I will be taking 1g of Eq per week as the base of my stack. Since Eq only comes in a long ester, it will take a few days of taking big shots of Eq on its own to raise my blood serum level to the point where I can then just take maintenance doses of Eq.
Next I will do the same with Deca, and I will be taking 600mg of Deca per week.
After I have taken all my loading doses of Eq and Deca, I will then get a large empty sterile 30ml vial and mix them in it. I will use a mechanical shaker to get even distribution throughout the oils. This way I will then be able to draw both steroids up at once into one syringe.
I will take a minimum amount of Testosterone per week just for normal bodily function (only about 100mg per week), and I will mix this into my 30ml vial as well.
I will take 80mg of Anavar by mouth daily.
If I can get Cabergoline, I will take it twice a week to counteract the anti-libido effects of Deca.
Not sure if I would need an AI like Aromasin or Amiridex. I probably will because of the 600mg/wk of Deca converting to a small amount of estrogen.
The aim of this cycle is to put on muscle and to be kind to my joints, while also maintaining my cardio endurance as I participate in a 5k parkrun every Saturday morning.
Normally I have Tren in every cycle but not this time because I want to maintain cardio and also because it's just harsh in general (e.g. lack of sleep, blood lipids).
I won't kickstart with dbol or a adrol because I don't want to go hard on my liver.
I will run this cycle for 12-16 weeks and then do a 4wk PCT of Clomid & Nova.
Any thoughts on this cycle?