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Thread: Bulking cycle advice?(test e/deca/tren/slin?)

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huher View Post
    I mean I haven't even used HGH, I don't want to start with 8 ius. Since (you can laught at me) I wanna be an IFBB pro - you would laugh more if I said Mr.O competitor -, I'd like to climb the ladder with substances and dosages, I mean, if I shoot everything now, how would I get to 270lbs on stage haha
    just so you are aware there are two theories on this

    A - the common one is one you hear all the time. that guys should take a very slow and steady approach with PEDs and build up dosages and compounds over time and "grow into" higher dosages and more advanced cycles

    B - the not so common one (but one actually studied by a very smart guy who was the head chemist at a pharmaceutical company for 25 years who spent his life studying the androgen receptor) is that the more quickly you can advance your AAS usage and tolerate higher and higher dosages and multiple compounds, the more your body has to adapt to these high dosages and ultimately build more overall androgen receptors and cells to accommodate the drug usage. thus the bigger you will ultimately be in the end . and at the end you actually end up then having to take less drugs.

    so, with A you take less drugs now and end up having to take more drugs later on. but you know there are plenty of high level guys that have lots of size and they brag about how little AAS they have to use right now. thats because they went the B route.

    both work. but I think if all things were equal, the B route has more overall potential for muscular size.

    but none the less, they are just "theories" and up to the individual to pick his own route

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Negative. Fascinating knowledge emparted here. It's what makes this place work.
    I mean if you don't mind an extremely painful experience putting capsaicin on injection spots is fucking marvelous at speeding absorption.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'm confused by your question at the end.

    the cycle I laid out includes Tren and uses it at certain points of the cycle for very specific purposes. I laid it out in detail.

    were you referring to someone else with this question ? again, as I specifically gave a drug protocol that included tren for mass
    Yes, ksingh93 said he'd save the tren for cutting, it wasn't meant for you sorry.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by ksingh93 View Post
    i agree with you on that .i only adviced 5 iu as insulin cause bloat ,gets you fat , hypoglycemia, unless you know what youre doing or have some experienced guy keeping an eye on you .insulin is totally based on an individual .as op didnt really used much of aas .its the best bet to raise the aas and see how your body respond to those doses keep that 5 iu as a tool to bring up lacking bodyparts (best used with oil) .i would never advice anyone going over 10 to 15 iu of insulin .big ramy and gearhead are the exceptions
    I dispose of glucose and carbs at twice the normal rate naturally. My pancreas is a working son of a bitch and metabolism is like a rocket.

    I eat and immediately my natural insulin fluxes like a tidal wave.
    I started using insulin after a very long AAS cycle and put on 10 lbs off cycle. This is the point where I started to see real mass.

    The really interesting shit happens for me when I can squueze in 80iu of slin in one day.

    10iu every two hours on the dot of novolog (rapid acting)

    If I do this for two consecutive days I look like thanos's penis and the tight full pump is absolutely muscle splitting.

    If I could find the time to do it for one week straight I might possibly explode.
    Insulin is the most anabolic substance on earth when used properly.

    My little ridiculous protocol is a bit batshit but damn effective.

    Also slin as a bridge to me is a no brainer. Comin off blast and not budging off your gains is just awesome.

    Insulin has been highly underrated.
    It is a muscle nectar like no other also in the sense that you will eat or you will die.

    I can eat mcdonalds every day and shoot slin and not get fat.

