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Thread: Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

  1. #361
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    UPDATE -
    when it rains it pours.. so I got over that nasty nasty stomach flu. diet has been a joke trying to bounce back from that (lets just say pounding tons of clean food isn't happening). that really drained me. THEN I have a freak accident at home and busted the hell out of my shoulder (the one thats been giving me fits with rotator issues and keeping me from bench pressing heavy the last year).. I've barely been able to dress myself in the morning let alone train.
    not the best start to a 'cruise phase' by any means at all . so I've been out of the gym for the longest I've been in quite awhile not training (of course I own the damn gym and work there and train clients, so yes I'm still there lol . I just haven't trained myself). I guess I'm going to have to focus on growing these legs right now with this damn shoulder issue.

    its always something guys. thats life. you can't ever catch a break . just gotta find a way to work around all the bullshit that life throws at you
    Sorry to hear about this. I can definitely relate to "it's always something and when it rains it pours". My sister passed away this past year and even without that it's been a seemingly never ending problems type of year.

  2. #362
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    also because of my freak shoulder injury . my emergency protocol (from left over stock).. per day .. 5iu of HGH, 500mcg TB-500, 200mcg Hexarelin. unfortunately no BPC on hand
    I assume this is for healing injuries right?

    What’s tb-500?

  3. #363
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    I assume this is for healing injuries right?

    What’s tb-500?
    yes thats it . otherwise I would't be running them at this point (well the hgh stuff gets cycled in and out all the time)

    tb500 is a naturally occurring protein based peptide that promotes healing. Thymosin beta-4 is its technical/medical name.. by natural occurring I mean the body produces it on its own (just like HGH) to help the healing process

  4. #364
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    I assume this is for healing injuries right?

    What’s tb-500?

    Here's a couple interesting write up's on them:
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  5. #365
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Thanks that’s very interesting stuff.

  6. #366
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    So they’re both totally legal too right? I was reading those articles and they sound pretty amazing. Especially tb 500

  7. #367
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    So they’re both totally legal too right? I was reading those articles and they sound pretty amazing. Especially tb 500

    Yes, legit. You can find supporting studies on PubMed for both substances.
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  8. #368
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    OPINIONS wanted--

    ok guys I'm a little laid up with this nagging shoulder. but I'm still going to work around it. so want your opinions. do I focus on cutting and attempting to get super shredded , or do I focus on massing and just trying to get as much size as I can right now ?

    I haven't really cut in forever it seems like. I know if I was a lot leaner I'd have a lot more details, especially in my back. but I'm not near big as I'd like to be either.

    heres some pics .

    if I was about 5% leaner here my back would be a lot more detailed
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fullsizeoutput_3af.jpeg 
Views:	193 
Size:	353.7 KB 
ID:	175547
    however I still want to get a lot wider, thicker, and fuller

    abs and chest need some work. but would still be more pronounced if I was leaner. however, I still need MORE size damnit
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fullsizeoutput_38d.jpeg 
Views:	149 
Size:	355.9 KB 
ID:	175548

    this is "cold" without a pump (which really gives the best idea of how your holding body fat and water). I'm pretty 'smooth' and soft here.. could easily be a lot leaner. but then again, a lot more size needed too lol
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fullsizeoutput_3b8.jpeg 
Views:	216 
Size:	164.0 KB 
ID:	175549
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 01-19-2019 at 02:54 PM.

  9. #369
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    OPINIONS wanted--

    ok guys I'm a little laid up with this nagging shoulder. but I'm still going to work around it. so want your opinions. do I focus on cutting and attempting to get super shredded , or do I focus on massing and just trying to get as much size as I can right now ?

    I haven't really cut in forever it seems like. I know if I was a lot leaner I'd have a lot more details, especially in my back. but I'm not near big as I'd like to be either.

    heres some pics .

    if I was about 5% leaner here my back would be a lot more detailed
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fullsizeoutput_3af.jpeg 
Views:	193 
Size:	353.7 KB 
ID:	175547
    however I still want to get a lot wider, thicker, and fuller

    abs and chest need some work. but would still be more pronounced if I was leaner. however, I still need MORE size damnit
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fullsizeoutput_38d.jpeg 
Views:	149 
Size:	355.9 KB 
ID:	175548

    this is "cold" without a pump (which really gives the best idea of how your holding body fat and water). I'm pretty 'smooth' and soft here.. could easily be a lot leaner. but then again, a lot more size needed too lol
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fullsizeoutput_3b8.jpeg 
Views:	216 
Size:	164.0 KB 
ID:	175549
    I cant remember what class you are shooting for

