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Thread: New cycle after one year.

  1. #1

    New cycle after one year.

    So I have been out of the gym for the past couple years and the gym pic is before. This is now, I was on gear then. Basically here is my cycle I’m planning.
    400mg test
    600mg masteron
    500mg deca
    40mg of dbol per day(with the taper method)
    I remember speaking to gearheaded a year back about cycle
    Advice. I’m not sure if he’s an active member or not anymore, so I figured I’d shoot the question in the forum. I have some Clen and t3 I wanna take with the cycle as well. SO HERES MY QUESTION Yes I know the cycle I plan on running will not only add muscle but fat mass as well. What the likeliness of me turning back into my old picture with this cycle? I’ve already Been conditioning my body with proper food intake. I’ve been thinking I should cut down until lean again like I did when I started last time, but then again I wasn’t 100 percent sure. Which is why I’m on here asking on here, I don’t care what your opinions on anything else are, age, what I should do etc..(not to contradict my next question) what will I look like if I start this cycle tomorrow at the body image listed in the pictures, eating and training like I was(let’s assume for the sake of argument, I’m eating and training correctly).
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by Targetweight; 05-11-2019 at 07:43 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    You’re not going to want to here it, but you are no where near ready for the cycle you have proposed or frankly any cycle at all. A few years out of the gym and you want to jump right into that? Recipe for injury, and a waste of some gear too. You need to start cutting and get some diet and cardio going and then revisit this in 3-6 months. The cycle itself is overkill IMO and the Mast won’t even help with you BF% being so high. Hard to tell what your “before” pic really encompasses as all you can see is your bicep.
    No mention as to your plan for after this cycle and for how long you propose to run it for either.
    As to answer your question about “what you’ll look like if you start this cycle tomorrow”? Probably bloated and potentially a gyno case in the making and an easy pull from an injury being that you’ve been out of the gym a few years. If you’re going to do it, do it right. Not trying to flame, but keeping it real too bro

  3. #3
    I 100 percent appreciate the input. This is the answer I was looking for. Thank you very much

  4. #4
    I’ll start some clean and t3 and hit cardio hard until I’m lean again.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    La Cocina
    Absolutely. I’m only one guy, but if you’re my buddy, that’s the advice I’m giving you. Put some work in over the summer and let the idea of running a badass cycle motivate you to be ready for when the time is right

  6. #6
    Judging by your physique, I don’t think I need to question your logic. I was almost certain I’d blow up and this would be a waste of a cycle, but I figured asking wouldn’t hurt.
    Last edited by Targetweight; 05-11-2019 at 07:56 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    That’s the beauty of this place bro, nice when someone listens
    Others will chime in...ultimately you are your own judge and jury. Go crush it and wishing you all the best in your goals!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Italy, Messina
    Don't cycle with that BF. It's just a suicide, especially with that cycle you proposed. Don't use T3 to loose fat, because without anabolic support, it will burn you lean mass too. Use just CLEN and don't overcome 60mcg/ED, but start gradually with 20mcg/ED increasing dosage every 2 days up to 60mcg and stay there for 3 max weeks. Cardio at morning fast is a great stuff to loose fat. Keep heavy weights and low reps in gym and get a short time training session, to keep low your cortisol level. Of course, program your diet ( deficit )...

    AAS is when your BF is around ~16% and your experience training is enough mature and the AAS cycle your posted is not for beginner.

  9. #9
    Thanks man! So when should t3 be used?

  10. #10
    No I know the cycle I posted isn’t, when I was cycling two years ago, I was on a pretty big cycle.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2012
    If you are going to run T3 a small amount of Test would be a good idea, perhaps 250mg/wk or so as long as T3 is at a resonable level.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Everyone's giving OP conflicting info
    Cycle, don't cycle
    Don't cycle, but use 250 test
    Don't use t3, use t3

    I don't feel like we are being helpful, maybe read the previous replies before responding? I know, I am guilty of doing it myself.

