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Thread: Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

  1. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Damn man, I couldn’t imagine 1g of Tren a week...
    yeah I only just started about 6 days ago and already feeling it. probably cause things are kicking in fast by combining the Tren E with Tren Ace and Tren suspension and injecting daily.

    the 'being on edge' feeling, and restless sleep just started up last night . but keep in mind guys this is ONLY a 3 week long blast of Tren

  2. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yeah I only just started about 6 days ago and already feeling it. probably cause things are kicking in fast by combining the Tren E with Tren Ace and Tren suspension and injecting daily.

    the 'being on edge' feeling, and restless sleep just started up last night . but keep in mind guys this is ONLY a 3 week long blast of Tren
    Don't forget to add in the '6 months off with good behavior'

  3. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yeah I only just started about 6 days ago and already feeling it. probably cause things are kicking in fast by combining the Tren E with Tren Ace and Tren suspension and injecting daily.

    the 'being on edge' feeling, and restless sleep just started up last night . but keep in mind guys this is ONLY a 3 week long blast of Tren
    I takes a couple months but my mentality finds normality afterward. Only side that seems to stay permanent is absolute dire sexual needs.

  4. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I takes a couple months but my mentality finds normality afterward. Only side that seems to stay permanent is absolute dire sexual needs.
    yeah I know what you mean.. your mind gets used to feeling the way you feel and it becomes a new norm sort of speak. its when this shit first gets going and slaps you in the face your like "oh man F this shit , I want to sleep and feel normal" . after about week 6 your acclimated.

    but to be honest, I've never personally ran Tren longer then 8 weeks . so if your talking running Tren for months on end and getting used to it at that point , your beyond where I've gone (but as you know I"m a big fan of compound rotation, so I don't run many compounds for long term anyways . EQ and Deca off the top of my head are compounds I've ran for months on end, but most everything else I'm usually rotating things in and out)

  5. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yeah I know what you mean.. your mind gets used to feeling the way you feel and it becomes a new norm sort of speak. its when this shit first gets going and slaps you in the face your like "oh man F this shit , I want to sleep and feel normal" . after about week 6 your acclimated.

    but to be honest, I've never personally ran Tren longer then 8 weeks . so if your talking running Tren for months on end and getting used to it at that point , your beyond where I've gone (but as you know I"m a big fan of compound rotation, so I don't run many compounds for long term anyways . EQ and Deca off the top of my head are compounds I've ran for months on end, but most everything else I'm usually rotating things in and out)
    I ran it this year for most of the year.
    No great benefit. Rotation is necessary for sure. I just had to find out myself.
    I continually got leaner and more mass but other means would have been more effective.

    My penis didnt fly off though and I didn't turn into a lunatic as many would figure.

    I have noticed though that my jaw and overall skull shape has changed. Whether related I have no idea.
    Also have a much more pronounced butt chin.
    Possibly from gritting my teeth all year.

  6. #206
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    any structural changes in jaw line and face etc. would have been from the very potent Androgenic aspect of Tren (5x more so then test). so running long term I'd imagine that is highly possible

  7. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yeah I know what you mean.. your mind gets used to feeling the way you feel and it becomes a new norm sort of speak. its when this shit first gets going and slaps you in the face your like "oh man F this shit , I want to sleep and feel normal" . after about week 6 your acclimated.

    but to be honest, I've never personally ran Tren longer then 8 weeks . so if your talking running Tren for months on end and getting used to it at that point , your beyond where I've gone (but as you know I"m a big fan of compound rotation, so I don't run many compounds for long term anyways . EQ and Deca off the top of my head are compounds I've ran for months on end, but most everything else I'm usually rotating things in and out)

    That include long esters for short periods?
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

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    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  8. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I takes a couple months but my mentality finds normality afterward. Only side that seems to stay permanent is absolute dire sexual needs.
    Normality and Obs are antonyms!!