  10. #370
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    forIf you want fuller though I would just bulk bulk bulk

  11. #371
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I cant remember what class you are shooting for
    classic physique, under 197 pound class (as with my height I would have to weigh under 197 in order to make weight, which would not be a problem for me at all right now .. just the opposite. I'm 212 when carb loaded. I actually need to be about 220 or so then cut down to the 197 pound class . so I really could use a lot more size).

    however, BIG Picture goal , I have no real desire for ever competing regularly. I was just going to do one classic show just for the challenge of getting contest ready and lean. the main goal is just to get as big jacked and lean of a gym rat as I can be.

    with the last few years having had 4 surgeries, major injuries, being bed ridden for a year, car accidents, legal problems , etc. etc.. just putting back on some muscle right now is an accomplishment (let alone ever getting on a stage).

    I guess I have yet to discover the magic steroid or the secret stack that will get me huge and lean at the same time . ok, I'm off to keep researching for that then I guess. if I find the secret sauce, I'll be sure to let you guys all know about it

  12. #372
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    forIf you want fuller though I would just bulk bulk bulk
    well I need to give your insulin every 2 hour protocol a try if I go for the bulk

  13. #373
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    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    OPINIONS wanted--

    ok guys I'm a little laid up with this nagging shoulder. but I'm still going to work around it. so want your opinions. do I focus on cutting and attempting to get super shredded , or do I focus on massing and just trying to get as much size as I can right now ?

    I haven't really cut in forever it seems like. I know if I was a lot leaner I'd have a lot more details, especially in my back. but I'm not near big as I'd like to be either.

    heres some pics .

    if I was about 5% leaner here my back would be a lot more detailed
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fullsizeoutput_3af.jpeg 
Views:	193 
Size:	353.7 KB 
ID:	175547
    however I still want to get a lot wider, thicker, and fuller

    abs and chest need some work. but would still be more pronounced if I was leaner. however, I still need MORE size damnit
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fullsizeoutput_38d.jpeg 
Views:	149 
Size:	355.9 KB 
ID:	175548

    this is "cold" without a pump (which really gives the best idea of how your holding body fat and water). I'm pretty 'smooth' and soft here.. could easily be a lot leaner. but then again, a lot more size needed too lol
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fullsizeoutput_3b8.jpeg 
Views:	216 
Size:	164.0 KB 
ID:	175549
    Run inject SD w me ! Gains will fucking be had

  14. #374
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    well I need to give your insulin every 2 hour protocol a try if I go for the bulk
    You could probably do it every 3 hours with novolin R or humulin R.
    Honestly have never gone more than two days with it straight. Its damn hard to find the time to constantly eat and shoot 8 times in a day with novolog.

    The third day though i woke up feeling like I could tear muscle fibres from a cold flex

  15. #375
    Join Date
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    the lower carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    UPDATE -
    when it rains it pours.. so I got over that nasty nasty stomach flu. diet has been a joke trying to bounce back from that (lets just say pounding tons of clean food isn't happening). that really drained me. THEN I have a freak accident at home and busted the hell out of my shoulder (the one thats been giving me fits with rotator issues and keeping me from bench pressing heavy the last year).. I've barely been able to dress myself in the morning let alone train.
    not the best start to a 'cruise phase' by any means at all . so I've been out of the gym for the longest I've been in quite awhile not training (of course I own the damn gym and work there and train clients, so yes I'm still there lol . I just haven't trained myself). I guess I'm going to have to focus on growing these legs right now with this damn shoulder issue.

    its always something guys. thats life. you can't ever catch a break . just gotta find a way to work around all the bullshit that life throws at you
    Extremely wicked stomach bug going around here in SC. It ranges from sulfur burps, massive bloating, basically pissing out.your @ss, and moderate nausea, then the cycle begins again, which totally wrecks your beneficial gut bacteria. I had to go through a double round of Cipro (which I am very leery of), and began adding in FF plain Chobani yogurt with blueberries or blackberries 2x/day. Lots of Pedialyte, water, and hamburger and rice followed by a symphony of butt trumpets. It's a good 7-12 day ride of nasty.
    Last edited by almostgone; 01-19-2019 at 03:56 PM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  16. #376
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Extremely wicked stomach bug going around here in SC. It ranges from sulfur burps, massive bloating, basically pissing out.your @ss, and moderate nausea, when the cycle begins again, which totally wrecks your beneficial gut bacteria. I had to go through a double round of Cipro (which I am very leery of), and began adding in FF plain Chobani yogurt with blueberries or blackberries 2x/day. Lots of Pedialyte, water, and hamburger and rice followed by a symphony of butt trumpets. It's a good 7-12 day ride of nasty.
    Damn.... Wish I had read this before I ate at a buffet

