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Thread: Tren ace/test prop Gyno

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Tren ace/test prop Gyno

    I’ve run into a bit of a problem, been running tren ace for a little over a month along with test prop and I’m getting gyno.

    Here’s my dosing:

    Tren ace - 75mg/ED
    Test prop - 50mg/ed
    Hcg - 250 iu/ twice a week

    Arimidex - 0.50 mg EOD (was doing E3D but bumped it up after having sensitive nips a couple weeks ago)

    Cabergoline - 0.50 mg EOD (was doing E3D but bumped it up to EOD a couple weeks ago along with the dex)

    Still not seeing any changes with respect to gyno, worried my meds are bunk. They are supposed to be pharma grade, and the source has been Reliable in the past... —Not using Research chem med or UGL meds.

    Planning on getting bloods soon but if anyone has had this issue I’m curious to hear what was your problem/solution.

    Probably going to throw some nolva in to help get rid of this gyno. I have aromasin and letro on the way from another supplier- supposed to be pharma grade as well.

    Another thing to note is that I’ve had gyno in the past. Usually a dose of nolva gets rid of it and adjusting the ai helps as well. But this time it’s different- nips aren’t itchy but rather painful and one is harder. They also stay hard like I’m cold- however it doesn’t look or feel like the gyno I’ve had in the past. It looks fine, whereas before my nip looked puffier- no puffiness this time.

    Last thing to note is that I’ve been fucking like an animal since I’ve been on- sex drive through the roof, multiple times a day everyday. But within the past week I had a little bout of tren dick—- where you want to bust but you gotta try extra hard and you become flacid but still cum. (this is after doin it 3 times already though).


    Gyno from tren at 525mg/wk and test at 350mg/wk, 250iu hcg, .5mg/dex EOD and .5mg/caber EOD and still have gyno. Hard nips/ but not visibly gyno, hard lump on one nip that is rather painful to the touch. Sex Drive is through the roof as well as gains.

    Bloods to come soon.

    Thoughts advice?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    in some people, Tren (as a progestin) has the ability to bind and interact with prolactin receptors (without an actual elevation in prolactin serum levels) , AND this allow estrogenic progression of gyno symptoms . . lots of guys confuse this with prolactin induced gyno , but its not , whats going on is that even very little serum levels of estrogen can inflame pre existing gyno (again its not prolactin gyno, prolactin may not even be elevated). so you HAVE TO USE A SERM , anytime you run your 19 nors (not everyone has to do this, but you should, your prone)

    some guys say that SERMs,, like Nolva don't work Weill with 19 nor or "prolactin gyno" , but its likely not elevated prolactin you have at all. its just the estrogen still is that much more effective at binding to breast tissue, AND Nolva certainly will blunt that effect.

    Also , get on Masteron. the reason its called MASTeron ("mast" means breast) is because it helps blunt both prolactin and estrogen receptors and will surely help blunt progression of gyno.

    you should run Masteron with every cycle you do from now on

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Destination Peaksville
    ^ Not a bad idea regarding the masteron. It's essentially an AI in its own right.

    I can almost guarantee that the symptoms are from estrogen and not prolactin, so running caber is ok and will help with the sexual sides you're having but won't do shit for the gyno.

    I would first and foremost get those breast glands blocked off asap using nolva so the gyno can't get worse and then hit it with letro once it comes in BUT don't overdo the letro as this is a common mistake and people crash their estrogen.

    Take a full dose of 2.5mgs the first day you get it, then the next day take half of that dose, and the next day take half of THAT dose. Gyno will be gone. During those days do not take adex, and continue use after letro but you'll need 1mg e3d or eod IMO.

    Once you get bloods you'll know for sure but 0.5mg adex eod is not enough if you're having symptoms like that.

    I would also stay on nolva at 10-20mg after you run your letro taper.

    Just my advice guys if you disagree that's cool I'm only sharing what has worked for me

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    You had mastecomy done?
    I personally have hard nipples 24/7 when on tren or deca, I have too much scar tissue under them after a mastecomy, dont know if this have anything to do with it, but never had the problem before surgery.
    I try to use soft clotes that dont scratch and irritate them to much and make them sensitve..
    The nipples get fine again after i come of cycle.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Mma67 View Post
    I’ve run into a bit of a problem, been running tren ace for a little over a month along with test prop and I’m getting gyno.

    Here’s my dosing:

    Tren ace - 75mg/ED
    Test prop - 50mg/ed
    Hcg - 250 iu/ twice a week

    Arimidex - 0.50 mg EOD (was doing E3D but bumped it up after having sensitive nips a couple weeks ago)

    Cabergoline - 0.50 mg EOD (was doing E3D but bumped it up to EOD a couple weeks ago along with the dex)

    Still not seeing any changes with respect to gyno, worried my meds are bunk. They are supposed to be pharma grade, and the source has been Reliable in the past... —Not using Research chem med or UGL meds.

    Planning on getting bloods soon but if anyone has had this issue I’m curious to hear what was your problem/solution.

    Probably going to throw some nolva in to help get rid of this gyno. I have aromasin and letro on the way from another supplier- supposed to be pharma grade as well.

    Another thing to note is that I’ve had gyno in the past. Usually a dose of nolva gets rid of it and adjusting the ai helps as well. But this time it’s different- nips aren’t itchy but rather painful and one is harder. They also stay hard like I’m cold- however it doesn’t look or feel like the gyno I’ve had in the past. It looks fine, whereas before my nip looked puffier- no puffiness this time.

    Last thing to note is that I’ve been fucking like an animal since I’ve been on- sex drive through the roof, multiple times a day everyday. But within the past week I had a little bout of tren dick—- where you want to bust but you gotta try extra hard and you become flacid but still cum. (this is after doin it 3 times already though).


    Gyno from tren at 525mg/wk and test at 350mg/wk, 250iu hcg, .5mg/dex EOD and .5mg/caber EOD and still have gyno. Hard nips/ but not visibly gyno, hard lump on one nip that is rather painful to the touch. Sex Drive is through the roof as well as gains.

    Bloods to come soon.

    Thoughts advice?
    Hearing that your meds may be bunk irritates the shit out of me. If they are some guy is out there sending something that they know will not work when a man needs them the most. How do they sleep at night knowing this. Just really irritates me. I hope you get everything lined out. Best of luck to you.

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