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  9. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post

    That include long esters for short periods?
    eg. instead of running EQ for say 14 weeks at 500mg per week (which is like 3 bottles of EQ). Try running all 3 bottles in a short 6 week long time span instead... its not like the EQ is going anywhere. your body is still going to utilize all 3 bottles infected in 6 weeks instead of 14. then when your done with that 6 weeks move on to 6 weeks of deca, then 6 weeks of Tren. etc.. in the amount of time you were planning on running your little EQ cycle , 16 weeks, you'll of accomplished several full blown cycles instead with multiple compounds.
    by rotating the compounds and moving on to new compounds, your able to give your receptors more and more 'information' instead of working with the same old information for a longer slower period.
    and again, your body is still going to utilize the whole amount of drug that you use. so if you inject 7000mg of EQ over 6 short weeks its still going to use all 7000mg .. just like if you injected 7000mg over 16 weeks. the benefit to the shorter duration is you get to utilize all the eq you were planning on using , PLUS move on to more compounds in a lesser time frame

    edit -
    long ester drugs like Deca work great for long cycles like 12-16 weeks.. but long ester drugs like Deca also work great for short term cycles as well if they are dosed properly.
    the 'Internet forum' folk lore dea that long ester drugs have to be ran a minimum of 12+ weeks to be effective is total BS
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 12-18-2018 at 09:36 PM.

  10. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Normality and Obs are antonyms!!

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    No they are cinnamons!

  11. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    eg. instead of running EQ for say 14 weeks at 500mg per week (which is like 3 bottles of EQ). Try running all 3 bottles in a short 6 week long time span instead... its not like the EQ is going anywhere. your body is still going to utilize all 3 bottles infected in 6 weeks instead of 14. then when your done with that 6 weeks move on to 6 weeks of deca, then 6 weeks of Tren. etc.. in the amount of time you were planning on running your little EQ cycle , 16 weeks, you'll of accomplished several full blown cycles instead with multiple compounds.
    by rotating the compounds and moving on to new compounds, your able to give your receptors more and more 'information' instead of working with the same old information for a longer slower period.
    and again, your body is still going to utilize the whole amount of drug that you use. so if you inject 7000mg of EQ over 6 short weeks its still going to use all 7000mg .. just like if you injected 7000mg over 16 weeks. the benefit to the shorter duration is you get to utilize all the eq you were planning on using , PLUS move on to more compounds in a lesser time frame
    Did you notice any additional sides from taking so much?
    I frontloaded deca for a week and took caber for the first time. I don’t think that I needed it however I did not want bitch tits. Obs was on tren and probably wouldn’t have been able to resist. LOL

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  12. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    edit -
    long ester drugs like Deca work great for long cycles like 12-16 weeks.. but long ester drugs like Deca also work great for short term cycles as well if they are dosed properly.
    the 'Internet forum' folk lore dea that long ester drugs have to be ran a minimum of 12+ weeks to be effective is total BS
    6000 mg of deca is 6000mg of deca . period. so you can divide that over 12 weeks if you like (run 500mg per week) OR you can divide that over 6 weeks if you like (run 1000mg per week).. and if you go with the 6 week option, when your done with that 6000mg of deca you can then move on to 6000mg of EQ and run that for 6 weeks as well. and in the end you've more then doubled your dosage and doubled your compounds in the same 12 week long period that the single run of deca at 500mg would have been.

  13. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Did you notice any additional sides from taking so much?
    I frontloaded deca for a week and took caber for the first time. I don’t think that I needed it however I did not want bitch tits. Obs was on tren and probably wouldn’t have been able to resist. LOL
    well my observation , the guys that get the most side effects are your newbs running their first couple basic little cycles.

    my point is, 'negative side effects' are all relative. we all get them to one degree or another, no matter if your a newb running only 500mg of test per week, or an advanced user running 4 grams per week. the side effects are all generally all the same.
    so you can't necessarily say that 4000mg of gear a week causes more side effects then 500mg of gear per week , its person dependent and we all deal with very similar sides.

    the side effects that I got with running deca at high dosage for 6 weeks were very similar to the side effects I've got running deca for years, the main difference was that they only lasted 6 weeks instead of the usual 14

    of course the negative aspects that may appear on blood work is a more detailed topic. I'm just speaking to the general side effects FELT while running gear (we all get them to one degree on another no matter the dosage)

    edit - I mean heck if your prolactin sensitive to begin with and you have to run Caber anyways at only 500mg per week of Deca, then shit might as well bump it up to 1000mg a week (your already getting all the negative sides at the 500mg anyways). why not run double the dosage for half the time so you only have to deal with the negative sides for half the time
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 12-18-2018 at 09:53 PM.