    Body fat is too high -> don't cycle (debatable, but okay)
    Don't use t3 you will lose lean mass -> from those pics, I don't see much lean mass anyways
    Use 250/week test and t3 so you don't lose lean mass -> and go through pct to save what little there is?
    Don't use t3 use clen -> seems to be a personal preference, but okay

    Let's send him in one direction please

    You don't have far to go. Clen makes me feel like shit, and muscle loss is very exaggerated with t3. I would use t3 and cut down to 2% lower body fat percentage I want to end up as, then start my cycle (you're going to be eating at a calorie surplus, you are inevitably going to put on a bit of fat)

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk

  13. #13
    I’m open to all ideas here, although I think I’m going to stick with the, if I do my purposed cycle, it will be a waste. I want to maximize the most benefit I can get from it. So if I have to cut down bf first that’s fine. I’ve never ran t3 or Clen before so I’m conflicted on which to run so Input is greatly appreciated. I’ve heard of the side affects, it’s fine I’m not worried about those. When it comes to pain, or anything else really, I have a high tolerance. The side affects I have read about clean don’t really bother me much or at all really. I was 400 pounds at one point and I naturally got down to 198. I know this can be done naturally, but I don’t want to lol. I want to cut down my bf as quickly as I possibly can to start my cycle and get my body back. Maybe even bigger

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Italy, Messina
    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Everyone's giving OP conflicting info
    Cycle, don't cycle
    Don't cycle, but use 250 test
    Don't use t3, use t3

    I don't feel like we are being helpful, maybe read the previous replies before responding? I know, I am guilty of doing it myself.

    Body fat is too high -> don't cycle (debatable, but okay)
    Don't use t3 you will lose lean mass -> from those pics, I don't see much lean mass anyways
    Use 250/week test and t3 so you don't lose lean mass -> and go through pct to save what little there is?
    Don't use t3 use clen -> seems to be a personal preference, but okay

    Let's send him in one direction please

    You don't have far to go. Clen makes me feel like shit, and muscle loss is very exaggerated with t3. I would use t3 and cut down to 2% lower body fat percentage I want to end up as, then start my cycle (you're going to be eating at a calorie surplus, you are inevitably going to put on a bit of fat)

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    Yes, you have reason: don't use AAS for the moment, neither others drugs. Health care direction is always the best one.
    Last edited by Slacker78; 05-12-2019 at 07:55 AM.

  15. #15
    Is clen classified as a drug?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Everyone's giving OP conflicting info
    Cycle, don't cycle
    Don't cycle, but use 250 test
    Don't use t3, use t3

    I don't feel like we are being helpful, maybe read the previous replies before responding? I know, I am guilty of doing it myself.

    Body fat is too high -> don't cycle (debatable, but okay)
    Don't use t3 you will lose lean mass -> from those pics, I don't see much lean mass anyways
    Use 250/week test and t3 so you don't lose lean mass -> and go through pct to save what little there is?
    Don't use t3 use clen -> seems to be a personal preference, but okay

    Let's send him in one direction please

    You don't have far to go. Clen makes me feel like shit, and muscle loss is very exaggerated with t3. I would use t3 and cut down to 2% lower body fat percentage I want to end up as, then start my cycle (you're going to be eating at a calorie surplus, you are inevitably going to put on a bit of fat)

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    Agreed there’s conflicting info being given, however I’ll stand by my advice. Diet and exercise until he’s in the 12-15% range. No anabolic, no T3 and no clen (makes me feel like shit too). OP, if you’re adamant about running the clen, follow the advice that was given and start small and taper on and off. Fasted cardio, clean diet and weight training. Just by the pics you posted, I’d look into carb cycling and nutrient timing. You were lifting properly before, you’ll benefit from some muscle memory and give yourself the adequate timing to build your base. Get your BF measured and monitor your progress. Give yourself a realistic timeframe and don’t be frustrated if you don’t look like a men’s health cover model after 30 days. Set a goal, make a plan and then revisit a cycle in 3-6 months. When that time happens, I’d stick to 1-2 compounds (less is more sometimes).
    Whatever way you to decide to roll, good luck and stay safe.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    La Cocina
    Quote Originally Posted by Targetweight View Post
    Is clen classified as a drug?

    Yes clen is a’s short for clenbuterol.

  18. #18
    Yes! Honestly I figure a few months of hard training and dieting like I was originally will get me where I need to be to cycle. Which I’m looking more and more forward to.

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