so I've been on very low Test for a couple months now. like 150-200mg per week. sometimes going 10 or more days before bothering to inject test. I've struggled with back acne issues which pretty much went away the last couple months when on low dose test (despite jumping on a cycle some weeks back).
well about a week ago I decided to bump my Test dosage up to 750mg per week. well what do you know I'm breaking out again. no surprise, I already knew this. just mainly writing this down for you guys to know. low dosage test cycles have less negative sides, like acne, then higher dosage.
but it depends on the context and other compounds your running.
I'm running Primo and that lowers SHBG. which does increase free test (which is why I was running such a low dosage of test as well). BUT even more then raising free test, it frees up DHT even more so (SHBG binds up DHT more then anything else).
so its natural to get some DHT sides from a drug like Primo (its not because its dht derived or that it converts to dht , it doesn't.. its simply because of the shbg effect and displacing more dht). But if you lower or restrict your 'source' of DHT , ie, Testosterone, then after some time these DHT effects will go down and it doesn't matter much if Primo is lowering SHBG and freeing up more DHT, because there is very little source for DHT production to begin with.
so anyhow. I got some DHT sides when first starting the Primo (months ago). which is to be expected being its going to free up more DHT that was bound to SHBG. BUT I drastically lowered the source of DHT, ie, Test, at the same time .. if you all recall, I was running 2000 mg per week of Test just before starting a cruise with primo, and thats when I dropped the Test down to like 150.
so even with the Primo, the DHT sides went away and so did the acne (because my test dose was so low.. which again goes to show that DHT based compounds like Var, Winny, Primo, do NOT necessary display DHT side effects unless the actual source of DHT is there to begin with, and that source is Testosterone ,, as these compounds have no ability in and of themselves to produce DHT).
by me adding in 750mg of Test to this Primo I been running,, I just "fed the beast" sort of speak and gave my body all the DHT it suddenly needed to cause all the crappy DHT side effects .
in this case the Primo and Test together made things worse then Test alone . of course if I would have just ran the Primo and kept my Test very low like I had been, I'd of had no issues at all.
on the reverse of all this. like I said its context dependent.. lets say I was running something like Tren and Primo with NO test and my DHT was too low and my dick wouldn't work. well then adding the Test in at like 500mg would get me that DHT my body needs to function.
its a fine balance one way or the other.
I'll consider this a successfully learned "experiment" in how DHT derived compounds and Testosterone work in regards to DHT based side effects.
I kinda already knew this anyways. I knew that adding test at higher dosages gives me DHT side effects. but I now know in more specific detail how this is even more greatly effected and sensitive when SHBG lowering compounds are also in the mix.
I'll go out on a limb here and say that if you run DHT derived compounds , like Primo, Mast, Var, Winny, etc.. and your afraid that they are going to give you DHT side effects . that this will only be true if you provide your cycle a source of DHT (ie, Testosterone). These compounds by themselves cannot covert to DHT or make DHT. but they can make your source of DHT more potent (by lowering SHBG and freeing up more DHT).
try running these compounds solo with no test and see if you end up with DHT sides.
live and learn..
I'm thinking of dropping Test out completely. then adding in low dose Tren at like 200mg per week is all. another experiment
that 2k of test a week was along with 1k of tren per week and like 600mg mast. but it was just a short term crazy "experiment" . thats what I'm here for
regarding low dose Tren. I've utilized it several times in the past where I'll run like 15mg per day of tren. I've got some clients (some members of this board actually) that you know of who I had do this as well that got pretty good results from that with no Tren sides. we had their base cycle set up and then just added in 10-15mg of tren ace per day. works like a charm and can be ran long term
the practical thing to do is run at least like 100-150mg per week. . but I'm just going to pull it out all together. my biggest worry would be a total drop in estrogen and dht levels. BUT I'm running 20mg of Dbol pre workout. thats not much, but thats going to at least give me a very very minor amount of DHT and of course will give me some Estrogen.
curious to see if that low a dose of Dbol will cover those two needs for me or not
GH, how do you feel mentally and physically when you're just cruising on say 150 of test/week?
hmm I don't know.. maybe I should run an experiment and give that a try
seriously though I don't think I've been on only test and that low since I was bed ridden, crippled, and strung out on pain meds. so I can't really compare how I felt then. heck even after the surgeries and I started recovering and came off the pain meds, I added in Deca and HGH to speed up the healing process.
when I'm "off cycle" and just cruising on say 150mg of test, I still always have some amount of an anabolic in there like primo, eq, deca, at like 300mg. so I don't really know what just 150mg of only test feels like.
I add the anabolic in because test at those dosages is merely an androgen and isn't going to upregulate protein synthesis or nitrogen retention to any real degree (you need much higher dosages to get this), whereas the anabolic will directly simulate these things even at low dose.
diet and training update
so I'm going to experiment with some changes here. I'm going to call it the MEAT AND POTATOES EXPERIMENT . my training is going to be very very basic meat and potatoes stuff, and my diet is going to actually consist of mainly , yep you guessed it , meat and potatoes .
so any of you guys that have seen my training programs I write for clients, or seen me log some of my own workouts know that I'm very high volume, high frequency, focused. and that I use a lot of different exercises and angles. I rotate low rep compounds with high rep isolation work, implement lots of different intensity techniques like rest pause, super set, drop sets, muscle rounds, etc..
well I'm going to drop all that for right now and do a super basic 'meat and potatoes' program. it will be push, pull, legs with added accessory and arm day. each workout is only going to consist of two main exercises and one accessory exercise. thats it (which is totally the opposite of the 2 hour two a day 40 sets and a bunch of different exercises style I been doing).
so for example push day 1 -
exercise 1 - bench press
exercise 2 - overhead press
accessory exercise - lateral raises . then the next push day it will be cable flies
thats it. not much going on here. but here is how I'm going to accumulate some volume and overload.
bench press for example I will do
135 pounds for 6 reps (this is probably an RIR of like 30 being I could probably do like 40 reps with this weight)
175 pounds for 6 reps
185 pounds for 6 reps
205 pounds for 6 reps
225 pounds for 6 reps
245 pounds for 6 reps
265 pounds for 6 reps
rest a good 5 mins
275 pounds 4 reps
295 pounds 2 reps
135 pounds AMRAP
I'll do a similar set up for the overhead seated press. then the side laterals or cable flies will probably be 6 sets of 12.