  14. #214
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    Thought provoking, but it's always about the sides isn't it? Your deca exa makes perfect sense. If Mr. Winky don't work anyway then crank it up!

    But, as I recently learned, 350/wk tren meant sweats n dreams but 450/wk meant serious anxiety attack! A new side popped up at higher dose!

    My other Q: if one can squeeze in 3 high dose runs (theoretical) in this same period, burning 3 times the gear costing 3 times the $$$, can you get 3 times the growth? Pounds of lean muscle/cubic dollar ;-)

  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Duffer View Post
    But, as I recently learned, 350/wk tren meant sweats n dreams but 450/wk meant serious anxiety attack! A new side popped up at higher dose!
    yep this is fairy common. especially when upping the dosage for the first time or running a new compound for the first time.. individually we just gotta decide four ourselves what side effects we can tolerate or want to tolerate and which ones we don't.
    for me, I will never run a high dose deca cycle for 14 weeks again (I've done it numerous times). I simply chose to not want to go through the anxiety and issues that I get with deca at high dosage for that long, and don't like that when I come off of it the problem doesn't just go away.
    for me I've learned that 1000-1500mg of Deca for 6 or so weeks is just fine though.
    trail and error and self experimentation . find out sides that work or don't work for you personally

    Quote Originally Posted by Old Duffer View Post
    My other Q: if one can squeeze in 3 high dose runs (theoretical) in this same period, burning 3 times the gear costing 3 times the $$$, can you get 3 times the growth? Pounds of lean muscle/cubic dollar ;-)
    well you can only build muscle so fast and turn over protein at a fixed rate.. its very hard to speed this process up by a whole lot.
    but, you can invest in muscle building 'potential' over time.
    what does this mean.

    well running multiple compounds and high dosages isn't going to magically speed things up so fast you put on 50 pounds of muscle in two weeks. it still takes the time it takes BUT, by incorporating some of the techniques I bring up with compound rotation and high dosage blasts etc.. your able to 'potentiate' and invest in more future muscle gains that are then realized at a later date.
    example - running three cycles in one , instead of just one cycle , in a single 12 week time frame, you still only have 12 weeks to build muscle in that cycle wither its the thee or the one , but with the three you may get a much larger upregulation of anabolic factors (like your body producing a ton more androgen receptors) WHICH can then be used for building muscle more efficiently at a later date.

    hopefully that makes sense.. its getting late

    heres an comparison example
    lets say you run HGH for 6 months at 10iu per day. well maybe in that 6 month time frame you don't put on a ton of new muscle (again you only put on 6 months of whatever muscle was possible in only 6 months) BUT, what you did not see taking place at the cellular level was the HGH creating more satellite cells, and cell nuclei and causing hyperplasia.. all of these things will then be able to be tapped into at a latter date and ultimately you will put on more muscle.
    that 6 month run of HGH was just an investment in your FUTURE physique . a year down the road when you run a bulking cycle and blow up with a ton of muscle cause you have that much more muscle cell to blow up, you'll then realize what you accomplished in the past with the HGH run

    its the same with anaboics and AAS strategies . a lot of times your running a cycle for a future investment in gains and not the immediate .

    another thing to consider..
    think of every different steroid as a different 'micro chip' containing its own set of information. when you run that steroid your plugging that micro chip into the cells and communicating that information to the cell and making changes to your DNA .
    so by rotating compounds and running AAS with a cycling approach over time your communicating all these different muscle building 'communicatins' and permatnatly altering your cells and your bodies ability to build muscle as well as creating new receptors, and the receptors that are created while under 'said communication' from an AAS is then more responsive to that AAS when used at a later date.

    your not just running cycles to build muscle TODAY . its an investment in your future physique .

    ok , now I'm getting out there deep going all 'matrix' or something lol
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 12-18-2018 at 10:43 PM.