    I stopped giving much advice a long time ago because I realized just how person dependant everything is.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    just so you are aware there are two theories on this

    A - the common one is one you hear all the time. that guys should take a very slow and steady approach with PEDs and build up dosages and compounds over time and "grow into" higher dosages and more advanced cycles

    B - the not so common one (but one actually studied by a very smart guy who was the head chemist at a pharmaceutical company for 25 years who spent his life studying the androgen receptor) is that the more quickly you can advance your AAS usage and tolerate higher and higher dosages and multiple compounds, the more your body has to adapt to these high dosages and ultimately build more overall androgen receptors and cells to accommodate the drug usage. thus the bigger you will ultimately be in the end . and at the end you actually end up then having to take less drugs.

    so, with A you take less drugs now and end up having to take more drugs later on. but you know there are plenty of high level guys that have lots of size and they brag about how little AAS they have to use right now. thats because they went the B route.

    both work. but I think if all things were equal, the B route has more overall potential for muscular size.

    but none the less, they are just "theories" and up to the individual to pick his own route
    I've read about this, but I thought it's like not two different routes, but one. I imagined this somehow like this; you have more androgen receptors from more AAS, so you can shoot more AAS more effectively, so you'll have more receptors and so on and so forth and it's an infinite round.
    Btw I don't even have money for 8ius of hgh for 20 weeks, that's my main problem, and since I'm only 22.

  6. #46
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    Dec 2017
    Ultimately, I've thought over your opinions, and I will up my test dose, and eliminate nolva in the cycle (because it's not compatible with 19-nors), so it'll be
    1-20 weeks 1050mg sustanone
    1-20 weeks 750mg deca
    10-20 weeks 600mg tritren
    4-7 and 12-15 weeks insulin starting 5iu after wo and up to 10iu
    1 arimidex eod

    Thanks guys! Maybe I'll make a cycle log if you'd like to see the results.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huher View Post
    Ultimately, I've thought over your opinions, and I will up my test dose, and eliminate nolva in the cycle (because it's not compatible with 19-nors), :
    this is a pretty popular idea floating around a lot of boards and online lately. can you explain why you think Nolva is not "compatible" with 19 nors ?

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    I've just read something about the negative sides of nolva and 19-nors in a cycle here.

  9. #49
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    There was some studies suggesting nolva could further worsen progesterone gyno but later I believe it was found to all be inaccurate information.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Test E 1g ew
    EQ 600-900mg ew depending on your preference
    Dianabol 50mg ED

    There's my go-to bulking cycle nowdays.

    Deca and Tren too much sides for me personally, especially Tren.

  11. #51
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    Dec 2017
    I've used EQ once at a dose of 500mgs for 12 weeks and I haven't really felt anything special.

    Btw, I've changed my mind and don't wanna use tren in this bulking cycle, because it didn't do much more than giving me strenght.

    What would you add to a 1050mg sust and 750 deca 20 weeks cycle? Maybe eq in a higher dose like 7-800mg for 14 weeks? A friend of mine suggested using 3-4 ius hgh, especially when the slin comes in but I could afford it only for like a month now..

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huher View Post
    I've used EQ once at a dose of 500mgs for 12 weeks and I haven't really felt anything special.

    Btw, I've changed my mind and don't wanna use tren in this bulking cycle, because it didn't do much more than giving me strenght.

    What would you add to a 1050mg sust and 750 deca 20 weeks cycle? Maybe eq in a higher dose like 7-800mg for 14 weeks? A friend of mine suggested using 3-4 ius hgh, especially when the slin comes in but I could afford it only for like a month now..
    Watch liver enzymes and dont tell anyine I told you or they will go.... "Eeermagerd! Dbol for 14 weeks! Liver rot!"

    Well fuck off I have done it. Enzymes perfect.

    No mass dosing just 40-50 mg a day.

    "Eeerrrmagerd! 50 mg is mass dosing!"
    Last edited by Obs; 02-04-2019 at 02:48 AM.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Good idea, maybe 2x7 weeks of 40mgs dbol with 6 weeks rest in the middle would be awesome.

    Btw pwo slin or pre is better? Or both? I'm thinking of going up to 5ius pre with an intra-wo shake with 10g bcaa, 10 g creatine and 30g sugar, then a pwo shot of 10ius and a shake with 30g protein and 50g carbs (oats), 30 mins later a meal of chicken and rice (60g protein, 100g carbs), 2 hours later the same meal.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huher View Post
    Good idea, maybe 2x7 weeks of 40mgs dbol with 6 weeks rest in the middle would be awesome.