  17. #377
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    classic physique, under 197 pound class (as with my height I would have to weigh under 197 in order to make weight, which would not be a problem for me at all right now .. just the opposite. I'm 212 when carb loaded. I actually need to be about 220 or so then cut down to the 197 pound class . so I really could use a lot more size).

    however, BIG Picture goal , I have no real desire for ever competing regularly. I was just going to do one classic show just for the challenge of getting contest ready and lean. the main goal is just to get as big jacked and lean of a gym rat as I can be.

    with the last few years having had 4 surgeries, major injuries, being bed ridden for a year, car accidents, legal problems , etc. etc.. just putting back on some muscle right now is an accomplishment (let alone ever getting on a stage).

    I guess I have yet to discover the magic steroid or the secret stack that will get me huge and lean at the same time . ok, I'm off to keep researching for that then I guess. if I find the secret sauce, I'll be sure to let you guys all know about it

    Personally, with what you have going on now, I would look to the next show instead of the one you have planned now. You want to give it 100%+ and look like that, right?
    Eat, kill the lower body and get the upper body back into working condition and build on that.

    Conservative approach I know, but that's what I would do in this case. Got to keep yourself in one piece for the biz probably work for a real motherf*cker, right? were in better shape, I'd say to tell the world to bend over because here it comes, but as it stands...well, it's your call.
    Last edited by almostgone; 01-19-2019 at 03:54 PM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  18. #378
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Damn.... Wish I had read this before I ate at a buffet
    Anytime I can help know that!!

    Edit: I even tried to eat a piece of stuffed pizza to see what would happen. It is well outside my usual food choice, but I needed something to stick...and it didn't.

    Not to get too descriptive, but the results of that experiment would have fit through a skeleton keyhole at 5 meters without ever touching the sides of the lock.

    It's basically a really brutal stomach bug. I got sent to medical at work because I looked more like hammered shit than normal.
    Last edited by almostgone; 01-19-2019 at 04:09 PM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  19. #379
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Anytime I can help know that!!

    Edit: I even tried to eat a piece of stuffed pizza to see what would happen. It is well outside my usual food choice, but I needed something to stick...and it didn't.

    Not to get too descriptive, but the results of that experiment would have fit through a skeleton keyhole at 5 meters without ever touching the sides of the lock.

    It's basically a really brutal stomach bug. I got sent to medical at work because I looked more like hammered shit than normal.
    Lol! That sucks man

  20. #380
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    OPINIONS wanted--

    ok guys I'm a little laid up with this nagging shoulder. but I'm still going to work around it. so want your opinions. do I focus on cutting and attempting to get super shredded , or do I focus on massing and just trying to get as much size as I can right now ?

    I haven't really cut in forever it seems like. I know if I was a lot leaner I'd have a lot more details, especially in my back. but I'm not near big as I'd like to be either.

    heres some pics .

    if I was about 5% leaner here my back would be a lot more detailed
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fullsizeoutput_3af.jpeg 
Views:	193 
Size:	353.7 KB 
ID:	175547
    however I still want to get a lot wider, thicker, and fuller

    abs and chest need some work. but would still be more pronounced if I was leaner. however, I still need MORE size damnit
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fullsizeoutput_38d.jpeg 
Views:	149 
Size:	355.9 KB 
ID:	175548

    this is "cold" without a pump (which really gives the best idea of how your holding body fat and water). I'm pretty 'smooth' and soft here.. could easily be a lot leaner. but then again, a lot more size needed too lol
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fullsizeoutput_3b8.jpeg 
Views:	216 
Size:	164.0 KB 
ID:	175549
    Go for the mini cut. You will never be as big as you want to be. None of us probably will. So I feel like if we are always just trying to be as big as we want to be before we cut then we will never cut. That’s my 2 cents

  21. #381
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    You could probably do it every 3 hours with novolin R or humulin R.
    Honestly have never gone more than two days with it straight. Its damn hard to find the time to constantly eat and shoot 8 times in a day with novolog.

    The third day though i woke up feeling like I could tear muscle fibres from a cold flex
    You gotta write a post about this it sounds extremely interesting.

  22. #382
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    ok so far I got

    1 vote to bulk
    1 vote to cut
    1 vote to be conservative and 'slow and steady' approach (I'll consider that as a "re-comp")

    so we are tied between bulk, cut, recomp
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 01-19-2019 at 08:42 PM.