  16. #216
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    update - my weight is back up to 210 pounds. The Tren and high dose Test are in full effect (combining tren e, tren ace, and tren suspension definitely gets things going quick). Insulin is 30-40iu per day. I dropped the Dbol though after only a couple days , as it was not settling well in my stomach. I had ran out of my normal source of Dbol which never gives me problems, and I ran this new source that had sent me some 50mg pills to try out but I just don't like them.

    I've been pounding the carbs. things are getting a little 'dirty' just to get some calories in. however I've never bulked past the point of not having at least somewhat visible abs.. we'll see how things look after adding another 5-8 pounds. I'm going to maintain cardio sessions 3 days per week, I just don't want to lose my fitness level too much especially being on this much tren

  17. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    update - my weight is back up to 210 pounds. The Tren and high dose Test are in full effect (combining tren e, tren ace, and tren suspension definitely gets things going quick). Insulin is 30-40iu per day. I dropped the Dbol though after only a couple days , as it was not settling well in my stomach. I had ran out of my normal source of Dbol which never gives me problems, and I ran this new source that had sent me some 50mg pills to try out but I just don't like them.

    I've been pounding the carbs. things are getting a little 'dirty' just to get some calories in. however I've never bulked past the point of not having at least somewhat visible abs.. we'll see how things look after adding another 5-8 pounds. I'm going to maintain cardio sessions 3 days per week, I just don't want to lose my fitness level too much especially being on this much tren
    This is an awesome experiment log! Very interesting. Do you have any pics from when you started or currently?

  18. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    This is an awesome experiment log! Very interesting. Do you have any pics from when you started or currently?
    heres a couple pics I've posted in this thread already .. I'll be updating these and doing some all new pics at the end of this current cycling phase.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by GearHeaded; 12-19-2018 at 05:37 PM.

  19. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    heres a couple pics I've posted in this thread already .. I'll be updating these and doing some all new pics at the end of this current cycling phase.
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	175221
    Are those traps or wings by your neck? Shit! Look awesome dude. How tall are you?

  20. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    Are those traps or wings by your neck? Shit! Look awesome dude. How tall are you?
    strict smith machine shrugs and Haney shrugs are what I attribute to my trap development. I've got them to grow upwards, now I'm just trying to get them to grow down my back now (thats a challenge).

    I'm a bit over 5'9

  21. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    update - my weight is back up to 210 pounds. The Tren and high dose Test are in full effect (combining tren e, tren ace, and tren suspension definitely gets things going quick). Insulin is 30-40iu per day. I dropped the Dbol though after only a couple days , as it was not settling well in my stomach. I had ran out of my normal source of Dbol which never gives me problems, and I ran this new source that had sent me some 50mg pills to try out but I just don't like them.

    I've been pounding the carbs. things are getting a little 'dirty' just to get some calories in. however I've never bulked past the point of not having at least somewhat visible abs.. we'll see how things look after adding another 5-8 pounds. I'm going to maintain cardio sessions 3 days per week, I just don't want to lose my fitness level too much especially being on this much tren
    Is your slin fast acting or R? I think that I may graduate to fast acting.

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  22. #222
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Is your slin fast acting or R? I think that I may graduate to fast acting.
    yeah I'm using R . I still plan on running Lantus combined with Humalog at some point here soon. the way my meal timing is the R works out really well for me with the secondary peak that comes in around the 2 hour mark, as I'm using Slin through the day and not just for workouts

    IF your mainly using insulin around your workout , then fast acting may be a good option for you. a bit more rapid loading
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 12-19-2018 at 08:29 PM.

  23. #223
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    Not to gum up your blog, but am I to understand that in most states one can just walk up to the walmart pharmacy n ask for Novalog-R?

  24. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Duffer View Post
    Not to gum up your blog, but am I to understand that in most states one can just walk up to the walmart pharmacy n ask for Novalog-R?

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  25. #225
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yeah I'm using R . I still plan on running Lantus combined with Humalog at some point here soon. the way my meal timing is the R works out really well for me with the secondary peak that comes in around the 2 hour mark, as I'm using Slin through the day and not just for workouts

    IF your mainly using insulin around your workout , then fast acting may be a good option for you. I bit more rapid loading
    Can you give me the secret with R of being able to get in 40? I may try that. I like the R and am very used to the peaks,

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  26. #226
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    heres a couple pics I've posted in this thread already .. I'll be updating these and doing some all new pics at the end of this current cycling phase.
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	175221
    Looking awesome!!!