    Btw pwo slin or pre is better? Or both? I'm thinking of going up to 5ius pre with an intra-wo shake with 10g bcaa, 10 g creatine and 30g sugar, then a pwo shot of 10ius and a shake with 30g protein and 50g carbs (oats), 30 mins later a meal of chicken and rice (60g protein, 100g carbs), 2 hours later the same meal.
    Sounds like a great plan. Do both pre and post but be cautious. Might start with 5iu and 5iu.

    Try to get bloods mid cycle to check enzymes.
    Always have plenty of fast acting carbs on hand all around you
    Last edited by Obs; 02-04-2019 at 11:54 AM.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Sounds like a great plan. Do both pre and post but be cautious. Might start with 5iu and 5iu.

    Try to get bloods mid cycle to check enzymes.
    Always have plenty of fast acting carbs on hand all around you
    I'm having my BW done tomorrow, so that I'll have a reference. I've bought some glucose drops, and calculated that 3 pieces contain 5 gramms of sugar so I'll be able to slightly adjust my sugar intake if needed in case of going hypo.

    When should I shoot the slin? Is pre 20 mins before (at home, I live like 6-8 mins from the gym by bicycle so I can get there before it hits) and post 10 mins after wo good? I'll drink nearly half of my intra shake at the beginning and sip on the remaining during the wo, and drink my post shake 5 mins after the jab and go home.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huher View Post
    I'm having my BW done tomorrow, so that I'll have a reference. I've bought some glucose drops, and calculated that 3 pieces contain 5 gramms of sugar so I'll be able to slightly adjust my sugar intake if needed in case of going hypo.

    When should I shoot the slin? Is pre 20 mins before (at home, I live like 6-8 mins from the gym by bicycle so I can get there before it hits) and post 10 mins after wo good? I'll drink nearly half of my intra shake at the beginning and sip on the remaining during the wo, and drink my post shake 5 mins after the jab and go home.
    What kind of insulin is it?

    Btw I only suggested bw midways for liver enzymes. Very cheap

  17. #57
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    Dec 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    What kind of insulin is it?

    Btw I only suggested bw midways for liver enzymes. Very cheap
    It's insuman rapid (I'm not from the US), a fast acting insulin. I know, but I like to have some reference, so if I have some trouble I'll know what values to get back. Yeah they're cheap, like 3 bucks in my country

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huher View Post
    It's insuman rapid (I'm not from the US), a fast acting insulin. I know, but I like to have some reference, so if I have some trouble I'll know what values to get back. Yeah they're cheap, like 3 bucks in my country
    Yes I would do it 30-45 min pre workout to give levels a bit to take effect then. Bear in min this is assuming it has about a six hour active life.
    I never heard of that slin

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Yes I would do it 30-45 min pre workout to give levels a bit to take effect then. Bear in min this is assuming it has about a six hour active life.
    I never heard of that slin
    I have found this:
    "Insuman Rapid is an insulin with rapid onset and short duration of action. Following subcutaneous injection, onset of action is within 30 minutes, the phase of maximum action is between 1 and 4 hours after injection and the duration of action is 7 to 9 hours."
    This means that if I wanna go to bed around 10 pm, my pwo shot must be maximum around 2 pm, am I right? Should I avoid fats for all that 7-9 hours?

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huher View Post
    I have found this:
    "Insuman Rapid is an insulin with rapid onset and short duration of action. Following subcutaneous injection, onset of action is within 30 minutes, the phase of maximum action is between 1 and 4 hours after injection and the duration of action is 7 to 9 hours."
    This means that if I wanna go to bed around 10 pm, my pwo shot must be maximum around 2 pm, am I right? Should I avoid fats for all that 7-9 hours?
    Some fat wont hurt.
    And you seem to have a pretty good idea of what you are doing. I always eat before bed.
    At those dosages I doubt you have any issue. Just take care if you bump it up and always have carbs before bed.

