Hello guys, i've implemented a bulk cycle of 10 weeks to my girlfriend as following:
1-6 weeks:
- Var 20mg/ED
- T3 50mcg/ED
7-10 weeks:
- Var 20mg/ED
- T3 50mcg/ED
- Tren Ace 15mg/EOD
Now we are at beginning of the 12th week and i just got her drop Tren Ace keeping Var and T3 as the same dosage as above. I administer Tren Ace at low dosage just to give a boost in the last weeks and she tolerated very well it without particular sides ( she has a little bigger clito by now as the previous cycles she did and no further increasing was seen ).
What happened instead, seems to be a cortisol rebound ( i don't think it's progestins/estrogens related ) when we removed Tren even though we kept Var. Now she told me she feels tired, bloated and with a short breathe without strength to get training.
I wonder if this could be, especially in female physiology, a common rebound side effect and if there are a best practices to face it and in what way in female cycling protocols. She will do BW ASAP, anyway and i will check prolactin too obviously.
Any suggestions and thoughts will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.