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  27. #227
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Can you give me the secret with R of being able to get in 40? I may try that. I like the R and am very used to the peaks,
    sure . well for one, don't even attempt it if your in any sort of re-comping or dieting phase and your carbohydrates are time restricted at all.
    the key is to be able to eat at least 40g of carbs every couple of hours. By feeding yourself a steady supply of carbs all day you don't really have a lot of peaks and valleys.
    also, by running higher dosages of slin throughout the day it increases your appetite quite a bit. so really every hour or so I'm craving some carbs.

    I did go hypo once with this strategy. and that was during a workout. the problem was I was still taking the exact same amount of intra workout nutrition that I always take. I forget that even though my pre workout insulin dosage was the same as I've done for years, that I had injected insulin a couple other times already earlier that day. so now I simply run double the amount of carbs in my intra workout drink.

  28. #228
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    sure . well for one, don't even attempt it if your in any sort of re-comping or dieting phase and your carbohydrates are time restricted at all.
    the key is to be able to eat at least 40g of carbs every couple of hours. By feeding yourself a steady supply of carbs all day you don't really have a lot of peaks and valleys.
    also, by running higher dosages of slin throughout the day it increases your appetite quite a bit. so really every hour or so I'm craving some carbs.

    I did go hypo once with this strategy. and that was during a workout. the problem was I was still taking the exact same amount of intra workout nutrition that I always take. I forget that even though my pre workout insulin dosage was the same as I've done for years, that I had injected insulin a couple other times already earlier that day. so now I simply run double the amount of carbs in my intra workout drink.
    Thanks!!! I guess I’ll wait until after my competition.
    When is your comp??

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  29. #229
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Thanks!!! I guess I’ll wait until after my competition.
    When is your comp??
    you could implement the strategy on your re-feed days now

    comp in may, June, and then October . haven't committed yet. depending on my progress I may end up shooting for October (as I'm still trying to put on the size). had a client doing June and had originally thought about doing that with him, but he has kinda fallen off the bandwagon (he just had a kid)

  30. #230
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    you could implement the strategy on your re-feed days now

    comp in may, June, and then October . haven't committed yet. depending on my progress I may end up shooting for October (as I'm still trying to put on the size). had a client doing June and had originally thought about doing that with him, but he has kinda fallen off the bandwagon (he just had a kid)
    I found that if I wait for my progress, I will never compete because I am never satisfied. LOL

    How much do you take and how often with the R?
    I may try it on leg day..... my weak point.

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  31. #231
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I found that if I wait for my progress, I will never compete because I am never satisfied. LOL

    How much do you take and how often with the R?
    I may try it on leg day..... my weak point.
    yeah I hear ya. by nature we are probably always going to feel we could always be bigger.

    I'll take 5-10iu of slin first thing in the morning with meal 1 . another 10iu late morning with meal 2 or 3. 10iu pre workout. and 15iu post workout.

    if you do try it on leg day, then its probably a good thing you train in the morning. cause running slin thoughout the day can cause some lethargy.
    thats what I'm struggling with now with my evening workouts

  32. #232
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    Thanks man!!!
    You have a kick ass memory!!!

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  33. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	175221
    Crazy taper! What’s your waist?

  34. #234
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    Quote Originally Posted by balance View Post
    Crazy taper! What’s your waist?
    its 29" when dieting.. thats one benefit of having a small bone structure. of course it takes a lot more muscle to fill your structure out though (thats why getting to 220+ at my height and frame will be a bit of a challenge)

  35. #235
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yeah I hear ya. by nature we are probably always going to feel we could always be bigger.

    I'll take 5-10iu of slin first thing in the morning with meal 1 . another 10iu late morning with meal 2 or 3. 10iu pre workout. and 15iu post workout.

    if you do try it on leg day, then its probably a good thing you train in the morning. cause running slin thoughout the day can cause some lethargy.
    thats what I'm struggling with now with my evening workouts
    How would someone new to insulin figure out how much they need to take? (Other then walking up post-collapse and saying, "well shit, that was to much"). For example, do you eat a bunch of carbs, take a hit of slin, and use a glucometer?