    If you go eating a bunch of fried chicken and greasy food it will most likely just cause fat storage and slow carb conversion to glucose. So moderation is best.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Some fat wont hurt.
    And you seem to have a pretty good idea of what you are doing. I always eat before bed.
    At those dosages I doubt you have any issue. Just take care if you bump it up and always have carbs before bed.

    If you go eating a bunch of fried chicken and greasy food it will most likely just cause fat storage and slow carb conversion to glucose. So moderation is best.
    I'll keep the fat as low as possible. So the cycle is
    1-20 1050mg sust
    1-20 750mg deca
    1-7 40mg metha
    14-20 40mg metha
    4-7 up to 5iu pre 10iu post wo insulin
    15-18 up to 5iu pre 10iu post wo insulin
    1 nolva ed
    1 arimidex eod

    I'm really excited what the results will be. Everybody said with this stack I'll definitely go above 265 lbs. 1.5 weeks and it's gonna start

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huher View Post
    I'll keep the fat as low as possible. So the cycle is
    1-20 1050mg sust
    1-20 750mg deca
    1-7 40mg metha
    14-20 40mg metha
    4-7 up to 5iu pre 10iu post wo insulin
    15-18 up to 5iu pre 10iu post wo insulin
    1 nolva ed
    1 arimidex eod

    I'm really excited what the results will be. Everybody said with this stack I'll definitely go above 265 lbs. 1.5 weeks and it's gonna start
    Good luck

  23. #63
    Join Date
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    OP are you really 20 years old?

  24. #64
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    Nearly, a 21-year-old, who wanna win the super bowl of bodybuilding

  25. #65
    Join Date
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    post a pic up man. 8 cycles under ur belt u should be pretty big boy.

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    post a pic up man. 8 cycles under ur belt u should be pretty big boy.
    I've been competing in powerlifting for two years, so I don't have a pic where I'm flexing, but I post a pic after my last comp in december. I was 235 here.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Click image for larger version. 

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  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    post a pic up man. 8 cycles under ur belt u should be pretty big boy.
    Btw, since I was powerlifting, I was focusing on getting stronger from my cycles (I think I could say that was successful, because I had 2 wrs in a year in two age groups and an absolute first place in open at the age of 20 in an international meet), so sadly I'm not a big boy, but now will be focusing on only quality size.

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huher View Post
    Btw, since I was powerlifting, I was focusing on getting stronger from my cycles (I think I could say that was successful, because I had 2 wrs in a year in two age groups and an absolute first place in open at the age of 20 in an international meet), so sadly I'm not a big boy, but now will be focusing on only quality size.
    I didnt know your age but I remember being here a 21 worried about getting cut down for my age.

    I wish I had never stopped cycling at 23.
    I would have to be a lot less hard on myself if I had kept going. That being said I couldn't see my future and life got in the way. By that I mean a wife and kids and finally a divorce.

    You obviously understand what you are getting into.
    I hope you consider it a marriage though.
    You may be doing it the rest of your life and it will affect your life.

    You will do it regardless, so start focusing on how to seperate your gear and lifting from your duties as a man. I am 32 and I struggle with it. I am not being preachy at you or trying to change your mind. Just start learning balance between what matters in your future vs what matters now.

    I wish you the best of luck and wish I could go back to your age and never let the world pull me away.

    It was a terrible time for me. I barely survived it.

    I want you to achieve your goals and live a happy and fucking full life. Do what makes you happy and I am fairly certain you have found it.

    The only things that can make you unhappy from this point on are things you let into your life that interfere with your goals.

    Be leery of outsiders brother.

    If you ever need someone to ttalk to without judgement or need advice I am here.

    Always mind your bloods and BP.
    You have a bright future in this game.