  23. #383
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    Quote Originally Posted by fiddlesticks View Post
    You gotta write a post about this it sounds extremely interesting.
    I think as many members as we have running insulin now (when I first joined here I was a rarity on this topic), we should start an "insulin chronicles" thread. where we all share our current protocols and experiences .

    in fact I'll go ahead and start that now

  24. #384
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I think as many members as we have running insulin now (when I first joined here I was a rarity on this topic), we should start an "insulin chronicles" thread. where we all share our current protocols and experiences .

    in fact I'll go ahead and start that now
    Sounds about fucking right!

  25. #385
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    ok so far I got

    1 vote to bulk
    1 vote to cut
    1 vote to be conservative and 'slow and steady' approach (I'll consider that as a "re-comp")

    so we are tied between bulk, cut, recomp
    I say do which ever of the 3 makes you feel better mentally.

  26. #386
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    ok so far I got

    1 vote to bulk
    1 vote to cut
    1 vote to be conservative and 'slow and steady' approach (I'll consider that as a "re-comp")

    so we are tied between bulk, cut, recomp
    Slow and...

    What is that?

  27. #387
    I'm at 28% body fat and I'm gaining weight on purpose but then again I'm an idiot and have never done anything the conventional way lol. When I'm comfortable with my strength I'll worry about cutting the fat later which is probably recommended by no one

  28. #388
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    Quote Originally Posted by KennyJ View Post
    I'm at 28% body fat and I'm gaining weight on purpose but then again I'm an idiot and have never done anything the conventional way lol. When I'm comfortable with my strength I'll worry about cutting the fat later which is probably recommended by no one
    well according to your avi pic, you hold most of your fat in your chest . I wouldn't worry about cutting that out

  29. #389
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    well according to your avi pic, you hold most of your fat in your chest . I wouldn't worry about cutting that out
    Good one. Actually made me laugh out loud.
    I don't know her but I think I love her!

  30. #390
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    well according to your avi pic, you hold most of your fat in your chest . I wouldn't worry about cutting that out
    I’d concur with that. Kenny, don’t want to freak you out, but dude, nice rack.

  31. #391
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    She does have nice knockers

  32. #392
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post

    She does have nice knockers
    She resembles a stripper I used to live with but I can't get girls like that anymore!

  33. #393
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    Not here.
    I myself like chicks with calves that extend wider than their hips.

  34. #394
    No one will probably believe it but there's a picture floating around somewhere of me on a bed with 5 naked women and no other men. Many years ago though

  35. #395
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    so we are tied between bulk, cut, recomp
    Who am I?
    How big is this universe?
    Can happiness exist without sadness?
    What is my true identity?
    What's really valuable?
    How can my life be meaningful?
    What came first, the chicken or the egg?
    High carb? Low carb? No carb?
    Should I bulk, cut, or recomp?

    ..... life is one unanswerable question after another.

    ((FWIW, bulk... Because pancakes are F'ing awesome and most times we have to wear a shirt))

  36. #396
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie67 View Post
    Who am I?
    How big is this universe?
    Can happiness exist without sadness?
    What is my true identity?
    What's really valuable?
    How can my life be meaningful?
    What came first, the chicken or the egg?
    High carb? Low carb? No carb?
    Should I bulk, cut, or recomp?

    ..... life is one unanswerable question after another.

    ((FWIW, bulk... Because pancakes are F'ing awesome and most times we have to wear a shirt))
    you forgot , why the hell are we all stuck on a giant ball of dirt spinning around at thousands of miles per hour all while being suspended by nothingness ?

    hmm.. maybe so I can be here and eat pancakes and bulk I suppose

  37. #397
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    you forgot , why the hell are we all stuck on a giant ball of dirt spinning around at thousands of miles per hour all while being suspended by nothingness ?

    hmm.. maybe so I can be here and eat pancakes and bulk I suppose
    Darn it..... I can't believe I forgot that one!

  38. #398
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    you forgot , why the hell are we all stuck on a giant ball of dirt spinning around at thousands of miles per hour all while being suspended by nothingness ?

    hmm.. maybe so I can be here and eat pancakes and bulk I suppose
    Someone said last week our sun is like an old Toyota Tercel, Kinda crappy but lasts forever.

  39. #399
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    Quote Originally Posted by KennyJ View Post
    Someone said last week our sun is like an old Toyota Tercel, Kinda crappy but lasts forever.
    yes , but the real deep question is "does it really last forever"

  40. #400
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    I myself like chicks with calves that extend wider than their hips.
    I am trying to picture 30 inch calves on my gf....

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