    In other words, how to you start safely?

    (I'm sorry of you've answered this somewhere already, if you have i can go search it out).

    I truly appreciate the knowledge you drop around this place.


  36. #236
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie67 View Post
    How would someone new to insulin figure out how much they need to take? (Other then walking up post-collapse and saying, "well shit, that was to much"). For example, do you eat a bunch of carbs, take a hit of slin, and use a glucometer?

    In other words, how to you start safely?

    (I'm sorry of you've answered this somewhere already, if you have i can go search it out).

    I truly appreciate the knowledge you drop around this place.

    I am currently at mcdonalds soaked in sweat. I just had 10iu kick my ass.

    When you go hypo you will know it.
    You keep fast acting carbs on hand always and map your blood at least until you know how you react.
    Start low and go slow.

  37. #237
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    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I am currently at mcdonalds soaked in sweat. I just had 10iu kick my ass.

    When you go hypo you will know it.
    You keep fast acting carbs on hand always and map your blood at least until you know how you react.
    Start low and go slow.
    Lol, glad you're okay! That's exactly what I'd like to avoid. Especially the being at McDonald's part... But those damn double quarter pounders

  38. #238
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yeah I'm using R . I still plan on running Lantus combined with Humalog at some point here soon. the way my meal timing is the R works out really well for me with the secondary peak that comes in around the 2 hour mark, as I'm using Slin through the day and not just for workouts

    IF your mainly using insulin around your workout , then fast acting may be a good option for you. a bit more rapid loading
    I actually used Lantus at like 15iu a day a couple years ago. I wasn’t working out and I didn’t know what I was doing but I wanted to see what would happen. I went from 145 to 157 in like 5 weeks. Definitely gained some fat but not bad. It was pretty awesome to gain like that without doing much else except for eating and working construction!

    Have you used Lantus before?

  39. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie67 View Post
    How would someone new to insulin figure out how much they need to take? (Other then walking up post-collapse and saying, "well shit, that was to much"). For example, do you eat a bunch of carbs, take a hit of slin, and use a glucometer?

    In other words, how to you start safely?

    (I'm sorry of you've answered this somewhere already, if you have i can go search it out).

    I truly appreciate the knowledge you drop around this place.


    Isn’t the rule of thumb somewhere around 10g carbs per unit of insulin?

  40. #240
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    hey Charlie. well theres quite a few ways to implement different insulin protocols , but thats dependent on your goal and reasons for using insulin.

    but no matter the protocol your going to want to get a blood glucose meter (don't even think about insulin use without one). you'll then want to start monitoring your morning fasted blood sugar levels and your post perineal blood sugar levels.
    if your fasted blood sugar levels are say 75 before using insulin, and then say 6 weeks after using insulin all that time they are then averaging 105 then you know you've become a bit insulin resistant and its time for a break.
    monitoring your post perineal blood sugars is going to tell you how well you process a carb meal. so take this reading about 1.5 hours after eating a carb meal consting of at least 40g of carbs. you should be 130 or under. if your over 130 then you have either some insulin resistance issues, or your not naturally producing enough insulin.

    ^ these are some basic things you want to know before using insulin.

    now once you start using insulin (I'm going to keep this as short as possible) , you can simply start by using 10g of carbs per IU of insulin you use (again this may vary depending on your protocol and insulin type). so take 10iu of Insulin and then consume 100g of carbs. then take your post perineal blood sugar reading. IF your way over 130 then you took in too many carbs for the amount of insulin , if your under 70 and going hypo then you didn't take enough carbs . so just keep doing this and adjust the carbs and dosage as necessary .
    keep in mind your body changes over time. sometimes you may dial it in where you know you need 4g of carbs per IU of insulin ,, yet a few months later your sensitivity has changed (through diet and lifestyle modifications) and now you need 8g of carbs.

    ^ that is all VERY VERY basic. quite a bit more to it then that , but just to give you a rough idea

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