    I hope I look over at an NPC national event in 8 years and see you standing there next to me.

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I didnt know your age but I remember being here a 21 worried about getting cut down for my age.

    I wish I had never stopped cycling at 23.
    I would have to be a lot less hard on myself if I had kept going. That being said I couldn't see my future and life got in the way. By that I mean a wife and kids and finally a divorce.

    You obviously understand what you are getting into.
    I hope you consider it a marriage though.
    You may be doing it the rest of your life and it will affect your life.

    You will do it regardless, so start focusing on how to seperate your gear and lifting from your duties as a man. I am 32 and I struggle with it. I am not being preachy at you or trying to change your mind. Just start learning balance between what matters in your future vs what matters now.

    I wish you the best of luck and wish I could go back to your age and never let the world pull me away.

    It was a terrible time for me. I barely survived it.

    I want you to achieve your goals and live a happy and fucking full life. Do what makes you happy and I am fairly certain you have found it.

    The only things that can make you unhappy from this point on are things you let into your life that interfere with your goals.

    Be leery of outsiders brother.

    If you ever need someone to ttalk to without judgement or need advice I am here.

    Always mind your bloods and BP.
    You have a bright future in this game.

    I hope I look over at an NPC national event in 8 years and see you standing there next to me.
    Thank your kind words brother, I really appreciate them, and I take your advice. You've helped me a lot, and I'll remember that.

    I've started training at the age of 14, and the day I've touched the weights the first time was the day when I've started meal prepping too, so my diet, my training was on point from the very beginning. I'm obsessed with this sport, I remember reading dozens of books of bodybuilding at the age of 12 lol, when I haven't even been in a gym yet.
    I met my future coach last week, he is one of the best in my country, and he said he'd never seen a guy so fanatic lmao

    I'll definitely have some further questions, so will keep you up to date about my progress. Btw I'm thinking about making a cycle log of this one, cause it's my first touch at slin and someone may be interested about that. Should I write it here or open a new thread somewhere?

    I wish you the best, and really hope that I'll met you in person, even better if on stage.

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huher View Post
    Thank your kind words brother, I really appreciate them, and I take your advice. You've helped me a lot, and I'll remember that.

    I've started training at the age of 14, and the day I've touched the weights the first time was the day when I've started meal prepping too, so my diet, my training was on point from the very beginning. I'm obsessed with this sport, I remember reading dozens of books of bodybuilding at the age of 12 lol, when I haven't even been in a gym yet.
    I met my future coach last week, he is one of the best in my country, and he said he'd never seen a guy so fanatic lmao

    I'll definitely have some further questions, so will keep you up to date about my progress. Btw I'm thinking about making a cycle log of this one, cause it's my first touch at slin and someone may be interested about that. Should I write it here or open a new thread somewhere?

    I wish you the best, and really hope that I'll met you in person, even better if on stage.
    Start a log.
    The lounge has cycle and accountability logs.

    They are the life blood of boards like this and we would all love to see you there.
    I will keep my eye open and look for you.

    Btw, Jason huh is a perfect example of the bodybuilder. We are emotional creatures consumed by our fire and drive.

    Jasons interview whe he won an npc national event and got his pro card was heatbreaking.
    People have no idea the suffering in his body and life that got him there. Fucking man laid bare....

  31. #71
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Thanks, I'll definitely start my log. My cycle starts on 18th February. Btw, I've upped my sust to 1400mg/week.

    I've seen this video many times, but it never gets old!

  32. #72
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    What are your thoughts on a pwo shake (when using slin) of 50g ch from oats, 30g whey isolate, 10g BCAA, 30g whey concentrate&milk protein concentrate blend? Too much protein?

  33. #73
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huher View Post
    What are your thoughts on a pwo shake (when using slin) of 50g ch from oats, 30g whey isolate, 10g BCAA, 30g whey concentrate&milk protein concentrate blend? Too much protein?
    Not in my opinion.

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