either. BUT, I still do take Milk Thistle on occasions as well as there is evidence to suggest it has an ability to detox bile from the liver.
so for me the jury is still out on it
how do I implement a short 'mini cut' ?
the amount of meals per day stay the same and so does protein. Fats get restricted. Carbs get cycled (and backloaded).
So on a bulk I generally have protein, fats, carbs with nearly every meal. on this mini cut fats are restricted and carbs are taken in only during select times (mainly around the workout).
so today upon waking, I'd normally of shot 10iu of Slin and taken in 40g of protein and 40g of carbs, but did no slin and only 40g protein.
instead of slin, 4iu of HGH and 500mcg of HGH-frag.
I'll eat another meal of around 70g of protein and again no carbs but some veggies. then I'll hit the gym for an hour of cardio and some touch up weights work.
meal 3 will then consist of protein and some carbs.
meal 4 will just be protein.
I'll hit the gym for my normal weight training session, then end it with another 30 or so mins of cardio.
meal 5 will be protein and carbs
meal 6 will be protein and carbs
days off of training will consist of just protein and veggies mainly. some healthy fats fall on these days only.
pretty simple.
note: Slin will be used post workout only, during this time. depending on my blood sugar, I may use a micro dose of slin before my first training/cardio session of the day.
YES I will be doing two cardio sessions per day
note: this is ONLY a MINI cut. for a month. then I'm going right back to the mass phase and putting on muscle. this mini cut will hopefully help in the long run for putting on muscle. when I'm finished with it I hope to be more insulin sensitive, partition nutrients better and get a small rebound effect.
Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-25-2018 at 10:13 AM.
yeah I wouldn't recommend most people jump right into 1.5 hours of cardio per day. but again this is just a 'mini cut' for a short time (theres no 'progressions' to be made with mini cuts, on a normal cut or contest prep you want to progress and ramp things up over time) and also I'm someone that responds really well to cardio.
I switch between the treadmill and the bike and the elliptical. just doing steady state with a heart rate around 115-120 bpm. so nothing real intense right now.
I don't have carbs for my preworkout meal before weight training, like I normally would. then I train for an hour. then I do cardio after that, which essentially makes it a depleted/fasted cardio session.
my first cardio session of the day however is 'fed' with protein only meals. If I was trying to get really shredded I'd switch over to morning fasted cardio (totally unnecessary for me for this mini cut though)
I'm not recommending anyone do this .. but my experiment for the day was--
clearing out my AAS stash of near empty bottles.
what did I do with all the oil?
I filled up syringes. 3 of them past full. so 9cc of oil total. decided to inject my arms before arm day. I put 1.5 cc in my outer tricep, 1.5cc in my outer bicep, and 1.5 cc in my inner bicep, each arm.
hit the gym and had a pretty killer pump and arms were nice and full.
see I come off of a heavy blast to start a mini cut and cruise lightly for a few weeks, and I'm not even one week in and I'm already doing silly shit
Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-26-2018 at 09:59 PM.
Lmfao! Uuuugh damn I am dying here...
I was expecting someone to tell me they did the same experiment and their arms got huge .. what I got was an admission of guilty to a finger in the butt
My erection varies in length too...
I believe it to be directly related.
One day my gf said "holy shit look at how long your dick is!"
I said "I know! You have got to sit on it!
She did! It was a great couple of days!
Then back to normal...
Beats the shit outta big arms imo
Btw GH... Just a thought, hit bis and tris like a mofo for a week straight with heavy slin.
I know all the overtraing talk and such but when you are dealing with doses like this and plenty of nutrients, I think we kinda venture out of normalcy and venture more into a world where everything as we know it no longer exists. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone.
Cant beat the gains in the twilight zone.
Last edited by Obs; 11-26-2018 at 10:56 PM.
women would choose their man to have a big D over big arms every single time.. like your girl, my wife has never directly complimented anything about how big my arms are looking (or traps, or shoulders). but she has commented on the size of the D.
the reason being - women are selfish, they know that a guys big arms can do nothing for her![]()
Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-26-2018 at 11:03 PM.
Yeah but they also like to look like they landed a prize and they cant tote you around with an erection hanging out.
Its like a big set of antlers on a buck when all the others are little spike bucks.
One day I will figure out why my dick gets two inches longer some times for a week and I will be rich when I isolate it.
Its something about the gear plus my other supplements. It is obnoxiously obvious though and very welcomed.
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