3 exercises total is all and I'm done.
on pull days it will be similar set up, using the Lat pull down (vertical pull) and a T-bar, seated or bent over row (horizontal pull). with an accessory being shrugs, or face pulls.
leg day will be same set up, using belted squat machine or standard squats, with leg press or hack squat. then the accessory will be leg extensions on leg day 1. and hamstring curls on the next leg day.
again only 2 main exercises and 1 accessory exercise the entire leg day workout.
arm day will be similar. only there will be 2 bicep exercises and 2 tricep exercises. 1 forearm exercise.
I'm not sure how long these workouts will take, but I'm guessing only 50 mins compared to my 1.5-2 hour workouts . one of my goals here is to help my recovery. I really don't feel I've been recovering very well the last couple months
Last edited by GearHeaded; 03-23-2019 at 04:11 PM.
so day 1 of the meat and potato experiment .
push workout was like I laid out above. I only did 3 exercises.
compound - bench press
compound - over head press
isolation - cable flies
took about 50 mins.. Half the time of some of my workouts.
I have to say though with my shoulder issues and rotator, I have not done bench press (in regards to it being a working set exercise) in probably a year or more. and have not done much if any pressing at all (not even dumbbells) since the last tweak 6 weeks ago. So I was way weaker in my bench press then I expected. so this is going to take time and hope shoulder holds up. instead of going up past 245 pounds I just stayed there and stuck with sets and reps of 6.
surprisingly, because of the angle, over head press does not bother the shoulder like flat bench press does.
diet - not much different to report.
but my post workout was different. instead of my normal whey isolate shake, and pop tart or bagel, with insulin. I ate 6oz salmon, 5oz shrimp, and two baked potatoes with insulin
drugs currently -
no test
500 deca
375 primo
300 tren
thats it for AAS right now (other then 20mg Dbol pre workout). pretty light dosages right now, but will be ramping things up soon. I have some 'Iranian' pharma grade Anadrol I'll be starting here soon at 50mg per day. and will rotate some Winny and Var in with that for short phases.
Insulin - 20-40iu per day.. I just started this back up after about a 4 week break.
T3 25mcg per day
T4 will be added in next week at 75mcg
Clen 20-40mcg per day
unfortunately out of HGH .. I've been running MK677 off and on based on blood sugar levels (I took a break from it when I took the break from the insulin)
all in all . nothing too fancy or 'crazy' going on right now. keeping things fairly "meat and potatoes"![]()
quick update. so I just started a new source of Dbols. some blue hearts from a middle eastern country. I'm only 2 days in at 50mg.
my blood pressure has been 120/70 for weeks now.. my last recorded reading which was Sunday morning it was 116/68. well today I''m 160/82. thats a damn fast jump in blood pressure. only thought is that these 10mg blue hearts are potent as fk. geeesh.
Just make sure when benching or shoulder pressing your elbows don't go straight out to the side in line with your shoulders. It's far healthier for the joint if they're angled forward a bit. On shoulders try and make sure the bench is slightly leaning back as well for the same reason.
so for example with Bench pressing.. if I were to put a towel into my arm pit I should have enough elbow tuck to keep the towel there while benching, but if the towel comes out I may be flaring my elbows out too much causing them to be more in line with the shoulders ?
are we thinking about this the same way ?
Update - it's late. I'm tired. but I'm sitting here typing this trying to get this last meal down eating these damn red potatos
other then force feeding myself potatoes , white rice, and large servings of meat,, things have been going well and my energy levels are pretty high these last 4 days
hardest part of all of this is just simply trying to eat on a regular basis. I won't miss an injection (I'll take extras just in case), I won't miss a workout (I'll work out an extra hour just in case) ,, but missing a meal, shit I could skip a whole day of eating no problem. its pathetic how many meals I miss in a week.
respect to guys like Jay cutler that were consistent and ate 7 meals a day for 7 years straight. I can't even make it 7 hours sometimes
yep. the days I don't get my meals in I'm usually drinking coffee from 7am to 4pm. if I stop coffee at like 10am then I'm way more consistent with my meals. when your 'stimed out' you just don't care about food at all. with Clen at low doses I can still maintain a good appetite though.
all I know is that IF I loved food as much as I did coffee, whisky, and sexy Latina women ,, I'd be fking HUGE !
yeah I hear ya . I'm sitting here right now trying to put down a giant 16oz Costco steak and a baked potato, which is usually a treat of a meal, but I just had a cup of egg whites, 4 eggs, and a bowl of cream of rice. and I'm already thinking about the 10oz of ground turkey and 2 cups of rice meal I already prepped thats sitting in the fridge waiting for me in another couple hours pre workout.
I'd rather do fasted cardio then eat all of this![]()
Attachment 176108
Dirty handed sonic double bacon.
Gf is cooking at home...
I grow better off this though.
I think my body converts fat to protein before digestion.
Gonna tryto hit 6k-8k per day of fast food.
Very good looking carhops here anyway
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